America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

Cleanup drive pushed on Luzon

Yanks 100 miles from north coast

Industrialist plot to rearm Reich charged

Detailed plans made, Sen. Kilgore says

FBI investigates –
Group of employers told to join union – then told to get out

Auction buyers signed up in Teamsters’ drive to provide ‘fairer food distribution’
By Robert Taylor, Press Washington correspondent

Unified Army, Navy, Air Force urged

Gen. Ike also favors same uniform for all

Congress ‘cool’ to proposal

London Poles fear abandonment

Sentencing of 12 in Moscow bemoaned

U.S. casualties up 6,356 to 1,023,453

WASHINGTON (UP) – U.S. combat casualties totaled 1,023,453 today, an increase of 6,356 in a week.

The total included 903,701 Army and 119,752 Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard losses. The table:

Army Navy TOTAL
Killed 189,294 45,417 234,711
Wounded 560,836 59,196 620,032
Missing 39,956 10,908 50,864
Prisoners 113,615 4,231 117,846
TOTAL 903,701 119,752 1,023,453

These forlorn war marriages

By Florence Fisher Parry

Perkins: Critics blast proposal for labor peace

Senate bill arouses strong opposition
By Fred W. Perkins, United Press staff writer

Clothing requested for 69,000 Okinawans

GUAM (UP) – The Military Government of Okinawa has requested clothing for 69,000 women and children on the island, Hudson Bacon, American Red Cross director of civilian relief in the Pacific, announced today.

The clothing will supplement garments being supplied to Okinawans by the armed forces. The clothing will come from the San Francisco stockpile, including 130,000 garments collected throughout the United States.

Stilwell may head army group

British arrest arms king Krupp

Helen Richey injured in crash

Harry Bridges denies he’s father of child

Reich plants reconverting – for next war

Cunning industrialists tax Allied control
By Jack Fleischer, United Press staff writer

Germans start new flight from Russians

Yanks try to block exodus, but in vain
By Joseph W. Grigg Jr., United Press staff writer

Allies hit Liuchow from 3 sides

Chinese six miles from air base city

Mystery of century –
Has Adolf Hitler reached Spain?

Editorial: Basic labor problem

Editorial: Foremen and unions

Editorial: How to treat Germans

Edson: Supreme Court really can put you to sleep

By Peter Edson