America at war! (1941–) – Part 3

Five Japs die on Saipan for every Yank killed

1,000 of enemy captured for greatest bag of prisoners in any Pacific campaign
By William F. Tyree, United Press staff writer

Secret paper reveals Nazi need for men

Manpower shortage termed serious

Starving Japs open attack seeking to escape trap

45,000 face death in New Guinea
By Don Caswell, United Press staff writer

Editorial: German peace feelers

Editorial: ‘The country is ailing’

Editorial: Congressional primaries

Editorial: To the shooting front

Edson: Home front thinks the war is nearly over

By Peter Edson

Ferguson: Imitation men

By Mrs. Walter Ferguson

Background of news –
What will Willkie do?

By Bertram Benedict

Navy silent about veteran inquiry

Receiver named for Ringling Bros.

War Secretary hits plans for reconversion

Requirements lag 8%, Patterson reveals

Millett: On duty

Women do share on home front
By Ruth Millett

Betty Compton, actress, dies

Stokes: This man Wallace

By Thomas L. Stokes

Maj. de Seversky: Inventiveness

By Maj. Alexander P. de Seversky

Australian girls fall for Marines’ tactics

War bride visits husband’s family in Ambridge while he fights in Pacific

Monetary fund may be set up without Russia

Misunderstanding on gold quota hinted
By Elmer C. Walzer, United Press staff wrtier

Historic proclamation –
Baseball may be changed from day to night sport

Yankees battle Red Sox in bid for 2nd place

Redskins to meet March Field Aug. 25

Compromise with Fascists by Allies in Italy alleged

Some in Rome want long occupation of nation to prevent internal strife
By Edward P. Morgan