America at war! (1941–) – Part 3

23 US-Bomber in Schweden notgelandet

…und drei ins Meer gestürzt

Der Kampf um Saipan

Der Angriff auf Saipan begann am 11. Juni, als von Flugzeugträgern aufgestiegene Maschinen ein heftiges Bombardement der Insel vornahmen. Nachdem dieser Angriff vier Tage lang durchgeführt worden war, begann der Feind am 15. Juni mit Infanterie und Tanks zu landen. Trotz größter Verluste setzte der Feind dieses Unternehmen auch dann fort, als die beiden ersten Wellen seiner Landungseinheiten zurückgeschlagen worden waren. Unter Einsatz stärkster Menschen- und Materialkräfte gelang es dem Feind, auf einem Abschnitt der Insel Fuß zu fassen und weitere Verstärkungen zu landen. In erbitterten Gegenangriffen der japanischen Bodenbesatzung erleidet er dort weiterhin heftigste Verluste.

Wie entscheidend der Besitz von Saipan für den Feind wäre, geht daraus hervor, daß der Besitz eines Stützpunktes auf dieser Insel die Hauptstadt Tokio in einem Flugzeugradius von 2.200 Kilometer bringen würde, das heißt, daß moderne Bomber, die kürzlich auch gegen Nord-Kiuschiu eingesetzt wurden, die Strecke in 5½ Stunden zurücklegen könnten. Um dem Feind die Möglichkeit zu nehmen, seine Offensive bis in die Küstengewässer des japanischen Mutterlandes vorzutragen, kämpfen jetzt die tapferen japanischen Flieger und Bodenbesatzungen mit zäher Verbissenheit gegen die materielle Übermacht des Gegners, ehe dort die Verteidigung zu entscheidendem Gegenschlag ausholt.

Innsbrucker Nachrichten (June 22, 1944)

London seit 160 Stunden unter Störungsfeuer

Feindliche Angriffe östlich der Orne zerschlagen – Feindangriffe in Italien gescheitert – 129 Flugzeuge abgeschossen

Aus dem Führer-Hauptquartier, 22. Juni –
Das Oberkommando der Wehrmacht gibt bekannt:

In der Normandie wurden verschiedene Angriffe des Feindes gegen unseren Einschließungsring östlich der Orne zerschlagen. Gegen die Landfront der Festung Cherbourg fühlte der Feind mit stärkeren Aufklärungskräften vor, die abgewiesen wurden. Bei den Kämpfen auf der Halbinsel Cherbourg hat sich der Kommandeur der 243. Infanteriedivision, Generalleutnant Hellmich, mit seiner Division besonders ausgezeichnet. Er fand am 17. Juni bei diesen Kämpfen den Heldentod.

Der Groß raum London liegt nunmehr seit 160 Stunden mit nur geringen Unterbrechungen unter unserem Störungsfeuer.

Die Luftwaffe griff mit Kampf- und Schlachtflugzeugen in die Erdkämpfe ein und erzielte in der vergangenen Nacht mit schweren Kampfflugzeugen Bombentreffer auf Schiffen vor dem Landekopf.

Infolge der hohen Verluste, die der Gegner gestern in Mittelitalien erlitten hatte und die ihn zu größeren Umgruppierungen zwangen, trat der Feind erst am Nachmittag mit Schwerpunkt beiderseits des Trasimenischen Sees mit starken Kräften zum Angriff an. Unsere Truppen zerschlugen erneut alle Angriffswellen und behaupteten ihre Stellungen. 23 feindliche Panzer wurden abgeschossen.

Im Seegebiet von Piombino schoss Marineflakartillerie acht feindliche Jagdbomber ab.

Im Osten scheiterten bei reger beiderseitiger Artillerietätigkeit örtliche Angriffe der Sowjets nordwestlich Tarnopol, im Raum beiderseits Kowel und südöstlich Witebsk.

Ein starker Verband schwerer deutscher Kampfflugzeuge führte in der vergangenen Nacht einen zusammengefassten Angriff gegen den bolschewistischen Flugplatz Poltawa. 30 feindliche Flugzeuge wurden am Boden zerstört. Es entstanden größere Flächenbrände in Flugplatzanlagen und Betriebsstofflagern.

Sicherungsfahrzeuge der Kriegsmarine die bei der Abwehr eines feindlichen Landungsunternehmens gegen die finnische Insel Piisaari eingesetzt waren, schossen sämtliche Landungsfahrzeuge des Feindes und einen Bewacher in Brand. Andere Sicherungsfahrzeuge nahmen in der Narwa-Bucht wiederholt feindliche Minenräumverbände unter Feuer und zwangen sie zum Abdrehen.

Starke nordamerikanische Bomberverbände richteten gestern einen Terrorangriff gegen die Reichshauptstadt. In Wohnvierteln vor allem entstanden Gebäudeschäden und Personenverluste. Durch Luftverteidigungskräfte wurden 67 feindliche Flugzeuge, darunter 52 viermotorige Bomber, zum Absturz gebracht.

Ein britischer Bomberverband griff in der letzten Nacht Orte im rheinisch-westfälischen Gebiet an. Nachtjäger und Flakartillerie der Luftwaffe schossen 62 viermotorige Bomber ab und vernichteten damit über ein Drittel des eingeflogenen Verbandes. Einzelne britische Flugzeuge warfen außerdem Bomben auf das Stadtgebiet von Berlin. Bei der Abwehr der feindlichen Terrorbomber zeichnete sich in den letzten Tagen eine im Raum von Hamburg eingesetzte Flakdivision besonders aus.

US-Flugzeugträger schwer beschädigt

Neuer japanischer Erfolg vor den Marianen

Tokio, 22. Juni (DNB) –
Die kaiserlichen Luftstreitkräfte haben ihre Angriffe gegen die feindliche Flotte in den Gewässern der Marianen-Inseln fortgesetzt. Nach soeben eingetroffenen Berichten wurde am Dienstag ein weiterer feindlicher Flugzeugträger schwer beschädigt und in Brand geworfen. Damit erhöht sich die Zahl der in den Gewässern der Marianen-Inseln beschädigten amerikanischen Flugzeugträger auf vier.

Supreme HQ Allied Expeditionary Force (June 22, 1944)

Communiqué No. 33

The Allied drive on CHERBOURG has continued to make good progress with advances of two to three miles along the entire front.

On the right, Allied forces have reached the river SAIRE near the village of LE THEIL. On the left, they penetrated to within three miles of the sea in the vicinity of SAINTE-CROIX-HAGUE.

In the center, substantial gains have been made along the main road from VALOGNES to CHERBOURG.

In the TILLY sector, enemy artillery and mortar fire was unusually heavy.

Patrol activity continued in other areas.

Fighter-bombers operated successfully against the rail system leading west from PARIS, scoring hits on bridges at CHARTRES, COLTAINVILLE, CONCHES and CHERISY.

Slight enemy opposition was encountered in attacks on rail targets in the AUNAY and ÉVREUX areas. At least five enemy aircraft were destroyed without loss.

Flying-bomb bases across the Channel were attacked by forces of heavy and medium bombers. Fighter escorts later strafed railway yards and canal bridges at RIBÉCOURT, MONTDIDIER and CHAUNY. The bombing and strafing missions were without loss.

Six oil storage tanks at NIORT were in flames after a low-level attack.

Communiqué No. 34

The encirclement of the fortress of CHERBOURG is now almost complete.

We have crossed the road leading east from the port to SAINT-PIERRE-ÉGLISE and have liberated the town.

There is nothing to report from other sectors of the front.

In better weather hundreds of Allied fighter aircraft, many of them armed with rocket projectiles and bombs, swarmed over northwestern FRANCE from dawn to midday to harass enemy reinforcements moving westward from the PARIS area.

Strong points in CHERBOURG were included in bombing and strafing missions in close support of ground forces.

Heavy day bombers continued the assault on flying-bomb installations across the Channel. After escorting the bombers, fighters attacked locomotives, loaded freight and oil cars, barges and motor transport.

Except for heavy anti-aircraft fire in many areas, our aircraft encountered little opposition.

U.S. Navy Department (June 22, 1944)

CINCPAC Communiqué No. 59

During the attack by enemy carrier‑type aircraft on our ships on June 18 (West Longitude Date), 353 enemy aircraft were shot down of which 335 were destroyed by our carrier aircraft and 18 by our own anti-aircraft fire. This is a revision of the estimate contained in Communiqué No. 56.

Two of our carriers and one of our battleships received superficial dam­age. We lost 21 aircraft in combat.

The following information is now available concerning the attack of our carrier aircraft upon units of the Japanese fleet in the late afternoon of June 19 (West Longitude Date).

The enemy forces attacked consisted of: Four or more battleships, five or six carriers, five fleet tankers, and attached cruisers and destroyers.

On the basis of information presently available, our planes inflicted the following damage:

  • One carrier, believed to be the ZUIKAKU, received three 1,000‑pound bomb hits.
  • One HAYATAKA-class carrier was sunk.
  • One HAYATAKA-class carrier was severely damaged and left burning furiously.
  • One light carrier of the ZUIHŌ or TAIHŌ class received at least one bomb hit.
  • One KONGŌ-class battleship was damaged.
  • One cruiser was damaged.
  • Three destroyers were damaged, one of which is believed to have sunk.
  • Three tankers were sunk.
  • Two tankers were severely damaged and left burning.
  • Fifteen to 20 defending aircraft were shot down.

Our losses were 49 aircraft, including many which landed in the water at night and from which an as yet undetermined number of pilots and aircrewmen have been rescued. Search for others is continuing.

The engagement was broken off by the Japanese fleet which fled during the night toward the channel between Formosa and Luzon.

The Pacific Fleet units in these two actions were commanded by Adm. R. A. Spruance. The carrier task force was under the immediate tactical command of VAdm. M. A. Mitscher.

CINCPAC Communiqué No. 60

Our troops on Saipan Island have made further advances of more than a mile along the shoreline of Magicienne Bay to the town of Laulau and have advanced about a mile up Mount Tapochau. The pocket of enemy resistance at Nafutan Point has been reduced by one half, and our forces have gained the heights of Mount Nafutan on the east coast. Heavy pressure is being maintained night and day against enemy troop concentrations and defense works by our aircraft, Army and Marine artillery, and naval gunfire.

At night on June 20 (West Longitude Date), several enemy aircraft dropped bombs near our transports and along shore but did no damage. Sporadic fire has been directed against our ships by shore batteries but the enemy emplacements have been quickly knocked out.

Statement by Secretary of the Navy James Forrestal

For Immediate Release
June 22, 1944

Under the circumstances our Fleet did a magnificent job, but the Navy is not going to be satisfied until the Japanese Fleet is wiped out.

The Japanese were extremely cautious and never came very far to the eastward so that the bulk of our forces could engage them. As a result, we were able to send home but one air attack at very long range from our carriers just before dark.

Some of the Japanese vessels which were damaged may be able to make port and eventually return to the fight. This is especially true of the war­ships, only one of which is reported as definitely sunk.

White House Statement on Signing the G.I. Bill
June 22, 1944

This bill, which I have signed today, substantially carries out most of the recommendations made by me in a speech on July 28, 1943, and more specifically in messages to the Congress dated October 27, 1943, and November 23, 1943:

  • It gives servicemen and women the opportunity of resuming their education or technical training after discharge, or of taking a refresher or retrainer course, not only without tuition charge up to $500 per school year, but with the right to receive a monthly living allowance while pursuing their studies.

  • It makes provision for the guarantee by the federal government of not to exceed 50 percent of certain loans made to veterans for the purchase or construction of homes, farms, and business properties.

  • It provides for reasonable unemployment allowances payable each week up to a maximum period of one year, to those veterans who are unable to find a job.

  • It establishes improved machinery for effective job counseling for veterans and for finding jobs for returning soldiers and sailors.

  • It authorizes the construction of all necessary additional hospital facilities.

  • It strengthens the authority of the Veterans Administration to enable it to discharge its existing and added responsibilities with promptness and efficiency.

With the signing of this bill, a well-rounded program of special veterans’ benefits is nearly completed. It gives emphatic notice to the men and women in our Armed Forces that the American people do not intend to let them down.

By prior legislation, the federal government has already provided for the Armed Forces of this war: adequate dependency allowances; mustering-out pay; generous hospitalization, medical care, and vocational rehabilitation and training; liberal pensions in case of death or disability in military service; substantial war risk life insurance, and guaranty of premiums on commercial policies during service; protection of civil rights and suspension of enforcement of certain civil liabilities during service; emergency maternal care for wives of enlisted men; and reemployment rights for returning veterans.

This bill therefore and the former legislation provide the special benefits which are due to the members of our Armed Forces – for they “have been compelled to make greater economic sacrifice and every other kind of sacrifice than the rest of us, and are entitled to definite action to help take care of their special problems.” While further study and experience may suggest some changes and improvements, the Congress is to be congratulated on the prompt action it has taken.

There still remains one recommendation which I made on November 23, 1943, which I trust that the Congress will soon adopt – the extension of social security credits under the Federal Old-Age and Survivors’ Insurance Law to all servicemen and women for the period of their service.

I trust that the Congress will also soon provide similar opportunities for post-war education and unemployment insurance to the members of the Merchant Marine, who have risked their lives time and again during this war for the welfare of their country.

But apart from these special benefits which fulfill the special needs of veterans, there is still much to be done.

As I stated in my message to the Congress of November 23, 1943:

What our servicemen and women want, more than anything else, is the assurance of satisfactory employment upon their return to civil life. The first task after the war is to provide employment for them and for our demobilized workers… The goal after the war should be the maximum utilization of our human and material resources.

As a related problem the Congress has had under consideration the serious problem of economic reconversion and readjustment after the war, so that private industry will be able to provide jobs for the largest possible number. This time we have wisely begun to make plans in advance of the day of peace, in full confidence that our war workers will remain at their essential war jobs as long as necessary until the fighting is over.

The executive branch of the government has taken, and is taking, whatever steps it can, until legislation is enacted. I am glad to learn that the Congress has agreed on a bill to facilitate the prompt settlement of terminated contracts. I hope that the Congress will also take prompt action, when it reconvenes, on necessary legislation which is now pending to facilitate the development of unified programs for the demobilization of civilian war workers, for their reemployment in peacetime pursuits, and for provision, in cooperation with the states, of appropriate unemployment benefits during the transition from war to peace. I hope also that the Congress, upon its return, will take prompt action on the pending legislation to facilitate the orderly disposition of surplus property.

A sound post-war economy is a major present responsibility.

The Free Lance-Star (June 22, 1944)

Four ships sunk, 10 damaged in battle near Philippines

20 planes also downed in brief engagement – U.S. loses 49 planes but no ships; enemy aircraft carrier among vessels sent down
By Charles H. McMurtry

USPACFLT HQ, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii (AP) –
Carrier planes of the U.S. Fifth Fleet inflicted smashing defeat on a formidable Japanese naval force trapped Monday off the Philippines, sinking four ships and damaging at least ten before the enemy escaped under cover of night.

The victory, the third great blow since Pearl Harbor against the Japanese Navy, stemmed from Sunday’s great air battle off Saipan Island, in which U.S. carrier planes and warship guns shot down 353 enemy aircraft.

Because of this stunning aerial loss, the Japanese fleet, caught between the Marianas and the Philippines, could send up only a handful of interceptors from its five or six carriers. Of these 15 to 20 were shot down. The American loss was 49 planes.

The enemy lose an aircraft carrier and three tankers sunk, possibly a destroyer sunk, and nine or ten ships (including a battleship and cruiser) seriously damaged. Adm. Raymond A. Spruance’s Fifth Fleet suffered no surface vessel losses.

The Japanese fleet, which for nearly a week dodged contact with the U.S. force protecting the Saipan invasion, turned and fled with all speed toward the China Sea. Nightfall saved it from further battering and there was no indication from Adm. Chester W. Nimitz, who announced the victory today, that the battle had been resumed.

In the Sunday air battle preceding the bigger struggle, U.S. plane losses were 21 against Japan’s 353. The Sunday attack represented an arms-length enemy attempt to break up the U.S. invasion of Saipan, principal island of the Marianas and only 1,500 miles from Tokyo and the Philippines.

Japs flee at nightfall

The Monday action ended at nightfall with the Japanese fleeing and there was no indication that the battle had been resumed.

Adm. Nimitz also announced that 353 enemy planes were shot down in the Japanese futile attempt Sunday on Adm. Mitscher’s force. This added 53 enemy craft to the previous estimate of 300 destroyed.

Two U.S. carriers and one battleship suffered “superficial damage” and 21 aircraft were lost in combat. A Fleet spokesman said superficial damage means the ship’s capacity for battle was not impaired, indicating these three probably participated in Monday’s action.

The attack of the Fifth Fleet under command of Adm. Raymond A. Spruance was such a complete surprise that the Japanese apparently made no counterattack against any of our surface units.

Adm. Nimitz, who stayed at his headquarters past midnight receiving battle reports and still appeared bright eyed despite his 60 years, said the Japanese force consisted of four or more battleships, five or six carriers, five fleet tankers and an unspecified number of cruisers and destroyers.

Damage tabulated

He listed these casualties inflicted on the enemy:

  • One carrier, believed to be the ZUIKAKU, received three 1,000‑pound bomb hits.
  • One HAYATAKA-class carrier was sunk.
  • One HAYATAKA-class carrier was severely damaged and left burning furiously.
  • One light carrier of the ZUIHŌ or TAIHŌ class received at least one bomb hit.
  • One KONGŌ-class battleship was damaged.
  • One cruiser was damaged.
  • Three destroyers were damaged, one of which is believed to have sunk.
  • Three tankers were sunk.
  • Two tankers were severely damaged and left burning.
  • Fifteen to 20 defending aircraft were shot down.

Greatest since Midway

This destruction or damaging of 14 ships was the third greatest single blow dealt the Japanese fleet of the war.

The greatest was the Battle of Midway in June 1942, when another carrier force under Adm. Spruance sank four enemy carriers and near a score of other ships.

The second biggest defeat was Nov. 13-15, 1942, in the battle off Guadalcanal when the enemy lost more than 30 ships sunk and damaged.

The battle summary for Sunday’s and Monday’s action shows conclusively why Adm. Nimitz in a Monday press conference stated he hoped the enemy would close with the U.S. Fleet for a decisive naval action.

On Sunday, Japanese planes attacked Adm. Spruance’s Fifth Fleet. They achieved no surprise. They lost 353 planes – 335 to our fighters and 18 to our ship’s anti-aircraft. They inflicted superficial damage on only three of our ships.

Pursued by carriers

Adm. Mitscher’s carrier force pursued the Japanese. On Monday afternoon, it located the Japanese and attacked. There was time for just one assault before nightfall. But in just those two or three hours of daylight, his bombers and torpedo planes sank or damaged 14 enemy ships.

They destroyed 15 to 20 Japanese planes which rose in weak defense of the enemy’s great force. Adm. Mitscher’s force achieved such surprise that the enemy was unable to counterattack. Adm. Mitscher had one advantage Monday. He caught the Japanese with their planes down – down in the ocean.

This enemy fleet which Adm. Mitscher riddled Monday now has been fairly well established as the one which attacked our force Sunday. The loss of 353 planes from its five or six carriers virtually wiped out its planes so that it had to rely largely on anti-aircraft for defense – a defense which proved pretty futile.

Few planes lost

The fact that only 20 Japanese planes were downed Monday further indicates the enemy had very few aircraft to offer resistance.

Our loss of 49 aircraft does not necessarily mean anywhere near that total was lost to enemy action.

Because the battle was closed so late in the day and at nearly extreme range in order to catch the Jap fleet, all of our planes were unable to return to their carriers. Many of these 49 landed in the water and the crews took to rubber life rafts.

Some of these have already been picked up and others were undoubtedly rescued after dawn Tuesday although reports are incomplete.

The Hyataka carrier sunk in the Philippine Sea was at least the eighth Japanese flattop sent to the bottom. In addition to four at Midway, the Japanese lost two in the Battle of the Coral Sea and one to a submarine.

Port city rocked by violent land and air blows

Hard fighting goes on in city streets

SHAEF, England (AP) –
Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower’s forces unlimbered this afternoon their greatest assault since the storming of the beaches of Normandy – a combined land and air attack intended to crack the last defenses of the fortified city of Cherbourg.

The attack began when waves of British and U.S. planes swept in with a terrific aerial barrage lasting 80 minutes, a field dispatch from Associated Press war correspondent Don Whitehead reported.

Rocked back on their heels by the weight of this assault in which light and medium bombers dropped down almost to cannon-mouth level to drop their explosive charges, the Germans were immediately beset by a thunderous artillery pounding which left smoke and flame sweeping the German forts.

U.S. doughboys of Lt. Gen. Omar N. Bradley, drawn up in position tensely waiting the effect of these blows, then swept forward. They were last reported hammering at Fort du Roule, only about 1,500 yards south of the military port, and at Fort Octeville, only slightly farther away to the southwest.

The latest headquarters announcements showed that the concentric attack had virtually split the German garrison into three segments.

Take road junction

Bradley’s troops captured Saint-Pierre-Église, eight and a half miles east of the port and the last road junction leading to Cherbourg from Cap Barfleur, isolating the Germans in the northeastern tip of the peninsula. Other troops coming up from the south had entered Quettehou, a large town near Saint-Vaast-la-Hougue on the east coast and 13 miles southeast of Cherbourg.

On the west, another spearhead had practically split the Germans in Cherbourg from those in the northwestern tip of the peninsula by advancing to within half a mile of Beaumont-Hague on the road to Cap de la Hague. Beaumont-Hague is eight and a half miles west of Cherbourg.

Supreme Headquarters said it lacked any knowledge of a reported American ultimatum by field radio to the Cherbourg garrison demanding surrender by 7:00 a.m. GMT today (3:00 a.m. EWT). The London Daily Sketch said last night it had recorded such a broadcast.

It was assumed that if the ultimatum was made, it was rejected and that Lt. Gen. Omar N. Bradley had ordered a final attack. Supreme Headquarters said it was possible the field commander might have made the demand on his own authority.

Find rocket bases

Allied experts flew into the Cherbourg Peninsula to investigate the flying bomb bases captured intact by U.S. troops, but the Supreme Command said there were no indications the Germans had been using them against England. It appeared, a spokesman said, that the American drive over the peninsula left the enemy insufficient time to get the launching sites ready for operation.

Except for the swift encircling drive on Cherbourg, there was little activity on the beachhead. The communiqué reported only patrol activity elsewhere, although enemy artillery and mortar fire in the British-Canadian sector at Tilly was said to be unusually heavy.

The Vichy radio this morning said warships offshore were supporting the Americans, but Supreme Headquarters said it had no knowledge of such a bombardment.

Destroying port

The Germans were still rushing to destroy everything in the port and city which could be of use to the Allies.

Reports here said that Cherbourg’s airfield appeared to be within the Allied grasp, if not already taken. This would be the first sizeable field captured in the beachhead drive and, when repaired, would permit the use of medium bombers.

Bad weather yesterday hampered air operations and also delayed unloading of war materials. A strong wind from the northeast whipped up a heavy surf on the beaches.

A dispatch last night from Associated Press war correspondent Don Whitehead quoted French civilians struggling through the lines as saying the Germans in Cherbourg had prepared for a street-by-street defense by knocking holes in the corner of buildings and setting up machine guns and anti-tank guns to cover the approaches.

Bombers support Cherbourg drive

Daylight raids follow night of heavy attacks

SHAEF, England (AP) –
Fleets of light and medium bombers carried out a crushing offensive in support of U.S. troops hammering Cherbourg today, while big forces of U.S. heavy bombers plowing through flak barrages attacked Pas-de-Calais rocket-bomb installations.

Marauders, Havocs and Thunderbolts swooped down to within 100 feet of German cannon to drive home the closest support yet given Lt. Gen. Omar N. Bradley’s doughboys.

Fortresses and Liberators gave the rocket launching grounds their fourth pounding in less than 24 hours.

The daylight blow followed a night of far-flung aerial attacks extending from France to Germany’s industrial Ruhr and Berlin – dwarfing the Germans’ cross-Channel barrage of rocket bombs, which they asserted today are now coming over with incendiary loads.

The Germans also said, without Allied confirmation, that U.S. planes which bombed Berlin yesterday and flew on to Russia used an air base at Poltava in the Ukraine, 1,500 miles from London. The Allies announced that some fighter planes escorting the Berlin bombers also flew to Russia.

Berlin hit again

Last night, Berlin was attacked by speedy Mosquitos while British Lancasters hit Ruhr and Rhineland objectives.

Keeping the assault going on the Germans’ still-active rocket-bomb launching bases in the Pas-de-Calais area of France, RAF Lancasters and Halifaxes followed U.S. Liberators and medium bombers over that region yesterday evening and delivered as a “devastating” blow at the German installations there.

Forty-six bombers were missing from the widespread British operations, which included minelaying in enemy waters.

The German radio warned today that Allied planes were over Syria – perhaps indicating that U.S. bombers from Italy were out.

The daylight raid against Berlin by a fleet of more than 1,000 U.S. Flying Fortresses and Liberators and 1,200 escorting fighters was the greatest of the war against the Reich capital. It was disclosed that some of the fighters as well as some of the heavy bombers made the shuttle flight between Britain and the Soviet Union.

While German flying bombs continued droning through English skies overnight, the mounting weight of bombs dropped on the Pas-de-Calais area indicated the Allies were making progress in their campaign against the launching mechanisms for these projectiles.

European fishers told to stay in

SHAEF, England (AP) –
While fighting raged at Cherbourg, Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower made clear to the Germans today that they could not pay attention alone to the defense of that port.

In a radio warning, the Allied commander-in-chief told the fishermen of Denmark, Norway, Holland, Belgium and France to stay in port until 9:00 p.m. June 20. This was the second seven-day extension of the original Supreme Command warning to fishermen.

Cherbourg area base for rockets

Allied advance command post (AP) – (June 21, delayed)
More than one-fourth of all the German robot plane launching installations are located in the area of Cherbourg, the great Normandy port on which the Allied armies are closing, it was revealed today at Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower’s advance headquarters.

Correspondents here were informed officially that experts are accompanying U.S. assault troops toward the city for the purpose of studying the installations and obtaining information of possible value in eliminating the German weapon.

The other three-quarters of the German robot launchers are in the Pas-de-Calais region, it was said.

AP: What do you think?


Predict Roosevelt to accept 4th term

Washington (AP) –
Governor Ellis Arnall of Georgia came out of President Roosevelt’s office today and predicted the Chief Executive will accept a fourth term nomination of it is tendered him by the Democratic National Convention.

The Governor, freely admitting he had “talked politics” with the President, said he would not be surprised if Mr. Roosevelt makes a public statement shortly after next week’s Republican convention “as to his willingness to abide by party decisions irrespective of his personal desires and that he will submit to the mandates of the Democratic convention.”

The Georgia Democrat voiced this comment to reports as he left the White House after an appointment with Mr. Roosevelt which some Democrats in Congress hailed as a peace gesture toward Southern Democrats, some of whom have been cool toward the fourth term movement.

The Governor said Georgia’s electoral vote will be pledged to support the party nominee and said the action could be taken as a castigation of Texas, Mississippi and South Carolina where proposals have been made that electoral votes be withheld if the Democratic platform contains planks distasteful to the South.


Bricker to keep name in running

Chicago, Illinois (AP) –
Ohio Governor John W. Bricker asserted flatly at a press conference today he would not withdraw his name from consideration for the Republican presidential nomination. He added he did not expect to be offered the vice-presidential place on the ticket.

The Ohio Governor, who arrived with a fanfare of a band playing the strains of “Beautiful Ohio,” met the press in a conference preceding his appearance tomorrow before the convention’s resolutions committee when he will report as chairman of a post-war advisory group on domestic issues.

The gray-haired Governor, flashing a smile, told reporters that he intended to keep his name before the convention despite reports that New York Governor Thomas E. Dewey has a long lead in delegate support.

Roosevelt approves G.I. Bill of Rights

Washington (AP) –
President Roosevelt today signed the “G.I. Bill of Rights” setting up a vast government aid program for veterans of this war.

With Congressional leaders and heads of veterans’ organizations looking on, the Chief Executive put his signature to the measure authorizing federal loans, hospitalization, job insurance, schooling and other ex-service benefits estimated to cost between $3,000,000,000 and $6,500,000,000.

The President said the bill carries out most of the recommendations he has made for veterans’ aid and notifies the members of the Armed Forces that the people at home will not let them down.

Army and Marines score decisive gains on Saipan

Aboard joint expeditionary force flagship off Saipan, Mariana Islands (AP) –
Japan’s fleet after a week of complex maneuvering is still avoiding surface battle with the powerful U.S. Fleet guarding the Saipan invasion.

The Aslito Airdrome on Saipan, the most valuable in the Marianas and only 1,500 miles from Japan and the Philippines, was ready for operation today after Seabees repaired and extended its 3,600-foot main runway.

Shielded by a great U.S. battle fleet standing off the Marianas, Marines and Army troops launched a major attack this morning to wipe out Japanese defending the island. The situation forced upon Japan’s elusive grand fleet the grimmest challenge yet presented it – to come in and fight.

The enemy fleet, still avoiding battle, had the bitter choice oi fighting or abandoning Saipan’s weakening garrison to destruction.

On Saipan, the U.S. attack began shortly after dawn with veteran forces pushing ahead along a four-mile front extending entirely, across the island from the outskirts of Garapan, main town on the western shore, ands eastward along the slopes of Mount Tapochau to Magicienne Bay on the east coast.

At one point, the Marines advanced one mile in the first three hours. In exactly one week of fighting, the Americans had effected a landing across reefs in the face of extremely heavy fire and had captured the southern third of the island, including two airfields.

One of these fields was Aslito, now ready for operation.

The Japanese, who numbered at least 20,000, fought with ferocity and the advantage of entrenched positions along steep ridges, and made the American advance slow during the first several days. They used batteries of mortars and considerable artillery and employed landmines and booby traps.

One hard-fought battle between Marines and Japanese occurred on a hill overlooking Magicienne Bay, where Japanese artillerymen ran their field pieces in and out of caves firing from outside and ducking back into the mountainside.

The Americans finally captured this and similar positions, killing 75 Japanese in one cave. Flamethrowers were used in destroying enemy mountain strongholds.

What war bonds mean –
The price of victory and bomb-free nights

By Robert Bunnelle

Battle casualties listed at 178,677

Washington (AP) –
U.S. battle casualties are nearing the quarter-million mark.

Secretary Stimson reported today that Army casualties through June 6 (which would include D-Day) totaled 178,677, an increase of 7,319 since his report on June 8, which covered the period through May 21. The Army dead now total 31,289, an increase of 2,337. The new announcement reports 71,432 wounded, 39,976 missing and 35,980 prisoners.

A Navy casualty list announced today reports an overall figure of 46,705, an increase of 932 since a list published two weeks ago. Those killed total 20,044, an increase of 242. The wounded amount to 12,905, missing 9,295 and prisoners 4,461.

Nazi flying bomb reported ‘fizzle’

Military leaders say secret weapon once worried them

Washington (AP) –
From a strictly military viewpoint, the Nazi’s greatest secret anti-invasion weapon, the highly-touted flying bomb, is a fizzle.

This is the opinion of responsible military leaders here – men who were seriously worried a few weeks ago over the tricks the Germans might spring in the critical hours of the invasion.

Now the time for effective use of tricks has passed. Only by the proved weapons of war, tanks, guns, bombs, planes, artillery, gas, it is held, can the enemy do serious harm.

It is a question whether the Germans will ever release gas now, partly because they would have to employ it in the first few days when beachheads were narrow if they had intended it to stop the invasion and partly because of the threat of devastating Allied reprisal.

Concern over Hitler’s boasted arsenal of secret weapons was high in the weeks before invasion because no Allied leader could be sure exactly what German science had perfected. If Hitler possessed a powerful new weapon and unleashed it at the critical moment of attack, then the second front might be thwarted. Such was the line of worry.

London uncertain

London was as uncertain as Washington and in both capitals, there was speculation over super-explosives, mysterious rays, paralyzing gas attacks, counter-invasion by disease germs, terrifying rocket bombs controlled by airplane radio with deadly accuracy.

Now it turns out, according to estimates made here, that what the Germans actually produced to make good their threats is an explosive-laden rocket plane of limited range (150 miles) and great inaccuracy – this is the weapons they relied on to break the invasion at the critical moment.

Apparently, they conceived two main tactical uses for this weapon – to smash at London and to work havoc among ships of the invasion armada in the English Channel.

Distributing their limited number of rockets according to their fears of attack along the Channel, they concentrated in the Calais area.

There they waited for the Allied ships to come across and there they were outflanked when Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower chose instead to strike into Normandy.

RAF pilots bring down Nazi robots

Hitler no longer at battle lines

London, England (AP) –
Reports from the underground in Germany said today that Adolf Hitler established headquarters at or near Le Mans the day after the Allies landed in Normandy 100 miles to the north, but soon withdrew to Troyes beyond Paris and finally returned to Berchtesgaden.

The argument used by the German generals to get the Führer to return to his mountain retreat, if was said, was that he could not afford to have his name associated closely with another German defeat.

It was reported from the same quarter that Field Marshal Erwin Rommel had suffered a recurrence of his Africa-contracted intestinal fever and was in such poor health that his colleagues were trying to prevail on him to give up his operational duties.