Welcome to the TimeGhost Picturehunt!
We would like to invite you all to help us find the best pictures and archival material for our show. At the moment, we are at our maximum production capacity and finding these pictures takes a lot of work. Therefore, we’d like to ask our dedicated community to help us out.
For some episodes, we’ll publish a list of photo’s we need or want. It’s just a description of a photo based on the script, we don’t know of these photo’s exist or where they can be found. We’d like you to focus on photos that might be harder for us to find – on foreign language websites or national archives. Below this topic you can discuss the questions you encounter while hunting for pictures.
For every picture we use, the TimeGhost Army member who found it gets a point. The first one to find this unique picture will get the point. The points will be included in the leaderboard topic pinned in this category. Or just click here to go there.
Important note - Read before participating:
We can only use pictures that are in the public domain. This needs to be included where you find the picture (for example, Wikimedia commons or most archives will name the license situation). Please post what the photo is about (usually correspondents with our wishlist), the url to where you found the picture and what the licensing situation is.
Happy hunting!