The Pittsburgh Press (September 11, 1944)

By Gracie Allen
LOS ANGELES – Well, you Easterners and Middle Westerners can stop complaining about your heat.
Actual photographs of thermometers here in Los Angeles prove that the official temperature last Friday reached 104, with some spots recording 110 degrees. In fact, it got so hot that many were broken before they could be photographed.
It certainly looked funny to see the Chamber of Commerce running around with their little hammers.
Local Republicans are hoping it will cool off before Dewey gets here on his campaign tour.
If not, the weather and Mr. Dewey will make headlines together. And how would that look – “Dewey in California Seeking Voters – Official Forecast 104.”
The Pittsburgh Press (September 12, 1944)
By Gracie Allen
Los Angeles, California – (Sept. 11)
Don’t forget to mail those Christmas presents to boys overseas between Sept. 15 and Oct. 15.
One woman I know, whose boy is with Gen. Patton, is sending her son a box of pretzels.
She figures by the time he gets the pretzels, he’ll be where there’s plenty of beer.
Sometimes I wonder if this wave of optimism that’s sweeping the country is good or bad.
For example, one California plant has already started reconversion to peacetime industry. They’re making electric irons – 20,000 a week.
It’s true the country’s pants need pressing, but it’s also a perfect time to be caught with them down.
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The Pittsburgh Press (September 13, 1944)

By Gracie Allen
Los Angeles, California –
These presidential election polls certainly are confusing.
First a poll comes out that says Mr. Dewey will absolutely win. Then they bring out a poll that says Mr. Roosevelt will absolutely win.
My goodness, what if we wind up with the Roosevelts and Deweys both in the White House?
On second thought, that’s a very nice picture – the two families sitting around the fireside and chatting.
No, I guess the Deweys don’t exactly care for fireside chats. But it might work out, anyway. The men folks could take turns running the country and the women folks could take turns running the house.
Of course, Mrs. Dewey might get a little upset the first time Mrs. Roosevelt telephoned to say she would be three months late for dinner.
The Pittsburgh Press (September 14, 1944)
By Gracie Allen
Hollywood, California – (Sept. 13)
I knew there was a housing shortage in this country, but I didn’t realize it was so desperate. Here Mr. and Mrs. Winston Churchill come over to visit the Roosevelts and they have to go clear to Canada to find a room!
I understand the Canadian Prime Minister loaned them an old stone house over 200 years old. I can’t imagine keeping a house for 200 years – unless maybe there are still payments due on it. Well, perhaps they have an FHA in Canada, too.
Incidentally, lots of people wonder just how much Mr. Churchill spends on cigars. He is supposed to smoke as many as 15 a day.
Well, my husband, George, smokes cigars too, so using the price of George’s cigars as a basis, I figured it out. You can stop worrying, folks, Mr. Churchill can afford 25 cents a day!
The Pittsburgh Press (September 15, 1944)
By Gracie Allen
Hollywood, California –
It’s amazing how quickly French fashion designers got back into production after the liberation of Paris. I understand it was possible because they kept working underground during the Nazi occupation.
That’s wonderful, but imagine the styles they may bring out after spending four years underground. Instead of sable and mink we may have mole and groundhog. Why, the whole fashion world may turn upside down. Instead of flowers and birds on our hats we may have roots and gophers.
I think we women ought to band together and refuse to wear any such silly hats. Let’s just keep our sensible, conservative last years’ models – with oil derricks, birdcages, waffle irons, etc. I have one built like an aircraft carrier – and when I bend over, a little airplane takes off. And I’m keeping it – none of those silly hats for me.
The Pittsburgh Press (September 18, 1944)
By Gracie Allen
Hollywood, California –
California spinach growers are now rushing their product to vitamin-starved Easterners by plane. Less than 24 hours after it leaves the garden it reached your bridgework, sand and all.
Personally, I haven’t been enthusiastic about spinach since I tried it on my husband. For two weeks I stuffed George with spinach, hoping it would make him strong – like Popeye.
Well, it didn’t make him strong – it just made him pop-eyed.
HOLLYWOOD NOTES: Handsome movie star Fred MacMurray just bought a large apartment building and you ought to see the people clamor for his autograph – on a lease. Girls who live in that apartment building used to make it a point to be at the beauty shop the day the landlord came for the rent… now they go to the beauty shop the day before.
The Pittsburgh Press (September 19, 1944)

By Gracie Allen
Hollywood, California –
Well now I’ve heard everything: Some expert has figured out that President Roosevelt and Governor Dewey are related. No fooling.
He has traced their families back to common ancestors – Richard Lyman of Northampton, Massachusetts, and his wife, Hepzibah Ford Lyman, who came to this country in 1630. This makes Mr. Roosevelt and Mr. Dewey seventh cousins once removed.
My goodness, Mr. Roosevelt doesn’t want Mr. Dewey to come and live in the White House as it is, without making him a relative to boot.
I can just imagine a scene that might take place at the White House.
The phone rings and Eleanor answers it. Then she says: “Oh, Franklin, it’s that Republican cousin of yours from New York. He wants to come and stay four years.” …you take it from there.
Well, anyway, for once it won’t be the wife’s relatives who cause all the trouble.
The Pittsburgh Press (September 20, 1944)
By Gracie Allen
Hollywood, California –
First it was Bing Crosby… Now they’ve got Dinah Shore singing to the Germans in their native tongue to lull them into surrender. It begins to look like the tonsil is mightier than the sword.
And we haven’t even turned Sinatra loose on them yet!
Imagine what might happen if Frankie, like some modern Pied Piper, started to work on those Rhine maidens. I can just see Frau Goering sitting in front of the radio in bobby socks as Der Frankie croons: “Ich bin nicht much to look at – nein schön to see.”
She squeals and says, “Ach, Hermann, stop the shooting! I want to hear Frankie! Ich liebe dot boy!”
To which Hermann replies: “Stop the shooting? But what about Der Fuehrer?”
And she says: “All right – one more shot, but be sure you hit him.”
I don’t know, Gen. Eisenhower, it might be worth a thought.
The Pittsburgh Press (September 21, 1944)

By Gracie Allen
Hollywood, California –
This is National Dog Week and we are asked not to leave a single doghouse unoccupied. Well, I’m doing my share. But I’ll bet my husband will be glad when the week is over and he can come out. But our dog likes it – he’s sleeping on George’s bed.
I have been reading about Hitler’s special submarine in which he plans to escape when Germany surrenders. It is said to be equipped with special heating devices for the cold depths of the sea. Believe me, where Hitler is going he won’t need any heating devices.
Governor Thomas E. Dewey arrives in Los Angeles today on his campaign tour. I’m sure you will be anxious to know what kind of impression he makes on Hollywood’s beautiful glamor girls, so I’ll let you know later how he impresses us.
The Pittsburgh Press (September 22, 1944)

By Gracie Allen
Hollywood, California –
Governor Thomas E. Dewey arrived here in Los Angeles this morning from San Francisco, and today is officially “Dewey Day.” I never thought I’d live to see the Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce admit they were having a “Dewey Day” …but I guess as long as they can show that it moved in from San Francisco it’s okay.
Being a newspaperwoman, I was invited to see Mr. Dewey and being a married woman, I immediately compared him to my husband. I always compared great men to George. Sometimes I wonder if that isn’t what makes them seem so great.
But anyway, I’d say that George Burns and Governor Dewey have a surprising lot in common. Mr. Dewey is brilliant, famous, good-looking, well-built, young, and I understand he has a good singing voice. Well… George sings too.
The Pittsburgh Press (September 25, 1944)

By Gracie Allen
Hollywood, California –
There’s been so much fighting in Hollywood lately that I understand the newspapers are thinking of withdrawing their ace war reporters from Europe and sending them here.
Governor Dewey, who was in town over the weekend, was invited to a Hollywood party, but declined. I guess he figured he could see the same thing at Madison Square Garden done by professionals.
Mr. Dewey was presented at the Los Angeles Coliseum Friday night in a colorful program under the direction of Cecil B. DeMille. I can admit now that I was a little worried until I saw Mr. Dewey walk out fully attired. Mr. DeMille had promised something spectacular – and you know him and his bathtubs.
The Pittsburgh Press (September 26, 1944)
Hollywood, California –
There’s been so much talk about the post-war inventions we’re going to enjoy that I’ve written a little poem about them called, “A Day in Post-War America.” Here it is:
The plastic alarm in its plastic shell
Gently tinkles its plastic bell;
And in plastic rooms we papas and mamas
Leap out of bed in our plastic pajamas.
The television set by the plastic tub,
Shows us what’s going on as we scrub.
A twist of the dial and there big as life
Is young Dr. Malone with John’s other wife.
As usual the husband is late for the mill
So you fix him his juice and vitamin pill,
Get a goodbye kiss as he gulps the emulsion,
Then he leaves for the office by jet propulsion.
And then while we simply relax ecstatically
Gadgets do all of our work automatically.
Yes, there’ll be great inventions and we’d like to try ‘em
If some gent will invent the money to buy ‘em.
The Pittsburgh Press (September 27, 1944)
Hollywood, California –
I see where Hitler has decreed no more sweets and practically no beer for the German people. This will make figures like Goering’s very rare.
I guess Hitler heard the same thing we’ve been hearing – that Germany is going to “pot.”
Apparently, the Nazis still look to Hitler to save them, but it seems to me he’s the wrong man to help them now. After what our fliers have done to Berlin they need a bricklayer – not a paperhanger.
Incidentally, I’ll bet it makes the Germans very unhappy to hear that Marlene Dietrich, who was born in Germany, is now in Europe entertaining the Allied soldiers. She’d certainly be out on a limb if the Germans caught her. But I can’t imagine a prettier limb to be out on than Marlene’s.
The Pittsburgh Press (September 28, 1944)
Hollywood, California –
The World Series situation has the men in our neighborhood all excited, but it has me all confused. George refuses to discuss it with me – he says I don’t understand baseball. Would his face be red if he knew my brother used to be a quarterback!
But anyway, there must be millions of you wives in the same fix, so I’ve figured this thing out by reading the newspapers and I’ll explain it to you.
It seems that the Browns of St. Louis – and there must be thousands of them in a city of that size – have a baseball team, and they are practically tied with the Detroit team for the lead. And the newspaper headline says: “The Winning Team Will Play Cards.” Well, that doesn’t make sense at all. You’d think the losing team would play cards and the winning team would play baseball.
That’s all I’ve figured out up to now, but I’ll have more information about it later.
The Pittsburgh Press (September 29, 1944)
By Gracie Allen
Hollywood, California –
Well, it seems I got a little mixed up yesterday in explaining the World Series baseball race. In the first place, the St. Louis Browns are not really named Brown at all; they have all sorts of names.
Some of the names they are called when they win in Detroit cannot be printed. In the second place, when they refer to the winning American League team “playing the Cards” they don’t mean gin rummy or poker.
The Cards are another baseball team, called the Cardinals. Where they get those names, I’ll never know.
There’s even a bunch in Brooklyn called the Dodgers. They must have a very lax Draft Board there.
Anyway, you can’t blame me for getting mixed up when full-grown baseball players go around calling themselves names like Cardinals, Dodgers, Giants and Tigers. I prefer professional football. Those teams have names like Cardinals, Dodgers, Giants – well, let it go.
The Pittsburgh Press (October 2, 1944)

By Gracie Allen
Hollywood, California –
I’d like to have been at the White House the other day when Frank Sinatra had tea with President Roosevelt. They say Frankie really was proud.
Well, it isn’t everyone who can have tea with the President, and you can’t blame Frankie for wanting to throw out his chest. I’ll bet he never missed having one as much as he did that day.
I understand “The Voice” told the President how he makes the girls swoon. Of course, Mr. Roosevelt has a pretty exciting voice himself. At least the Republicans seem to get awfully excited when they hear his speeches.
The Pittsburgh Press (October 3, 1944)
By Gracie Allen
Hollywood, California –
This isn’t a movie column, but I’ve gotten so many letters asking for inside information about the movie and radio stars that I’ll answer a few today.
To D. Q. of Miami, Florida: No, that’s just radio talk. In real life Eddie Cantor doesn’t try to get his daughters married. But if you’re interested, wire Eddie collect and he’ll charter a plane and bring them to Miami.
To the Marines who asked, “Is Betty Grable’s figure on the level?” The answer is “no.” …It’s anything but level. And not only is Betty beautiful but she’s a wonderful cook. You ought to hear the soldiers whistle when she walks in with a tray of sandwiches.
To Mrs. R. J. of Chicago: Yes, Jack Benny has a full head of hair. I had occasion to study it closely for quite some time. Jack left it in his dressing room.
The Pittsburgh Press (October 4, 1944)
By Gracie Allen
Hollywood, California –
It’s wonderful how the World Series baseball games are being broadcast to our fighting men everywhere – on South Sea Islands, in Alaska, on ships at sea. Even in tanks and planes they’re listening – and loving it.
And the Germans no doubt are listening too, but I’ll bet they’re pretty confused. I can imagine a scene something like this:
GERMAN SPY: Herr General, our fifth column has captured half of Amerika. The Amerikan radio announcer admits that the Yanks of New York were defeated, Detroit was blasted, and now a great battle rages in St. Louis. And, Herr General, they did it all with baseball bats!
GERMAN GENERAL: We’ve been using the wrong weapons. Tell our soldiers to throw away their guns. For now on it’s bats to fight the Amerikans.
GERMAN SPY: Ya, that’s what I say – it’s crazy.
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The Pittsburgh Press (October 5, 1944)
By Gracie Allen
Hollywood, California –
I feel so sorry for the people standing in line to buy cigarettes. I guess I’m pretty lucky that I don’t smoke. All I have to do is stand in line for George’s cigarettes.
Anyway, we shouldn’t complain. It’s only right that our men in uniform get cigarettes first. They’re under a terrific nervous strain. When a soldier is thinking of his loved ones he naturally smokes a lot. I’ll bet Mickey Rooney has gone through a couple of cartons this week.
P.S. Here’s a red-hot tip on the World Series. I found out who’s going to win. Personally, I don’t believe in gambling, but those of you who are so inclined can clean up on this tip. Here it is: Bet everything you’ve got on St. Louis.
The Pittsburgh Press (October 6, 1944)

By Gracie Allen
Hollywood, California –
Well, that tip I gave you on the World Series was right. St. Louis is winning every game.
Now I’ve decided to figure out other winners for you. So far, I’m not doing so well. I went out and took a poll on a street corner yesterday morning. Ten people wanted Roosevelt, 10 wanted Dewey and 52 wanted butter.
Lots of people have written in asking me what man I’m going to support in November. Well, it’ll be the same man I’ve always supported – the man I’m married to, George Burns.
Of course, I don’t really support George. He works hard and brings him more bacon than I do. we have a lady butcher and it’s easier for him to get it.