Völkischer Beobachter (February 28, 1945)
Schwere US-Verluste auf Iwojima
Stockholm, 27. Februar – Admiral Nimitz, Oberbefehlshaber der amerikanischen Pazifikflotte, gab in einem Bericht zu, dass die US-Verluste auf der Insel Iwojima bis zum vorigen Mittwoch schon mehr als 5.300 Mann betrügen.
In einer zusammenfassenden Darstellung der Kriegslage im Pazifikraum stellt UP nach einer Neuyorker Meldung fest, dass noch niemals seit 150 Jahren die Marinestreitkräfte der Vereinigten Staaten derartig, große Verluste erlitten hätten, wie in den ersten drei Tagen der amerikanischen Invasion auf Iwojima. Die Härte der Kämpfe werde dadurch gekennzeichnet, dass von der 20.000 Mann starken japanischen Garnison in Iwojima bisher nur ein einziger Japaner in amerikanische Kriegsgefangenschaft geraten sei. Die amerikanische Flotte, Luftwaffe und Armee seien hier auf ihre vielleicht stärkste Probe gestellt.
U.S. Navy Department (February 28, 1945)
CINCPOA Communiqué No. 282
During the night of February 26‑27 (East Longitude Date), several small-scale enemy attempts to infiltrate through our lines on Iwo Island were repulsed. In one sector a movement of tanks and troops was broken up by our artillery fire. A mortar support unit destroyed two enemy ammunition dumps during the night and gunfire from cruisers and destroyers offshore continued to harass the enemy.
Marines launched an attack on the morning of February 27 after preparation by Marine artillery, naval gunfire and carrier aircraft bombing. By nightfall limited advances had been made by the 3rd Marine Division in the center and the 4th Marine Division on the right flank. Enemy artillery and mortar fire was heavy throughout the day, some of it falling on our rear areas and on the beaches.
Carrier aircraft and naval guns continued to support the ground troops.
Seventh Army Air Force Liberators of the Strategic Air Force, Pacific Ocean Areas, bombed enemy positions on Iwo Island during the afternoon.
Improved beach conditions continued to facilitate unloading of supplies.
The extent of the enemy’s defense preparations on Iwo Island is indicated by the total of 800 pillboxes of various types which have been scouted in the Third Marine Division zone of action.
On February 25, 7th AAF Liberators, operating under StrAirPoa, bombed the airfield on Chichi Jima in the Bonins.
Fighters and torpedo planes of the 4th Marine Aircraft Wing destroyed a bridge and other installations on Babelthuap in the Palaus and destroyed warehouses on Yap in the western Carolines on February 27.
CINCPOA Communiqué No. 283
The Marines on Iwo Island made an advance of several hundred yards in most sectors of the lines on February 28 (East Longitude Date). Driving through the center of the enemy’s main line of resistance, the 3rd Marine Division moved beyond the village of Motoyama on the island plateau. The 5th Division on the west, led by tanks and the 4th Division on the east, pushed forward several hundred yards against stiff opposition. The attack was supported by naval gunfire, Marine artillery and carrier aircraft. Some mortar fire fell on our northern beaches during the day but facilities for unloading continued to develop.
The attack was made after a night of light activity. The enemy attempted infiltration with small groups which were driven off and our mortar support units and fleet surface units maintained harassing fire and illumination fire throughout the night.
At 1800 on February 26, 4,784 enemy dead had been counted and 10 prisoners of war taken.
On February 27, carrier aircraft attacked the seaplane base on Chichi Jima in the Bonins causing an explosion.
Fighters and torpedo planes of the 4th Marine Aircraft Wing made bombing and rocket attacks on enemy-held bases in the Palaus on February 27 and 28. Several fires were started, one bridge was destroyed, and a bridge and pier were damaged.