America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

Ferguson: Dr. Adler

By Mrs. Walter Ferguson

Background of news –
Post-war plans

By Burt P. Garnett

Millett: ‘Expert’ in home allows branching of interests

Intelligent housewives may follow political or civic work outside
By Ruth Millett

In Washington –
Tariff cut approval boosts hope for Bretton Woods bill

Sen. Barkley interpreted test on trade program as gauge of monetary pact’s chance

Truman: Food outlook to brighten

Congress praised for trade action

‘Frisco parley will wind up next Tuesday

Truman to address closing session

Gen. Ike’s brother gets U.S. job

Venus mistaken for Jap balloons

Weatherman solves Idaho mystery

Stokes: Bold precedent

By Thomas L. Stokes

Othman: Making money

By Fred Othman

Love: Fanatical Japs

By Gilbert Love

Mt. Lebanon woman knew Gen. ‘Ike’ as school chum

They at first attended classes in Kansas town’s fire engine house

Nazi leader arrested in Bavaria, kills self

By the United Press

A British broadcast said today that Franz Hofer, district leader in South Germany, killed himself yesterday a few minutes after he was arrested.

Hofer had disguised himself as a chimney sweep, the broadcast said. German auxiliary police arrested him in Bavaria. The radio said Hofer was the first prominent Nazi arrested by the German auxiliary police.

Gracie Allen Reporting

By Gracie Allen

Well, we Americans have always been a nation of souvenir hunters and this war has proved no exception. A few days ago, Gen. Patch presented the President with Hermann Goering’s diamond-studded baton, and now “Iron Mike” O’Daniel says he has Hermann’s trousers hanging on the wall of his division headquarters. From the pictures I’ve seen of Marshal Goering, his trousers could make a divisional headquarters all by themselves.

As an old collector himself, Goering probably feels unhappy. But his friend Hitler came out even worse. Hitler started by collecting most of the small countries of Europe. Then he went after the big Russian bearskin and the bear collected him.

Now Adm. Halsey says he wants Hirohito’s horse. Personally if I were in Hirohito’s place, I’d mail him the horse before the Admiral decides to collect Hirohito, too.

Dick Haymes a singer mainly through ‘accident’

Crooner started out as songwriter – and nearly starved!
By Maxine Garrison

Monahan: Poignant film opens at Penn

By Kaspar Monahan

10 auto firms get go-ahead on production

Will make 691,018 cars starting July 1

Pirate defeat scrambles flag chase

Runners-up bunched below Dodgers; Roe to tackle Cubs today
By Chester L. Smith, sports editor

Loop leaders widen margins by victories

By the United Press

Jim Thorpe enlists in Merchant Marine

G.I.’s overseas given more time to pay tax

Lopez pens story of radio life for screen

Won’t appear in picture
By Si Steinhauser

Mystery deepens in death of G.I.’s wife in elevator

Body found after apartment party