Election 1944: Interval news

Republican chief assails ‘good soldier’ Roosevelt

Brownell says President is using vital as Commander-in-Chief to retain office

Voting in six states –
CIO-backed Tobin leads in Massachusetts primary

Senator Tobey leads in New Hampshire race; Thomas unopposed in Utah election
By the United Press

Guffey: 4th term certain

Senator noncommittal on Vice Presidency
By Robert Taylor, Press Washington correspondent

Editorial: Candidate Roosevelt

Edson: Personal stuff has no place in this campaign

By Peter Edson

Stokes: Sacrosanctity

By Thomas L. Stokes

Völkischer Beobachter (July 13, 1944)

Roosevelt stellt sich zur Wiederwahl

Stockholm, 12. Juli –
Wie Reuters aus Washington meldet, gab Roosevelt in einem Brief an den Vorsitzenden er demokratischen Partei, wie zu erwarten war, seine Absicht bekannt, sich zur Wiederwahl als Präsident aufstellen zu lassen.

The Pittsburgh Press (July 13, 1944)

President to get steel case few weeks before election

Faces problem of trying to appease 4th-term advocates, holding wage line
By Fred W. Perkins, Pittsburgh Press staff writer

Trend to GOP noted in vote of six states

Republicans strong in Utah balloting
By the United Press

Editorial: Congressional primaries

Background of news –
What will Willkie do?

By Bertram Benedict

Stokes: This man Wallace

By Thomas L. Stokes

The Pittsburgh Press (July 14, 1944)

Roosevelt asked to forgive Lindy

Edson: FDR’s letter gives opposition a target

By Peter Edson

Background of news –
Second place wide open

By Jay G. Hayden

Hillman ready to take same criticisms as regular politicians

Labor leaders backing fourth term say they’re prepared ‘for the bricks to fly’
By Fred W. Perkins, Pittsburgh Press staff writer

Wallace still only choice of CIO leaders

Hillman, Murray refuse a ‘trade’

Stokes: Vice President could move up, so Corcoran wants to pick one

By Thomas L. Stokes, Scripps-Howard staff writer

The Pittsburgh Press (July 15, 1944)

Many union demands expected –
Backpay decisions due shortly before election

Roosevelt will get retroactive wage cases as well as pay increase appeals
By Fred W. Perkins, Pittsburgh Press staff writer

Dewey to decide on Midwest tour