Operation OVERLORD (1944)

Supreme HQ Allied Expeditionary Force (July 26, 1944)

Communiqué No. 101

In the area west of SAINT-LÔ, Allied troops have advanced up to 3,000 yards on a wide front and have crossed the PÉRIERS–SAINT-LÔ road at a number of places. South of CAEN, fighting has been very bitter and enemy counterattacks, some supported by armor, have continued all day. Our initial gains have been held and fighting continues in the area of MAY-SUR-ORNE, VERRIÈRES and TILLY-LA-CAMPAGNE.

Following yesterday morning’s operations in support of ground forces in both the CAEN and SAINT-LÔ sectors, smaller formations of Allied aircraft continued close support of our ground forces throughout the day.

Numerous tanks, gun positions, strongpoints and motor transport just forward of our line and an enemy headquarters west of SAINT-LÔ were among targets attacked by fighter-bombers and fighters.

Other formations of both fighters and medium bombers attacked communications targets, including bridges, fuel dumps, supply depots, railyards and trains behind the enemy lines.

At least 25 enemy aircraft were destroyed yesterday. Seventeen of ours are missing.

Communiqué No. 102

In the western sector, the Allied advance has continued to make steady progress and the battle area has been extended.

East of the ORNE, the enemy is making every effort to block our entry to the open country southeast of CAEN, and additional enemy reinforcements have been brought into the area.

Allied attacks have been heavily engaged by defensively-sited armor, artillery and mortar fire.

In one locality our forces have repulsed a heavy enemy counterattack which was strongly supported by tanks.

Small forces of medium bombers operating in poor weather bombed enemy positions in the SAINT-LÔ area and a fuel dump near ALENÇON this morning.

Formations of fighter-bombers struck at enemy bivouac areas, machine-gun positions and other tactical targets which were indicated by our land forces.

The Pittsburgh Press (July 26, 1944)

Yanks crack Nazi line with great tank attack

U.S. offensive gains four miles to end Normandy stalemate
By Virgil Pinkley, United Press staff writer

Ending the stalemate in Normandy, U.S. forces have driven four miles into the German lines west of Saint-Lô. On the eastern end of the front, the British were driven back slightly by Nazi counterattacks into the northern edges of Tilly-la-Campagne and May-sur-Orne (1). The Yanks in the Saint-Lô sector smashed ahead on a four-mile front and Saint-Giles and Marigny (2). Other U.S. forces reduced a German bulge north of Périers in preparation to storming that town (3).

SHAEF, London, England –
Two U.S. armored columns leading a front-wide offensive by Gen. Omar N. Bradley’s 1st Army smashed through the German lines in Normandy today and captured the highway towns of Marigny and Saint-Giles, southwest of Saint-Lô, as they drove ahead up to four miles.

Marigny, seven miles from Saint-Lô and the biggest town on the Coutances highways, and Saint-Giles, midway between Marigny and Saint-Lô, were the first big prizes in the breakthrough offensive which overran some half-dozen towns and villages in the first few hours of the drive.

Front dispatches reported that Bradley’s armor, in scoring the second big breakthrough of the Normandy campaign and the first by massed U.S. tanks on which sharp-looking doughboys rode, had blasted a four-mile-wide gap in the German defenses.

Gen. Bradley’s armor swarmed out of its camouflage nests in a thundering herd to crash the German lines. One column raced to Marigny for a four-mile gain and the other knifed in against Saint-Giles. Both towns fell a few hours after the big push got underway in the wake of preliminary thrusts yesterday.

At the same time, other U.S. forces went over the top all along the line, attacking across the Sèves River toward Périers on the western wing and slashing far beyond Saint-Lô at the eastern end of the U.S. section of the Normandy front.

The western section of the offensive was launched at dawn today in conjunction with the breakthrough attack a few miles west of Saint-Lô. It extended all the way to the Atlantic coast in the Lessay area, and began with a smashing artillery barrage.

Forcing the Ay River east of Lessay, the Americans established a bridgehead on the lower side.

Gen. Bradley caught the Nazis flatfooted when he threw his tanks into the push west of Saint-Lô. The initial impact of the massed armor carried through the German main line, the reserve line beyond, and at latest reports the forward elements were shooting up artillery positions far in the enemy rear.

Tonight, the Americans were credited with knocking out 36 medium and light tanks, five Mark IV and Mark V heavies, 14 of French make, six self-propelled guns and 33 halftracks. The conservative figure included only knockout vehicles which the Germans had not been able to salvage.

The greatest tank charge in the history of American warfare had the thunderous support of 155mm Long Toms and swarms of dive bombers which paralyzed the German defenses and wiped out entire Nazi units.

On their other wing, the Americans pushed down to Montrabot, 9½ miles east of Saint-Lô, to find it deserted.

Front dispatches said the entire American line moved forward an average of two miles, meeting only sporadic resistance at many points.

Sherman tanks clustered with Doughboys riding Russian fashion, self-propelled Long Toms, and every kind of battle vehicle charged the German fortifications to score the breakthrough hailed by front correspondents as perhaps the most significant single development on the French front since D-Day.

United Press writer Henry T. Gorrell reported:

This was the second breach in the wall of Fortress Europe since the invasion.

I saw the tanks go forward into the assault behind an artillery barrage and dive-bombing by Thunderbolts and Spitfires. At the same time, rocket-carrying planes patrolled the battle area, searching for the German Panther and Tiger tanks reported in the path of our armor.

Spaced 50 yards apart, the tanks churned forward in a symmetrical phalanx. Doughboys astride them did their fighting from their bucking mounts, under orders to dismount only when necessary.

Directly behind the advance guard came the self-propelled artillery, then more infantry mounted on halftracks, then more tanks and finally another layer of mobile infantry.

Giant bulldozers accompanied the cavalcade, gouging out passageways in the Normandy hedgerows and topping fortifications in the path of the massed armor.

Troops atop the frontline Shermans sprayed every hedgerow with fire. It had been raining earlier, but the battlefield dried out quickly and the armor churned up a choking pall of dust.

The Nazi defenders of the Saint-Giles area were stunned by the record weight of explosives dropped on them yesterday by U.S. bombers, and were thrown off balance in a frantic shift of strength aimed at, but failing, to anticipate the focal point of the onslaught.

While the American offensive picked up momentum, a front report said the impetus of the British attack below Caen faded out today. The Germans were making sharp counterthrusts, and stepping them up to the scale of major activity, while the Nazi air attack in the Caen area last night was one of the heaviest since the invasion.

United Press writer Ronald Clark reported:

It must be stated that the Allies holding the curving belt of country roughly three miles deep below Caen are not in an enviable position.

The German Transocean News Agency reported that British troops and material were being unloaded continuously at the Orne estuary above Caen under cover of smokescreens.

The agency said:

It is not impossible that the present attacks are merely the curtain raisers to a large-scale breakthrough attack planned by Gen. Sir Bernard L. Montgomery west of the Orne.

While still refusing to pinpoint the focal points of the new American offensive, Supreme Headquarters acknowledged that Gen. Bradley’s forces had made several new crossings of the Saint-Lô–Périers highway in an apparent thrust toward the communications hub of Coutances and were assaulting an enemy bulge five miles northeast of Périers.

Nazi bulge squeezed

The Americans squeezed the mouth of the German bulge to two miles and reduced its depth to one-and-a-quarter miles preparatory to a frontal attack on Périers, nine miles north of Coutances.

The American attack got off to a slow start shortly before noon yesterday after 3,000 bombers had blasted a path five miles wide and two miles deep with nearly 6,000 tons of bombs in an unprecedented bombardment.

Germans who survived the rain of steel and explosives laid down heavy artillery and mortar crossfire on the main roads of advance, forcing the Americans to fight cautiously along fields and hedgerows.

Nazis in pocket killed

Other Germans moved into positions abandoned by the Americans just before the aerial bombardment and further slowed up the advance. Several hundred Germans led by a fanatic lieutenant colonel held out in a bypassed pocket until all were killed.

Once the troublesome enemy pockets had been cleared out, the Americans advanced into the no-man’s-land of huge craters, burned-out vehicles and corpse-filled foxholes churned up by the massive aerial bombardment and began to pick up momentum.

Mr. McMillan, with the British 2nd Army, said the battle for May-sur-Orne and Tilly-la-Campagne, on either side of the Caen–Falaise highway, had developed into an artillery and infantry-slogging match.

Occupy ends of villages

Germans and British or Canadian troops occupy opposite ends of May and Tilly, as well as several other embattled villages on an arc five to six miles southeast of Caen, Mr. McMillan said.

Mr. McMillan said:

Using their customary tactics, the Germans have barricaded themselves in houses which have been converted into strongpoints, while anti-tank guns have been posted on streets.

Reports reaching Allied headquarters indicated the German command was gambling everything on containing the Allied beachhead in the Normandy Peninsula after discarding a proposal by Marshal Gerd von Rundstedt, former commander in the west, to withdraw behind the Seine and Loire Rivers to take advantage of shorter communications.

Eisenhower visits beachhead in France

By Howard Cowan, representing combined U.S. press

A SHAEF ACP – (July 25, delayed)
Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower visited the Allied beachhead in Normandy for the sixth time today to hold eleventh-hour conferences with Gen. Sir Bernard L. Montgomery and Lt. Gen. Omar N. Bradley before U.S. and British ground forces merged in an all-out attack.

After crossing the channel in his private plane, escorted by four Spitfire fighters from the dominions, the general took time out to talk with G.I.’s at the landing strip while waiting for a transport train to Gen. B. L. Montgomery’s headquarters.

Sgt. Griffith Harris of Cos Cob, Connecticut, shoved a five-dollar bill at the Supreme Commander and asked him to sign it for a short-snorter collection.

The general joked about trading a one-dollar bill for the five as he grinned and scrawled his name.

By that time, more than 50 other G.I.’s were digging out bills. The general signed them all.

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Yanks ride ‘em like cowboys –
Gorrell: Camouflaged tanks come out of hiding to smash Nazis in complete surprise

Normandy drive so sudden that no shells fall among U.S. troops
By Henry T. Gorrell, United Press staff writer

With U.S. armored forces on the Normandy front, France –
First came giant American bulldozers, smashing holes in the hedgerows and battering the German roadblocks to rubble, and then came a long, waddling line of tanks on which infantrymen were crouched like cowboys.

That was the way we broke through today near Saint-Lô and sent the Germans scuttling out of their trenches along the hedges and retreating southward toward Marigny and Coutances. The blow fell on the enemy with complete surprise and terrific force.

Lt. Gen. Omar N. Bradley had accumulated this armored force under camouflage in the back areas all during the time that the infantry smashed against the fanatical Nazi SS troopers, fighting like madmen to pin the Americans down into warfare of World War I type.

Today he ordered the camouflage thrown off and the great armored army moved across the front, past the entrenched doughboys who rose up out of their slit trenches to cheer as the tanks and bulldozers churned past them.

Following close on the bulldozers, the tanks banged through the hedges and rolled across fields which our terrific bombardment had pitted like the craters of the moon.

This was a great, self-sufficient army entirely on treads and wheels.

Along with the giant Sherman tanks rolled self-propelled Long Tom gun mounted on tank chassis, halftrack ambulances equipped with mobile operating tables, vehicles loaded with mines, bazookas, anti-tank guns, grenades and other heavy weapons for the tank-riding infantry.

In the wake of the armor rolled, huge halftracks crammed with tough infantrymen ready to jump out inside the breach and exploit the breakthrough. Special vehicles near the head of the mighty procession carried engineers equipped with explosive devices to clear any obstacles the bulldozers couldn’t smash.

So secret had been the preparations that not a single enemy shell fell among the vehicles as they moved up to the front through village streets lined with enthusiastic Frenchmen who looked with awe and wonder at the armored army.

As I watched the armor pour across what had been the front, I could read in the faces of the doughboys who waved and cheered them on the hope that this audacious thrust would deal the enemy a heavy blow here at the base of the Cherbourg Peninsula.

As the procession slashed southward, it dropped off special armored traffic cops wearing red armbands to guide the following vehicles through the proper hedge holes. Up in the front where the fighting was toughest, the “tank-busting” troops steadied themselves on their bucking Shermans and poured streams of automatic fire into the hedges along which the Germans had dug their trenches.

Dust rises

Great columns of dust rose over the line of advance.

The commanding general kept in touch with the tanks by walkie-talkie radio. At one point I heard him ask his battalion commander somewhere up forward in a Sherman: “As you moving?”

“Yes,” the reply came back, “but slowly due to difficult terrain – no contact yet.”

The general replied, “Get in there and gain contact.”

“Roger, I’m pushing them,” was the response.

Through glasses we could see the tanks weaving their way across bomb-torn field which Bob Casey of the Chicago Daily News, an old artilleryman himself, remarked reminded him of the battlefields of World War I.

Soon German prisoners came stumbling back through the gap. Some of them, punch-drunk from shelling and bombing, surrendered as soon as they saw our tanks.

They said yesterday’s bombing by 3,000 light and heavy bombers on the American front had wiped out entire German units.

Infantry in high spirits

I have been with this armored force for the last two days awaiting today’s attack. The infantry was in high spirits as it was ordered to mount the leading tanks for the attack. The men ran forward clutching their automatic weapons, eager to get at the enemy which had forced them to live in foxholes for many long days and nights on the front.

One doughboy told me:

I don’t care what lies ahead. What counts is that we’re busting their line.

I saw a bulldozer go by bearing the warning “Achtung, Adolf!” Its pilot was the first to smash a hole through the hedges near Saint-Giles.

Force never halted

As the bulldozer shoved out, I heard the commander giving priority next to a company of engineers on halftracks whose mission was to weed out mines that might delay the forward tanks.

And so we rolled up to the front along roads as peaceful as a country lane back home until we hit the front. The great force never halted. It just bucked on through and vanished into the German rear to wreak its havoc.

McGlincy: Nazi captives shellshocked after record aerial assault

Officers abandon troops, leaving orders to shoot in back any who try to surrender
By James McGlincy, United Press staff writer

With Allied forces in Normandy, France –
German prisoners captured west of Saint-Lô by U.S. infantrymen today were suffering from shellshock as a result of yesterday’s aerial assault when some 3,000 planes dropped 6,000 tons of bombs in the war’s greatest air bombardment in support of ground troops.

Two of the first prisoners captured following the 2½-hour bombardment said German officers in some sectors abandoned their troops, leaving orders to “shoot any man in the back who attempts to surrender.” The all-out aerial bombardment was the most hellish thing they had ever experienced, the two prisoners said.

One was an 18-year-old Bavarian, conscripted into the paratroops, the other was a 26-year-old, hard-bitten sergeant with three Russian winters behind him. Neither showed signs of shellshock as did many prisoners taken as the Allied forces advanced after the air attack.

17 planes lost

A fleet of 1,500 heavy bombers paced some 3,000 planes in reducing to pulp everything and everybody throughout the wide attack strip where they were estimated to have dropped a bomb every 15 yards. Seventeen aircraft were lost, but it was officially announced that 30 German planes were also shot down.

It was the most concentrated aerial assault in history, and as in the attack the day before, some bombs fell on our own boys – not many but enough to shake some of the troops. Onlookers held their breath and prayed and hoped it would go well – and as it came, it seemed it would never end.

There were many moments indeed when one thought “truly this must be the end of the world.”

Come in 12s

The Flying Fortresses came in flights of 12, four abreast, 48 at a time, and they came in flight after flight. Every time one looked back there was another half-hundred thundering across the gray horizon.

With puffs of black smoke bursting around them, they headed unswervingly for the targets, then wheeled away majestically to the west. There was never a letup in the death symphony, for when the bombs were not falling our artillery was firing.

After the first batch of bombers came over and the bombs fell directly on the targets, infantrymen began swearing for the fliers instead of swearing at them. They waved the bombers on, or talked and laughed, or were silent, nodding their heads solemnly as the target area rocked and the air was filled with a crazy cacophony of whistling bombs, tremendous explosions and roaring guns.

Bombs visible

The falling bombs were visible from the ground and when they fell, they sent up columns of greyish smoke which blended into one huge pillar climbing into the sky.

There was no sign of enemy air opposition, but flak bursts around the incoming swarms occasionally would come too near a plane and a burst of flame would shoot from it, and it would begin a downward dive.

Then the infantrymen on the ground would share anxiously upward.

“See any parachute?” one would ask.

“No. Yes, there’s one.”

And then everybody would take up the count, “two, three, four,” and soon somebody would say with relief, “They’re all right.”

We saw only three shot down by flak out of all those planes.

For a solid hour, the great bombers ripped through the flak, and after them came the mediums. In between and after, Thunderbolt and Lightning fighter-bombers added to the massacre.

Prisoners collected at a point within rifle fire of the advancing front told of the deterioration of morale among the Nazis under the bombardment, but some said the experience was too awful to talk about.

Kirkpatrick: Nazis tighten restrictions on Parisians

Food situation worse, refugees say
By Helen Kirkpatrick

Bayeux, France – (July 24, delayed)
Daily, the German occupiers tighten restrictions on Paris; daily, the food situation worsens. And daily, the enemy intensifies its search for transport of any and every kind.

This is the story of Paris since D-Day, brought out by two young women who left there last week.

The Germans seized all buses in the early days of the invasion. At that time their military vehicles used to go through the city. But since, troops and supplies have been going through in civilian trucks and cars, the women said. On their way here, though they traveled entirely by road, they saw no German convoys. And all railway bridges had been cut.

Parisians were elated tremendously on D-Day but they concealed their excitement to avoid German reprisals. During invasion week, virtually every young man who had escaped forced labor or deportation disappeared into the bush.

Evacuate women

The German occupational authorities began the evacuation of women and children from the working-class districts of the city almost immediately after the Allied invasion began. Almost all etchers were taken into Germany for forced labor, only a few being allowed to remain to feed the children at lunchtime.

From June 6 on, the food situation became increasingly acute. No food shipments had arrived in the city up until the women left. For two months, they said, there had been no meat, though some vegetables and a little bread had been obtainable.

The Germans seized stocks which the French had gathered for emergency use. Only enough food remained in the whole of Paris to open 40 soup kitchens. Restaurants had had to close because of the gas restrictions. Since May, gas had been turned on only between 11:00 a.m. and noon, and between 7:00 and 8:00 p.m., while electricity had been permitted only between 10:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m.

Districts lack water

Some districts of Paris were without water because of insufficient pressure.

Paris had an average of eight alerts daily. Theaters and movies opened only on Saturday and Sunday. Fire services had been prohibited by the Germans from going to the scenes of air raids unless there was fire and, since all tools such as picks and shovels had been seized, it was impossible to dig victims from ruins.

The Le Chapelle district of Paris has been damaged extensively, the women said, but bodies were allowed to remain under the debris for more than two months. Many people, unhurt but buried in cellars, died from starvation. In factories during air raids the Germans closed the shelters and would not allow workers to leave what might well be a target.

Few stations open

At no time, both young women, said, did any Allied prisoners pass through Paris streets. The Germans were afraid of the reception they would have gotten from the French.

Only Gare de Lest and Gare de Lyon were open with the former station reserved for incoming German military personnel at the time the women left the city. Civilians were permitted to use the Gare de Lyon to go to southern or central France but otherwise were forbidden to leave Paris.

These two enterprising young women, who will join the French Women’s Volunteer Army, say that all Germans look sour. There is no doubt in their minds that the enemy knows it has lost the war.

Editorial: Mild reproof

Some London newspapers have chided the liberated Norman French for shaving the heads of women collaborationists. One called the practice the “despicable technique of the Fascists.”

But we have always understood that the Fascists, or rather the Nazis in France and Italy, had not contented themselves with such mild reproof when the collaboration was with Germany’s enemies. Weren’t the concentration camp and the firing squad more typical of their technique?

The hair of the “collaboratrices” will grow back. The patriot victims of the Nazi technique will not return. We do not think that a haircut for those women who fraternized with an enemy is too severe a punishment.

Völkischer Beobachter (July 27, 1944)

Feindbetrachtung über die Invasionsfront –
‚Kampf immer schwieriger und kostspieliger‘

Von unserer Stockholmer Schriftleitung

ka. Stockholm, 26. Juli –
Die Kriegführung der Westmächte an der Invasionsfront, ihre Methode, mit dem größtmöglichen Aufgebot an Material und unter Inkaufnahme schwerster Verluste geringfügige Gebietsgewinne zu erzwingen, die in gar keinem Verhältnis zu dem Aufwand und den Opfern stehen, wird in einem Artikel des Manchester Guardian besonders deutlich.

Der Verfasser, ein Kriegsberichter, charakterisiert die bisherigen militärischen Ereignisse in der Normandie durch die Feststellung, dass die geringen Erfolge jeweils mit außerordentlichen Anstrengungen und zu einem Preis erzielt worden seien, der nicht unterschätzt werden dürfe. Die Alliierten ständen vor tiefen und starken Stellungen, in denen die deutschen Soldaten ihr Bestes täten, um die Lage zu meistern. Es sei bekannt, dass sie oft Mangel an Transportmitteln oder Flugzeugen hätten, dass sie wahrscheinlich sogar manchmal an Munitionsmangel litten. Aber mit ihren wohlausgebauten Artilleriestellungen und ihrem Geschick und ihrem Mut, diese Stellungen auszunutzen und die Munitionsvorräte auf die wirksamste Weise einzusetzen, gelinge es ihnen, die Nachteile, die sie den Alliierten gegenüber hätten, zu überwinden. Die Deutschen zwängen die Alliierten, teuer zu zahlen. Es werde immer schwieriger und kostspieliger, auch kleine Ziele zu erreichen.

Der Korrespondent schildert dann die in der Normandie angewandte Methode, mit einer gewaltigen Feuerkonzentration von Bomben und Granaten die Verteidigung eines Gebietsabschnitts zu suchen. Wenn dieses Verfahren auch für die weiteren Kämpfe typisch bleibe, dann ergäbe sich daraus die Notwendigkeit, weitere Kampfmittel in riesigem Ausmaß bereitzustellen. Der in Berichten aus Washington angegebene Verbrauch der Alliierten an schwerer Munition – natürlich nicht nur in der Normandie, sondern auch in Italien, im Fernen Osten und im Luftkrieg – habe die Vorräte an Bomben und Granaten auf einen Stand reduziert, unter den er nicht weiter sinken dürfe. Trotz der Produktionssteigerung der amerikanischen Fabriken im vergangenen Jahre müsse die Munitionsherstellung für den Verbrauch der Alliierten doch noch weiterhin erhöht werden. Ein moderner Krieg gegen Japan und Deutschland fordere so unerhörte Mengen an Munition, wie es sich nur wenige Amerikaner früher hätten träumen lassen.

Viel Munition, große Truppenmengen und harte Anstrengungen seien noch vonnöten. Die Alliierten seien heute noch viel weiter von Berlin entfernt als im November 1918 und sie haften eine um vieles geringere Anzahl Truppen in Frankreich als damals.

Die Westmächte erhoffen sich also alles von einem Massenaufgebot an Menschen und Material. Das Wunder der Zahl soll die Führung und den Geist ersetzen. Die Erfahrung hat aber tausendfach gelehrt, dass die Mechanik allein im letzten niemals entscheidend ist, sondern dass die Überlegenheit der Führung und die seelische Kraft einer Nation die Fundamente des Sieges sind.

‚Widerstand von beispielloser Wildheit‘

Berlin, 26. Juli –
„Der deutsche Widerstand ist von beispielloser Wildheit. Er hat einen Höhepunkt erreicht, der kaum noch übertroffen werden kann. Es ist, als ob Hitler in diesem Augenblick der Krise jedem Kämpfer persönlich den Befehl gegeben hätte, die äußersten Anstrengungen zu machen.“ Mit diesem Eingeständnis sucht man jetzt in London zu erklären, daß die beiden neuen Offensiven der Invasionstruppen südlich Caen und westlich Saint-Lô bereits in den ersten Stunden der erbitterten Kämpfe ohne greifbaren Erfolg blieben.

Im Raum westlich Saint-Lô wiederholten die Nordamerikaner im Laufe des Dienstagvormittags ihren bei Nacht schon einmal zusammengebrochenen Angriff. Gegen 10,30 Uhr begannen wieder mehrere hundert Flugzeuge die Hauptkampflinie, Batteriestellungen und rückwärtigen Verbindungen zu bombardieren. Nach starker Artillerievorbereitung trat dann der Feind um 1 Uhr aus dem Raum Rampan–Les Champs-de-Losque mit starken Infanterie- und Panzerkräften auf breiter Front von neuem an. Südlich Rampan und südwestlich Amigny blieb der Angriff nach etwa 1 Kilometer Bodengewinn in Richtung auf Hébécrevon aber bereits Wieder stecken. Gegenangriffe zur Vernichtung der abgeriegelten feindlichen Kräfte sind im Gange.

Einen zweiten Abwehrerfolg errangen unsere Truppen im Süden der Cotentin-Halbinsel in den ersten Stunden des Mittwoch. Als die Nordamerikaner versuchten, ihre Angriffsfront zu verbreitern und auch an der Straße Carentan–Périers bei der Ortschaft Raids mit stärkeren Kräften vorgingen, brachen auch hier sämtliche Vorstöße verlustreich für den Gegner zusammen.

Der am Dienstagmittag begonnene britische Angriff bei Caen hatte das gleiche Schicksal. Hier wurden ebenfalls aus den großangelegten Offensivstößen des Feindes durch den harten Widerstand unserer Truppen örtlich begrenzte Kämpfe bei Tilly-la-Campagne und an den Höhen an der Orne bei Saint-Andre, Saint-Martin und May-sur-Orne. In hin und her wogendem Ringen wurde der Feind, der zunächst in die Ruinen von Tilly-la-Campagne eindringen konnte, gegen Abend zurückgeworfen. Der ganze an dieser Stelle mit sehr schweren Verlusten erkaufte Bodengewinn des Feindes besteht nur aus einem nach wenigen Schritten zu messenden Streifen des bisherigen Niemandslandes.

Im Laufe dieser Kämpfe gelang es unseren Truppen nördlich May-sur-Orne, in östlicher Richtung ausweichende britische Kampfgruppen überraschend in der Flanke zu fassen und ihnen sehr schwere Verluste beizubringen. Da der Gegner weitere starke Kräfte in die frontnahen Bereitstellungsräume vorzieht, ist mit weiteren Angriffen zu rechnen.

Unsere Artillerie nahm die feindlichen Truppenansammlungen wirksam unter Feuer. Unsere Luftwaffe unterstützte mit Jagd- und Schlachtfliegerverbänden die Abwehrkämpfe und griff mit guter Wirkung feindliche Truppenziele in den Räumen südlich Carentan, Saint-Lô und Caen an. Im Seegebiet war die Kampftätigkeit infolge schlechter Sicht gering.

Dr. Seibert: Weltbild aus Toronto und Lancashire

Von Kriegsberichter Dr. Seibert

Normandie, im Juli 1944 –
pk. Um die Gespräche, von denen hier berichtet wird, in ihrer ganzen Groteske würdigen zu können, muß der Leser versuchen, sich in das Milieu hineinzuversetzen, in dem sie geführt wurden: In die normannische Bauernlandschaft, in dieses ganz und gar europäische, ja fast heimatliche Stuck Erde, dessen Menschen uns näherstehen als die meisten anderen französischen Stämme, in diesen großen Obstgarten am Ärmelkanal, in dem so fleißig gearbeitet, gegessen und getrunken wird wie in irgendeinem Landstrich Mitteldeutschlands. In diese Dörfer, von deren Dächern nun der rote Hahn leuchtet, in deren heckenumstandenen Wiesen gefallenes Vieh verwest, erschlagen von englischen Bordkanonen, dessen bezaubernde Städtchen wüste Schutthaufen als Grabmäler Tausender friedlicher Männer, Frauen und Kinder tragen. In dieses Land, in das unsere Gegner eingebrochen sind wie die ägyptischen Plagen – ungerufen, unerwünscht, bar jeden Verständnisses für das, was den hier seit über tausend Jahren Siedelnden lieb und teuer ist.

Der erste, den wir trafen, gefolgt von dem jungen SS-Mann mit Gewehr unterm Arm, der ihn dreckstarrend aus einem Graben gezogen hatte, war ein Buchhalter aus Toronto. Misstrauisch bis in die Knochen, keck und ängstlich zugleich, erklärte er sofort, noch ehe wir den Mund auftaten, daß. er nichts „aussagen“ werde, was wir Wohl verstehen würden und im umgekehrten Falle doch auch nicht täten… Fünf Minuten später waren wir in einer hitzigen politischen Diskussion. Der Kanadier hatte rasch begriffen, daß uns seine militärischen Weisheiten, nicht interessierten, daß wir vielmehr nur wissen wollten, was in drei Teufels Namen er in diesem Lande zu suchen habe. Und darüber war er bereit, klare Auskunft zu geben: Es stellte sich heraus, daß er hier nicht etwa gelandet war, weil es ihm so befohlen war, sondern daß er allen Ernstes vorhatte, die Franzosen zu befreien. „So, so! Und hatten Sie den Eindruck, daß die in eurem Brückenkopf bereits Befreiten sehr glücklich darüber waren?“ Das gerade nicht, meinte Mr. W.; die Leute dort seien recht mürrisch gewesen und hätten „anscheinend“ unter der deutschen Besatzung nicht sehr gelitten.

Aber in anderen Gegenden Frankreichs, in der Pariser zum Beispiel, hätten wir ins ganz wüst aufgeführt…

„Woher wissen Sie denn das?“ Jawoll, antwortete er mit überlegener Miene, das wisse er ganz genau; die Briten hätten einen ganz ausgezeichneten Nachrichtendienst in ganz Europa. „Schön, mein Lieber, wenn das so ist, dann werden Sie sicher mit Vergnügen zusammen mit anderen Gefangenen durch Paris marschieren; wir wollen versuchen, Ihnen die Möglichkeit dazu zu verschaffen.“ Die Ironie ließ ihn die Ohren spitzen und die Frage stellen, wie das gemeint sei. Dann erzählten wir ihm, daß kürzlich anglo-amerikanische Gefangenentrupps auf dem Marsch von einem Pariser Bahnhof zu einem anderen von ganzen Scharen französischer Frauen schwer beschimpft und angespuckt worden seien – aus Dankbarkeit für die Befreiung in Form von wahllosem Terrorbombardement. Worauf Mr. W. sein unrasiertes Kinn kratzte, sich räusperte und schließlich die unverfängliche Frage stellte, ob wir nicht eine Zigarette hätten. Wir hatten eine.

Das war die Einleitung. Dann kam das übliche, das heißt die Wiederkäuung von rund zehn Jahren Roosevelt- und Churchill-Propaganda. Der Buchhalter aus Toronto verstand absolut nicht, warum die zehn Millionen Deutschen jenseits der Versailler Ostgrenzen des Reiches gerade unter deutscher Regierung leben wollten, und nicht unter tschechischer oder polnischer. Er verglich deren Lage allen Ernstes mit der Lage der Kanadier, die doch auch ganz gemütlich neben und außerhalb der USA lebten! Mr. W. war ganz sicher, daß die Polen „russische“ Herrschaft der deutschen vorzögen. Er hatte nie etwas davon gehört, daß die Esten, Letten und Litauer keinen Geschmack an der Sowjetverwaltung des Jahres 1940/41 gefunden hatten und sich mit Klauen und Zähnen gegen deren Wiederkehr wehrten. Selbst meine Hinweise auf teilweise recht offene Artikel der anglo-amerikanischen Presse zu diesem und verwandten Themen weckten kein Echo in seinem Hirn; „kann sein, daß die Zeitungsschreiber bei uns mal so was geschrieben haben, aber ich lese solches politisches Zeug nicht.“ Was er denn überhaupt über Europa gelesen habe und wisse? „Well, nicht sehr viel. Aber einer meiner Freunde ist vor dem Kriege im Schwarzwald gewesen; da muß es schön sein – kann man nicht dorthin in ein Gefangenenlager kommen?“ Da gab ich’s auf, aus diesem kanadischen Holzbock einen politischen Funken zu schlagen…

Wir waren inzwischen an einer Gefangenensammelstelle angelangt, und Buchhalter W. aus Toronto setzte sich zu seinen Genossen auf den Rasen. Sein Zigarettenrest wanderte von Mund zu Mund, jeder durfte einen Zug machen. An die 20 Burschen saßen da, alle zwischen 20 und 30 Jahren alt, US-Amerikaner. Als ich nähertrat, um dieses merkwürdige Sammelsurium von Typen zu betrachten, erhob sich ein baumlanger Mastersergeant, Hauptfeldwebel, und stellte sich ungefragt als der Rangälteste vor, die Hände in den Hosentaschen. „Ihr scheint schlechte Manieren in der US-Armee zu haben! Sprecht ihr mit euren Offizieren auch so?“ „Sorry, Sir,“ und die Hände kamen heraus.

Amerikanischer Mastersergeant

Der erste, den wir ansprachen, war serbischer Abstammung. Ob er schon mal in Serbien gewesen sei? Natürlich nicht, und wo dieses Serbien genau war, wusste er auch nicht, „irgendwo auf dem Balkan, hat man mir gesagt.“ Der nächste, ein hämischer Bursch, bezeichnete sich als Holländer; ihm war versprochen worden, daß das Regiment in Holland landen würde, und nun war er böse, daß er zu den „damned French,“ zu den verdammten Franzosen geraten war. Mit Nr. 3, einem Mexikaner, war überhaupt nichts anzufangen, denn sein Englisch war schlimmer als chinesisches Pidgin-Englisch. Der vierte antwortete auf die Frage nach der Abstammung mit dem dunklen Wort „Eiteiljän;“ der Mastersergeant verbesserte in „Italian“ – nicht einmal richtig englisch aussprechen konnte Nr. 4 den Namen seiner Väter; Italienisch sprach er auch nicht. Der einzige Deutschblütige der Gruppe war ebenfalls keine Zierde seines Stammlandes; er wusste nicht einmal, aus welcher Gegend Deutschlands seine Großeltern herübergekommen waren. Dann kam ein biederer Schotte und schließlich ein Rassengemisch von einem Spaßvogel, der gleich „Irisch-Schottisch-Deutsch-Holländisch“ herunterschnurrte. Wie der Vollblutneger und der Indochinese in diese Musterkarte des „freiesten Volkes der Erde“ gekommen waren, vermochte nicht einmal der Mastersergeant anzugeben; sie schienen aus einem De-Gaulle-Regiment dazwischengeraten zu sein, Englisch oder Französisch sprachen beide nicht.

US-Gefangener mexikanischer Abstammung

US-Gefangener italienischer Abstammung (Aufn.: Atlantik)

Vollblutneger – ein besonders bemerkenswertes Exemplar von ‚Befreier Europas‘

Stumm besahen wir uns nochmals den ganzen Haufen, und allmählich stieg uns die Galle hoch. Jeder von diesen Soldaten Roosevelts mochte in seiner heimatlichen amerikanischen Umgebung irgendeinen Platz ausfüllen, irgendein persönliches Leben führen, irgendeinen obskuren Daseinszweck erfüllen. Alle waren sie, an europäischen Maßstäben gemessen, stumpf, uninteressant, primitiv, farblos: ein, vom Winde blinden Zufalls zusammengewehter Haufen artverschiedener Menschen, überzogen von der grauen Tünche einer Massenzivilisation. Und dieses rassische Strandgut aller Herren Länder wagte die ungeheuerliche Anmaßung eines Roosevelt als Befreier und Kulturbringer an das ehrwürdige Gestade Europas zu werfen, auf dem jeder Stein die Sprache der Geschichte sprach und jede Lebensart sich voll entwickelt hatte! Aber aus dem Zorn über solche Unverschämtheit wuchs die Bestätigung unserer Erkenntnis: Wenn man diese US-amerikanische Gefangenengruppe mit dem Erinnerungsbild jener braunen Sowjetscharen verglich, die man im Osten tausendfach gesehen hatte – war der Unterschied wirklich größer als ein bisschen höhere Zivilisation? War nicht hier wie dort die gleiche nationale Farblosigkeit, der gleiche Mangel an völkischem Gesicht und Wesen? Ist es mithin ein Wunder, daß die Bolschewisten kein zweites Volk so emsig nachahmend bewundern wie die Yankees, und daß die Yankees ihrerseits zwar den Bolschewismus als Antikapitalismus ablehnen, aber nicht den Abscheu aller europäischen Völker vor der Seelen- und Gestaltlosigkeit des östlichen Massenstaates teilen?

Mit diesen Gedanken im Sinn schlenderten wir zu einer Gruppe britischer Gefangener hinüber, die sich von ihren Bundesgenossen – hier wie überall in den Sammelstellen und Lagern – streng, wenn auch vielleicht absichtslos, absondern. Wir redeten einen Mann mit hoher Stirne und Hornbrille an, der sich als Maurer aus Lancashire entpuppte. Dem Photoapparat wich er geflissentlich aus. Warum? „Wenn mein Bild in die Zeitungen kommt, kann ich bei der Rückkehr Schwierigkeiten bekommen… Man hält mich dann vielleicht für einen ‚Collaborationist,‘ für einen, der mit den Deutschen zusammenarbeitet.“ Wir verzichteten gern auf sein belangloses Konterfei, worauf er gesprächig wurde. Sein Typ war bald klar: Er war der echte britische Kleinbürger, emsig bestrebt, nicht aufzufallen, sich der Standardmeinung anzuschließen, alle Schwenkungen der hohen und niederen Politik mitzumachen, „parteilos“ zu sein, ein trauriges Stück schaler Konvention. Er fand, daß die Konservativen „wieder im Kommen“ seien, fand aber auch, daß der sowjetische Kommunismus „viel Gutes“ habe, hoffte auf die Aera der zweiten Königin Elisabeth, weil es England unter Königinnen immer gut gegangen sei, versprach uns einen „milden“ Frieden und sich den „baldigen“ Sieg. Wusste nichts darauf zu sagen, als wir ihn an Churchills wilden Antibolschewismus vor 1941 erinnerten – Daß die Mehrzahl aller Briten von heutzutage solche traurigen Gesellen sind, die aus Mangel an Zivilcourage eifrig selbst die Scheuklappen festhalten, die ihnen das robuste Churchill-Regiment angelegt hat – das war ja die Voraussetzung für Churchills Krieg und ist die Grundbedingung für den Ausverkauf der britischen Weltmacht.

Wir ließen den Maurer stehen und wandten uns einem jungen Metallarbeiter zu. Er gehörte zur Labour-Partei, machte aber kein Hehl daraus, daß er diese für eine ziemlich vertrottelte Einrichtung hielt. Die Kommunisten? Nein, die „passten nicht“ für England. Die Kapitalisten? Mit denen gehe es zu Ende. Und dann? Nun, dann entwickelte der junge Mann in gesetzten, nachdenklichen Worten ein innenpolitisches Zukunftsprogramm seines Landes, das dem deutschen Nationalsozialismus glich wie ein Ei dem anderen! Als wir ihn schonend darauf aufmerksam machten, hielt er das zunächst für einen schlechten Witz, um in immer größeres Staunen zu geraten, als wir ihm an Hand nüchterner Tatsachen und Daten bewiesen, daß Deutschland den Weg, den er sich im Stillen für England erträumte, schon zu zwei Dritteln zurückgelegt hatte, als sein Churchill uns den Krieg erklärte. Und seine Überraschung wich der Bestürzung, nachdem wir ihm nicht minder nüchtern klargemacht hatten, daß weder Deutschland noch England die mindeste Aussicht auf die Verwirklichung des Sozialismus hätten, wenn die Sowjetheere je über die Grenzen Mitteleuropas hereinbranden sollten.

Der dritte Lancashire-Mann, Gasarbeiter seines Zeichens, war ein Pfiffikus, trotz seiner 21 Jahre. Er gehörte der Tory-Partei an und verschwor sich zuerst hoch und teuer, daß der prächtige Churchill uns einen wundervollen und braven Frieden schenken werde, wenn… Vor Stalin brauchten wir gar keine Angst zu haben, denn dem würde die Zunge zum Halse heraushängen am Ende der Schlachten, so daß Churchill – von Roosevelts Mitarbeit wollte der konservative Gasmann nicht viel wissen – Europa schön nach englischem Geschmack einrichten könne. Worauf wir ihn fragten, ob er etwas militärisch zu denken vermöge. Das wurde bescheiden, „im Rahmen der Möglichkeit eines einfachen Mannes bejaht.“ Gut, sagten wir, dann möge er einmal das Tempo und die Massenwucht der Sowjetoffensiven mit den anglo-amerikanischen Schneckenoffensiven vergleichen und daraus seine Schlüsse für den Fall eines deutschen Erlahmens ziehen… Das leuchtete ihm ein: „Ja, das wäre natürlich schlimm, wenn die Sowjets zuerst in Berlin ankämen.“ Und schließlich schloss er sich auch der Ansicht an, daß England in einer verflucht brenzligen Lage wäre, wenn dann erwartungsgemäß die roten Fahnen über ganz Europa hochgingen. Aber Churchill weiß das doch auch alles, und er wird schon wissen, wie er Stalin… „Betrügen kann?“ ergänzte ich. Seine stumm lächelnde Zustimmung versteinerte jedoch, als wir ihm an Churchills ganzer politischer Vergangenheit nachwiesen, daß sein Idol immer nur ein frecher Spieler gewesen war und heute nicht mehr aus der Sackgasse herauskönne, in die er Britannien hineingelotst hatte.

Gasarbeiter aus Lancashire

„Aber es muß doch eine Rettung für England geben!“ Es gibt keine Rettung für England, seit sein Volk schwach und gedankenlos genug war, sein Geschick einem Churchill anzuvertrauen. Und es wird ein grausames Erwachen für die Soldaten des großmäuligen Montgomery sein, die auf einen leichten Endsieg über die Deutschen und die Schlauheit des alten Fuchses in Westminster bauten…

Innsbrucker Nachrichter (July 27, 1944)

Ergebnislose Feindangriffe in der Normandie

Vergebliche Durchbruchsversuche bei Florenz – Lublin und Narwa geräumt – In einem Monat 924 Sowjetpanzer vernichtet

dnb. Aus dem Führerhauptquartier, 27. Juli –
Das Oberkommando der Wehrmacht gibt bekannt:

Südlich Caen wurden unsere gestern zurückgewonnenen Stellungen gefestigt und gegen erneute örtliche Angriffe gehalten. Panzerbereitstellungen östlich Caen wurden durch zusammengefasstes Artilleriefeuer zerschlagen.

Im Raum westlich Caumont erzielte der Feind wenige örtliche Einbrüche, die nach Abschuß von 45 Panzern abgeriegelt wurden.

Amerikanische Verbände setzten im Raum westlich Saint-Lô mit starken Kräften ihre Angriffe fort. Einer feindlichen Angriffsgruppe von zwanzig Panzern mit aufgesessener Infanterie gelang es, bis in den Raum Canisy vorzustoßen. Fünf Panzer wurden davon abgeschossen. Heftige Kämpfe halten hier und im Raum Marigny an.

Nördlich Périers behaupteten unsere Truppen ihre Stellungen gegen alle feindlichen Angriffe.

Wirksame Angriffe unserer Kampfflieger richteten sich bei Nacht gegen feindliche Bereitstellungen im Raum Caen und Schiffsziele nordöstlich Cherbourg. Der Feind verlor elf Flugzeuge in Luftkämpfen.

Im französischen Raum wurden 40 Terroristen im Kampf niedergemacht.

Das Vergeltungsfeuer auf London dauert an.

In Italien blieb dem Gegner im Raum südlich Florenz auch gestern trotz aller Anstrengungen, unsere Front zu durchstoßen, jeder Erfolg versagt. Unter Einsatz starker Infanterie- und Panzerverbände rannte der Feind immer wieder, von Artillerie und schweren Luftangriffen unterstützt, gegen unsere Stellungen an, blieb jedoch unter hohen Verlusten liegen. Ein örtlicher Einbruch, den der Feind erst nach schwersten Kämpfen südwestlich Figline erzielen konnte, wurde abgeriegelt.

An der Ostfront wurden im Abschnitt Stanislau–Lemberg zahlreiche Angriffe der Sowjets verlustreich abgewiesen. Der Stadtkern von Lemberg wird weiterhin von unseren Grenadieren gegen alle bolschewistischen Angriffe gehalten.

Im Raum von Jaroslau und Lublin hält der starke feindliche Druck an. Die Stadt Lublin ging nach erbittertem Kampf verloren.

Beiderseits von Brest-Litowsk, bei Bialystok und östlich Kauen wurden alle Durchbruchsversuche der Bolschewisten zerschlagen, örtliche Einbrüche abgeriegelt. Bei Ponewisch sind Kämpfe mit feindlichen Aufklärungs- und Panzerspitzen im Gange.

Zwischen Dünaburg und dem Finnischen Meerbusen brachen auch gestern wieder zahlreiche Angriffe der Sowjets blutig zusammen. Die in einem vorspringenden Frontbogen gelegene Stadt Narwa wurde nach Durchführung der seit langer Zeit vorbereiteten Zerstörung aller kriegswichtigen Anlagen befehlsmäßig geräumt. Angriffe des Feindes gegen unsere verkürzten, wenige Kilometer. westlich verlaufenden neuen Stellungen blieben erfolglos.

Bei den schweren Kämpfen im Raum Ludsen zeichnete sich das Füsilierbataillon 32 unter Rittmeister von Heydebreck durch besondere Standhaftigkeit aus. Der tapfere Kommandeur fand in vorderster Linie den Heldentod.

In der Zeit vom 24. Juni bis 24. Juli wurden im Nordabschnitt der Ostfront durch Truppen des Heeres und der Waffen-SS sowie durchfliegende Verbände und Flakartillerie der Luftwaffe 924 sowjetische Panzer vernichtet.

Starke Schlachtfliegerverbände griffen in den Schwerpunktabschnitten wirksam in die Erdkämpfe ein und zersprengten feindliche Kolonnen. Hierbei wurden 35 feindliche Panzer und über 400 Fahrzeuge zerstört.

In der Nacht führten schwere Kampfflugzeuge Angriffe gegen feindliche Bereitstellungen im Raum von Lublin.

Nordamerikanische Bomber griffen Orte in Südostdeutschland und in Rumänien an. Durch Luftverteidigungskräfte wurden 42 feindliche Flugzeuge, darunter 35 viermotorige Bomber, vernichtet. Rumänische Jagdflieger schössen im Kampf mit einem nordamerikanischen Jagdverband neun feindliche Jäger ab.

In der Nacht warfen feindliche Flugzeuge Bomben im Raum von Hamburg und auf die Stadt Tilsit. Sechs Flugzeuge wurden zum Absturz gebracht.

Supreme HQ Allied Expeditionary Force (July 27, 1944)

Communiqué No. 103

In the area west of SAINT-LÔ, Allied forces have made good gains through enemy positions. One armored column has driven south some five miles from the PÉRIERS–SAINT-LÔ road to take MARIGNY. Another armored prong thrust across the SAINT-LÔ–COUTANCES road through SAINT-GILLES. The advance is continuing. Elsewhere in the western sector local gains have been made.

South of CAEN, there has been heavy fighting, with the enemy continuing a stubborn defense. All attacks by our forces in this sector have met strong concentrations of enemy tanks, artillery and mortars. Several enemy counterattacks have been repulsed.

Yesterday afternoon and evening, fighter-bombers attacked enemy gun positions, strong points, tank and troop concentrations in and around the battle area.

Other fighter-bombers and fighters kept up the attack on transportation targets over a wide area from DOUAI to VENDOME, cutting railway tracks and strafing locomotives, rolling stock and vehicles.

Sixteen enemy aircraft were shot down. Thirteen of ours are missing.

Fuel dumps at FONTAINEBLEAU and SENONCHES and railway bridges at EPERNON and L’AIGLE were attacked early yesterday evening by medium bombers.

Heavy bombers, six of which are missing, attacked the railway center of GIVORS–BADAN, 12 miles south of LYONS, last night.

Three enemy aircraft were shot down during the night, two over NORMANDY and one by INTRUDERS.

Periodical Communiqué No. 2

271700b July

Since 15 July, the French Forces of the Interior have repelled further attempts by the Germans to liquidate Marquis areas. German attacks have now taken the form of raids carried out by armored columns. In many instances these new tactics have been frustrated by ambushes.

In the SAÔNE-ET-LOIRE Department, resistance forces have succeeded in annihilating an enemy convoy of 116 lorries. In the PYRENEES, resistance forces attacked a column of armored cars and artillery with such success that the enemy was forced to bring up reinforcements in order to avoid complete defeat. Engagements have also taken place in MORVAN and in BRITTANY. In the RHÔNE Valley, resistance forces which have withdrawn from towns captured by the enemy have now regrouped in the woods.

In NORMANDY and elsewhere, attacks against the railway system continue to disorganize the enemy’s lines of communication. In the LOIRET, 30 trucks of war material have been destroyed. In the HÉRAULT, attacks on railway lines have caused several derailments, including the wrecking of an ammunition train. Interruptions of traffic in this area lasted from 18 to 36 hours.

The destruction of locks on important canals has continued, particularly in the north and in the east, thereby interfering with the transport of fuel. Barges carrying 100,000 gallons of oil fuel have been blown up, and petrol depots and convoys have been destroyed in the NIÈVRE.

Communiqué No. 104

Allied armored thrusts in the western sector continue to make rapid progress.

One column has cut the road from SAINT-LÔ to PERCY in the neighborhood of LE MESNIL-HERMAN, while another has advanced for miles to the southwest of CANISY. A third has driven some distance west form MARIGNY down the COUTANCES road.

Between the SEVES and the AY rivers, an advance of some 2,000 yards has cut the PÉRIERS–LESSAY road.

Between SAINT-LÔ and CAUMONT, the enemy salient is being steadily eliminated and advanced troops after occupying BERIGNY have reached the outskirts of NOTRE-DAME-D’ELLE. Other forces moving west from the CAUMONT area have reached the village of MOUFFET.

A strong enemy counterattack towards VERRIÈRES was repulsed last night. The enemy has made no further effort in the CAEN sector.

Fighter-bombers, supporting advancing ground forces in the SAINT-LÔ sector, attacked enemy guns and transport.

Military targets at BRUSSELS and GHENT were attacked by small forces of heavy bombers this morning. Escorting fighters strafed roads and railway facilities in the same area.

Enemy shipping off the PAS-DE-CALAIS coast was attacked by coastal aircraft early today.

The Pittsburgh Press (July 27, 1944)

Yanks drive seven more miles

U.S. column racing toward sea to trap seven German divisions
By Virgil Pinkley, United Press staff writer

Yank drive of seven miles into Nazi defenses for a total thrust of 12 miles in three days highlights news from France. The British were forced back in the Caen sector, withdrawing from Esquay and Tilly-la-Campagne (1). The Yanks captured Canisy and drove to Le Mesnil-Herman (2). Other U.S. forces thrust into Périers (3).


SHAEF, London, England –
The German defense line in Normandy cracked wide open today and a U.S. armored column raced southwestward toward the sea in a fast-breaking bid to shear off the Nazi left wing and trap the enemy’s 84th Army Corps of seven badly mauled divisions.

SHAEF, London, England –
U.S. armored columns raced forward up to seven miles today in their Normandy breakthrough drive, fanning out on a broad arc which overran the road junctions of Canisy and Le Mesnil-Herman and reached points 4¼ miles from Coutances and six miles south of Saint-Lô.

Field dispatches reported the capture of fire-ravaged Canisy, three miles southeast of Marigny, and said Lt. Gen. Omar N. Bradley’s tanks had spurted another five miles in the same direction to seize Le Mesnil-Herman on the Saint-Lô–Percy highway and reach Saint-Samson-de-Bonfossé.

The whirlwind advances through groggy German defenses expanded the breakthrough by U.S. armor to a depth of nearly 12 miles in less than three days of fighting. They also set the stage for flanking pushes to the east and west which, if successful, would collapse the whole southern rim of the German arc around the Normandy beachhead.

The main spearheads of the breakthrough forces were swinging southeastward below Saint-Lô and southwestward toward Coutances, the capture of which would undermine the Atlantic coastal wing of the German Army.

The German line between the Saint-Lô gap and the Atlantic was buckling under the U.S. 1st Army’s blows. U.S. patrols thrust into Périers, central hinge of the German defenses fronting Gen. Bradley’s troops, and the Lessay–Périers highway was cut in a gain of more than a mile.

The Nazi plight was reflected in a DNB News Agency estimate that Gen. Sir Bernard L. Montgomery can now send into the field “about 50 divisions, including very strong fresh tank formations.”

Gen. Bradley’s men generally were on the move from just west of Caumont to the sea, and were consolidating their armored gains as fast as infantry and artillery could be moved up.

Henry T. Gorrell, United Press writer who witnessed the breakthrough in its crucial phase yesterday, reported in a dispatch filed at 3:30 p.m. (local time) that by afternoon the foremost elements of the U.S. armor were at Saint-Samson-de-Bonfossé.

From another sector, United Press writer James McGlincy reported the capture of Le Mesnil-Herman, one of the biggest road hubs south of Saint-Lô.

The first field dispatches of the day reported the capture of Canisy. They said it burned all night after being set afire by the explosions which cracked German resistance.

Littered with Nazi dead

Mr. Gorrell reported:

A driver of a tank outfit said there was not much left of Canisy. The streets are littered with German dead, cut down by automatic weapons fired from halftracks as the Americans passed through. There was a brief street fight, which cost the Americans only a few casualties.

As the tank columns fanned out far beyond Marigny, dispatches reported that in some sectors Adolf Hitler’s famous SS regiments had pulled out and left the rearguard fighting to Polish conscripts, hundreds of whom were captured.

The weather had cleared, and wave upon wave of fighter-bombers battered all day at the German positions.

Mr. Gorrell reported:

As I write this, our fighter-bombers are returning from the front and executing victory rolls en masse. It is quite a sight to see as many as 40 of them do it simultaneously.

Eyewitnesses told Mr. Gorrell they had seen many German tanks knocked out along the Saint-Gilles–Canisy road. Big German Tiger tanks were battling U.S. Shermans in the advanced areas.

Terrific cannonade

The chief German resistance had been from mortars. Our infantry was fast cleaning up the corridors laid out by the tanks, and “such was the state of German demoralization at the sight of the U.S. armor that very few snipers stuck around,” Mr. Gorrell said.

Since yesterday afternoon, there has been a terrific cannonade as our mobile guns, supported by hundreds of other cannon in the rear, picked off observed targets. Our Piper Cubs now are flying over by dozens, spotting for the artillery.

Roads in the path of the advance are strewn with knocked-out German vehicles and German bodies. Our engineers are keeping pace with the advance, filling in the bomb and shell craters.

The east end of the American line was also rolling up slow but steady gains. Infantry reached Mouffet, five miles west of Caumont, in a two-mile advance from Montrabot. They took Bérigny and on the Saint-Lô–Caumont highway and pushed forward to the vicinity of Notre-Dame-d’Elle, three miles south of Bérigny and six miles east of Saint-Lô.

Farther to the east, the British and Canadians were forced to yield some ground both south and southwest of Caen in the face of increasingly heavy enemy counterattacks.

The British and Canadians withdrew completely from Tilly-la-Campagne, four and a half miles southeast of Caen, and also abandoned Esquay, six and a half miles southwest of Caen, and nearby Hill 112 on the bank of the Orne River. Both the Exchange Telegraph Agency and the London Daily Sketch said the withdrawals constituted a “serious setback” for Lt. Gen. Miles C. Dempsey’s 2nd Army.

Planes hit three ships

Allied fighter-bombers continued to give close support to the ground forces last night and boosted their toll for the day to 20 enemy tanks destroyed, 19 probably destroyed and 58 damaged. Fourteen gun positions were hit.

Planes also hit the three ship unloading supplies at Granville, 15 miles south of Coutances, as well as railway yards, fuel dumps, bridges and road junctions behind the battle line.

Front dispatches said the British and Canadians were regrouping south and southwest of Caen after their offensive push down the highway toward Falaise broke down in the face of strenuous opposition and counterattacks by four German panzer divisions.

Rocket-firing RAF Typhoons stopped one German counterattack yesterday evening before its infantry and supporting ranks could reach forward Canadian positions. Five tanks were destroyed and eight others damaged.

Lt. Gen. McNair, 61, killed at front line in Normandy

Led training of ground forces

Washington (UP) –
Lt. Gen. Lesley J. McNair, the man who directed training of this country’s mammoth new ground forces for the battles they are now fighting around the world, was killed in the front line of the current U.S. offensive in Normandy, the War Department announced today. He was 61.

Before he fell, Gen. McNair saw the start of an offensive which has already smashed through the German lines and carried deeper into the enemy’s territory the doughboys whose training he directed.

Gen. McNair stood high in the small group of military leaders who, under Gen. George C. Marshall, Chief of Staff, built the U.S. Army from 1½ million men to its present size of 7,700,000.

Had narrow escape

Gen. McNair had some narrow escapes in other wars and had come close to death once before in this one. On April 23, 1943, while visiting the Tunisian front, a splinter from a German four-inch shell pierced his steel helmet and lodged a quarter of an inch from his brain.

He survived that experience, however, and shrugged it off with a tribute to the quality of steel in his helmet.

From March 1942 until recently, Gen. McNair was commanding general of the Army Ground Forces, a post which ranked him with Gen. H. H. Arnold, commander of the Army Air Forces, and Lt. Gen. Brehon B. Somervell, commander of the Army Supply Forces.

On July 14, the War Department announced that he had been succeeded by Lt. Gen. Ben Lear and had been given an “important overseas assignment.” What that assignment was has not yet been disclosed. It appeared possible that it might have been the command of an Army corps.

Second of rank killed

The War Department announcement said merely that Gen. McNair “was killed by enemy fire while observing the action of our frontline units in the recent offensive.”

Gen. McNair was the second officer of his rank to meet death in this war. The first was Lt. Gen. Frank M. Andrews, commander of U.S. forces in the European Theater, who was killed in a plane crash in Iceland on May 3, 1943.

Gen. McNair was credited with possessing one of the best brains in the Army. He used to be known as “the GHQ Sparkplug” and there are many stories around the Pentagon concerning the effect of his visits to Army units. One engineering unit which had taken pride in its ability to build a pontoon bridge in something over an hour pared by the time to 39 minutes shortly after a visit by Gen. McNair.

Gen. Marshall, on hearing of his death, described Gen. McNair as “an inspiring example to the forces of our great ground army which he organized and trained.”

The notable success of U.S. combat troops going into action for the first time against battle-hardened enemy troops was accredited in considerable degree to the effectiveness of this training program.

Gen. McNair was born in Verndale, Minnesota, May 25, 1883.

Gen. McNair was the sixth Army general officer to be killed in action in this war, not counting seven who died in airplane crashes and two who died from illnesses resulting from combat experience.

Others killed

Generals killed in action to date include:

  • Maj. Gen. Clarence L. Tinker: Missing in action off Midway June 7, 1942, and listed as presumed dead a year later.

  • Brig. Gen. Asa N. Duncan: Missing off the European coast Nov. 17, 1942, and declared dead a year later.

  • Brig. Gen. Nathan B. Forrest: Missing after a raid on Kiel, Germany, June 13, 1943, and now considered dead.

  • Brig. Gen. Donald F. Pratt: Killed in action June 6, 1944, in France.

  • Brig. Gen. Nelson M. Walker: Died of wounds July 10 in France.

Gen. McNair graduated from West Point in 1904. He went through the last war in France without a scratch but he had some close calls.

Gen. McNair served with the 1st Infantry Division of the AEF in France during the last war and also at general headquarters of the AEF. He won the Distinguished Service Medal for his work in gunnery.

In 1940, he was assigned as Chief of Staff of General Headquarters, Washington. When the War Department General Staff was reorganized in March 1942, he was made head of the Army Ground Forces.

Gen. McNair is survived by his widow, who lives at the Army War College here where Gen. McNair had his headquarters as head of the Ground Forces.

Pinkley: Hitler stakes everything on Norman battle

Nazis countermand strategy of generals
By Virgil Pinkley, United Press staff writer

SHAEF, London, England –
I have been informed by credible authority that the Nazis have countermanded the strategy of top generals of the general staff and have staked virtually their entire future on halting the Americans and British at the present line in Normandy.

They’ve made it an “all or nothing” affair.

This decision is at wide variance with the determination of Field Marshal Karl Gerd von Rundstedt – now reported a victim of the blood purge of German generals opposing Hitler – to fall back behind the Seine and Loire Rivers should the Allies establish a bridgehead in Normandy.

Would force detour

Von Rundstedt’s view was that such a move would have compelled the Allies to go the long way around south of Paris to get at the German Army. With all the main bridges on the Seine and Loire down and transportation hamstrung by months of Allied bombardment, this would have left the Allies a difficult supply problem.

Simultaneously the Germans would have been fighting from shortened supply lines.

The Nazis countered this argument according to my informant, with the assertion that the prestige value of a do-or-die stand at the base of the Normandy Peninsula outweighed practical military factors.

Rush divisions

So Adolf Hitler and his party generals rushed most of the crack panzer divisions in Europe into Normandy to grind themselves against the Allied force. Elite SS and grenadier outfits were placed in the frontlines. In one sector near Caen, 15 to 20 divisions were crammed into a 12-mile front to greatest concentration of manpower in military history.

Repeatedly they threw these crack troops into limited counterattack hoping to gain time in which to patch up the crumbling Eastern and Italian fronts; time in which to achieve a stalemate and a negotiated peace; time in which frantically to push scientific experiments on novel weapons such as the flying bombs.

Slows Allies

The result of this German resistance has been to slow Allied progress down to a backbreaking and frequently disheartening task of grinding down the German men and material. It is difficult to measure these Allied gains hour by hour and day by day, but Allied officers here believe that once the hard crust is broken, they will roll rapidly toward Paris and the Reich frontier.

Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower’s forces are tearing at the vitals of the German Army in the Battle of Normandy and achieving at an unexpectedly early phase the ambition to meet and defeat the German Army in the field.

U.S. thrust has makings of beachhead breakout

British reverse, which puts Montgomery on the spot, may be serious, writer says
By William H. Stoneman

SHAEF, London, England –
The American advance west of Saint-Lô has definitely broken through the Germans’ main positions in that area and has produced the first real promise of “something interesting” which the Allies have enjoyed since the fall of Cherbourg.

For the time being, it is not wise to speculate on the extent and direction of the American advance, but nobody can deny that it has the makings of that breakout from the beachhead which we have been waiting all these weeks.

Unpleasant British reverse

Meanwhile, the British have suffered an unpleasant and perhaps serious reverse in the area southwest of Caen, across the Orne River from the scene of the British-Canadian offensive which was launched Tuesday.

While the British-Canadian offensive was fading out against furious opposition, the Germans west of the river suddenly staged a little offensive of their own capturing the town of Esquay and nearby Hill 112, which is seven miles southwest of Caen.

Commands triangle

Hill 112 commands a large part of the triangle between the rivers Orne and Odon, southwest of Caen, and unless it can be recaptured the British forces at Maltot and Éterville will be embarrassed. The triangle must be held or the Germans can threaten the flank of the British and Canadian forces, south of Caen, on the other bank of the Orne.

The British-Canadian offensive south of Caen was bogged down and stopped due largely to the excellent defensive nature of the ground held by the Germans. Gen. Sir Bernard L. Montgomery must now be in a considerable quandary; he has simply got to break the stalemate south of Caen and it just does not look as if he could.

Somebody must do it

If he cannot, then they will have to find somebody who can.

If Gen. Montgomery should go – and we have no reason to believe he will at this juncture – his logical successor would be the Allied commander-in-chief in Italy, Gen. Sir Harold H. L. G. Alexander, his former chief during the Libyan desert campaign.

Alexander’s success in Italy and his great personal popularity have combined with our lack of progress in France to put him in the spotlight. Montgomery certainly cannot stand much more delay on the British front.

Yanks turn to thoughts of home as they ‘sweat out’ Nazi barrage

Here’s what 12 facing death said
By Tom Wolf

On the Normandy front, France – (special)
This is a near stenographic report of the conversation of 12 men pinned down for two hours by as vicious an artillery barrage as the Germans have yet loosed in Normandy.

The men are part of a company of combat engineers who were sent in to a recently captured town only a few hours after the first infantry units. When the barrage started, they dived behind a partially wrecked building. All are sweating despite the ground dampness. Conversation comes in gulps followed by long, uneasy silences which are usually ended by profanity after an especially heavy barrage.

This, then, is what men talk about at the front when their lives hang on the trajectory of the next shell:

¶ “Why the hell isn’t the Air Corps up there today bombing those gun positions?”

¶ “The fliers probably are lapping up mild and bitter in London and saying, ‘Oh, those poor, poor boys in the infantry!’ I’ll stand any one of them a drink any place any time.”

¶ “My old man was in the trenches in the last war.”

¶ “The Colonel says we’ll be here for Christmas.”

¶ “Who said this town’s been taken?”
“The Major.”

“Well, this is the last time they’ll get me up here just because the Major says the place is taken. There’s only one way to tell if a place is taken. When you see the Major in the town, then it’s taken.

¶ “Where’s our artillery we hear so much about? Why aren’t they giving those Hun guns a working over?”

¶ “After this war is over, I’m going to have a six months’ drunk.”
“Only six months?”

Afraid of firecrackers

¶ “Man, back where I live there was a fellow who used to go fishing every Fourth of July. He was afraid of firecrackers. Now I know how he feels. I’ll never shoot another cracked in all my life.”

¶ “You volunteered, Jim. You should be the last to kick.”
“Yeah, you volunteered. For what?”
“Yes, what are we fighting for?”
“Well, if we weren’t fighting them over here, we’d have to be fighting them over there sooner or later.”

¶ “Wonder if this building will take it!”

“Well, it’s been okay all morning. They probably have an observer right on the roof here. No one’s been up there to look.”

“I hope they have. They wouldn’t try to hit him.”

¶ “Before we left England, they got to us to make out our wills. Had to say who we wanted to collect our insurance. Now I know why.”

“Bet my old man would be tickled to death to get the money. I never was any use to him anyway.”

If they get back home

¶ “Boy, if I ever get back to my little old town, I’ll never leave its city limits again as long as I live.”

“Yes, someone ought to tell Roosevelt that he just calls us back home, we’ll police up his place for the rest of our lives.”

“Yeah, even after that Easter egg roll.”

¶ “How long have we been in line?”
“Forty-three days.”
“Forty-three, baloney. Forty-four.”

A soldier, covered with sweat, jumps behind the protection of the wall, too. He swears, slumps to the ground in frightened exhaustion. Someone asks him.

¶ “Where are they falling?”
“About five inches away. all over that damn road. Got lots of our boys. The medics sure are sweating it out back there.”

“Man, my hat’s off to those medics. Nothing scares them.”

Yanks draw fire

¶ “This is a pretty rugged building.”
“Yeah, and I always thought I was pretty rugged, too, but this is too damned rugged for me.”

¶ “What’s that noise coming this way?”
“Well, get those things away from here. They draw more fire than anything.”

¶ “Boy, look at all those bottles in the cellar. All empty.”
“I sure would like to drink.”

¶ “I sure would like to be home.”
“When I get home, I’m going to stay drunk.”

And the conversational cycle began all over again.

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Doolittle periled by own bombers

General over France on D-Day

London, England –
The North American Newspaper Alliance has just learned that Lt. Gen. James H. Doolittle piloted a P-38 Lightning up and down the French invasion coast on D-Day to see how the bombing was going.

He remained in the air observing the operations on the coast until he suddenly realized that it was only five minutes before zero hour, when the terrific bombing attack in support of our invading forces was to have begun. This first massed bombing, it is said, approximated 5,000 tons of explosives unloaded on the enemy.

Gen. Doolittle was obliged to get of the way with all possible speed, since the bombing attack was to be delivered from above the clouds on account of the thick weather. Had he not left the area promptly there was great danger that because of the nature and weight of the attack of bombers flying above him out of sight, his plane might have been destroyed by a descending missile.

He remained over the invasion coast, however, long enough to examine the line, and on his return to a British base stated that not a single bomb fell on our troops. Gen. Doolittle described the air attack as a magnificent piece of work.

Wolfert: Going slowly past fallen comrades, infantry trudges into jaws of death

Each of them knows somebody in crowd will get it, but not him
By Ira Wolfert

With the U.S. infantry west of Saint-Lô, France – (delayed)
The infantry they still say is Queen of Battles. When the infantry wants to cross a road here, it goes like this:

Airplanes and artillery take them by the hand, a big, dull upheaving thump of bombs gets in its way among the bat-like crack of shells, then the infantry grunts itself up onto its two legs and the fellows put their legs in front of them, one after the other and they walk, dragging behind them a train weightier than a train on a queen’s dress. Radio stud and telephone wires, wire layers and spreaders, lance poles, heavier guns, vehicles for all this and for ammunition, rations, ambulances, blood plasma, bulldozers, trucks full of crushed rocks and cots of officers and the typewriters of war correspondents.

The road the fellows went across today was the main road running east from Périers down to Saint-Lô, a hard surfaced country road, twisting and narrow, but first class all the same and the kind a country boy could really spank his auto along. There is a lump of high ground just north of it that the Germans held this morning and then a few miles southeast of it down in that part of the Cherbourg Peninsula they call French Switzerland, there is commanding ground that the Germans hold in force with plenty of howitzers there that can go into the deepest hole after a man and blow him out of there in pieces.

Gray morning at front

It was gray this morning at the front. The infantry and artillery had taken some of the murder out of their promenade and it didn’t look as if the airplanes could work today. Rain which had been dripping down greasily from the skies for days had stopped finally but the sky still hung low and wet-looking over the countryside.

Then the sky began to lift, very slowly, but all in one piece like the curtain of a show and the infantry watched it go up and watched the sun wear at it with its light and heat and wear it thinner and thinner until at last the gray was the color of threadbare cloth and they could see the pale-yellow overlay of the sun through it.

There were miles of people watching in silence the slow inch by inch lift of their ceiling of sky, from 6 o’clock in the morning on. At 6 o’clock, the sky’s ceiling seemed to lay on your face, then at 7 o’clock your face was clear of it and was clinging like with gray fingers to trees and so on and on, lifting higher and higher until at 11:40 the first airplanes came over and the infantry knew for sure that its legs were going to get a workout.

Artillery gets answer

The artillery was pounding good by this time and there was some answer from the Germans. The Nazis were searching the roads and back areas. Searching is a word artillery people like to use but it’s more like clawing. Four of five shells come down on you like a paw and rake you. Then a swift clawing paw rakes alongside of you and in back. It’s a flurry of swift-clawing paws like an animal striking out because you’ve come too close and you hug where you are and stay still and then when its quiet crawl closer. You can’t see the animal and he can’t see you, but there is the feeling in you that you can hear his frightened, dangerous breathing as you crawl closer.

The bombers ran across the sky like girls and vapor blew behind them as if there were skirts blowing in the wind. Then they swooped down and the sound of their bombs dropping all in a packet drummed across the fields and drummed beating wildly up and down the silent country lanes.

Bombs take long time to fall

Flying Fortresses came after them, they sailed with the silvery, gleaming like ships in line each formation of 12 shooting a white smoke flare that dropped the rough skies of foaming yarn. Their bombs took a long time to fall. They came from very high up and the sound of them took a long time to reach us. When it came it was like drumming again, a very wild, drunken, unmusical drumming with an upheaving effect to it like a buried multitude beating up against the surface of the earth. The blasts were ironed out by the two or three miles between us and the bombs so that all they did was to fill our ears a little bit and flap out trousers against our legs.

The infantry now stepped off against the German hedges. They walked erect and they went about a hundred yards every three minutes. There were some fellows killed, a few more wounded but not many.

Pulled our when planes came

Most of the Germans had pulled out when the airplanes came over. They knew we meant business and that arithmetic was against them. They knew that if they stayed, they must inevitably be killed and that was the arithmetic of it. The only thing they could gain by dying was time.

The German command had to decide whether that time was worth buying with the lives of their men there or wherever it would be more useful to pull them out and open a little hole in the line, then ring the hole with big guns and blow men down who ventured into it.

Decide to open hole

The German command decided to open the hole. They made it like a giant maw there and the infantry, knowing exactly what it was, walked steadily into it, going at about 100 yards every three minutes, standing erect and pausing to fire only when fired upon by small arms, not stopping for howitzer shells or mortars but going through the dust and pelting dirt of that opening with white faces and eyes running from side to side as though gripped in their sockets and bodies standing straight up. That part of it at least was the way men would walk.

The queen of battles pulled its train along through the muddy, dirty country lands. You couldn’t see anything of it before the battle, it was hidden in all the fields.

Slowly comes out

Then slowly it began coming out into the lanes, big snorting trucks, spewing squelches of mud from their massive wheels and skittering little jeeps, motorcycles and columns of men stopped under the loads of radios and bundles of wire and heavy mortars and bazookas all covered with green flowering twigs, filling the lanes, coming like a ghost army out of their invisible hiding and going slowly past the dead, looking slowly at the silent wounded coming back, wrinkling their noses over the stink of killed cattle rotting in the fields, watching a wounded cow limp past a herd that had fallen in a row, followed in his limping by a calf that nuzzled her mutely and going along, going along all this time past the broken teeth of the mouth the Germans had opened for them.

Weren’t firing much

Everybody knew he was going into the German mouth. The Germans weren’t firing much today, they were afraid to give away their positions to our artillery planes circling as slowly as falling leaves overhead. But planes come down at night and then the German guns rimming the mouth like jaws will try to clamp down.

The job is to break off those jaws from inside the mouth. The infantry filled the mouth by late this afternoon. They crossed the road and got in beyond in it, then they waited for the jaws to clamp down so that they could break them off there. In the outpost line beyond the infantry those fellows knew that tonight, while the German artillery was firing, German patrols would come out and try to capture some of them so that their intelligence could find out just what kind of an attack this was.

Some will wind up dead

In the moonless darkness tonight, the attempt will surely have some success, some of those fellows out there tonight are going to wind up dead and some are going to become prisoners. There will be German dead too. The outpost sit very quietly in their holes. Each of them knows someone or two or a half dozen of them are not going to be there by the time you read this. Each thinks it’s the other fellow who is going to get it and the Germans assembling for their patrol now somewhere behind the hedges think the same thing. Somebody in the crowd is going to get it but not him.

Völkischer Beobachter (July 28, 1944)

Seibert: Wir schaffen es!

Es hat keinen Deutschen, der diesen Namen verdient, in den letzten Wochen und Tagen gegeben, der nicht von schweren Sorgen erfüllt gewesen ist. Ernste Nachrichten von allen Seiten: In der Normandie die Landung der westlichen Invasionsmassen – die Landung als solche geglückt. In Italien ein verhältnismäßig rasches, wenn auch weit hinter den feindlichen Erwartungen bleibendes Zurückfallen. Im Osten ein titanisches, auch für uns verlustreiches Ringen mit umfangreichen Gebietsaufgaben. Und schließlich am 20. Juli jener heimtückische Schlag aus dem Dunkel, der uns um Haaresbreite des Führers beraubt hätte. Sprechen wir es offen und klar aus: Niemals seit Beginn dieses Krieges sind unsere Nerven und Herzen einer schwereren Belastungsprobe ausgesetzt gewesen wie in diesem Juli 1944.

Nichts zeugt stärker von der unverwüstlichen Lebenskraft, die der Nationalsozialismus in der geschichtlich so kurzen Ära seines Wirkens der Nation der Deutschen eingeimpft hat, als die heute schon weithin sichtbare Tatsache, daß der Stoß vom 20. Juli nicht zum „Gnadenstoß“ für unsere Sache geworden ist, sondern neue Kräfte aus uns geboren und neue Energien in uns wachgerüttelt hat. Erst in der größten Not zeigt sich, was wirklich in einem Menschen steckt. Mit Völkern, nationalen Bewegungen und Revolutionen ist es nicht anders. Der Feind selbst hat seine hohe, durch bittere Erfahrung gewonnene Meinung vom Reich und der Wehrmacht Adolf Hitlers unfreiwillig bekundet, als er am Tage nach dem Anschlag seine Völker davor warnte, nun auf einen raschen Zusammenbruch der deutschen Front und der deutschen Heimat zu rechnen.

Wir sind nie beliebt gewesen in der Welt, aber man hat uns immer Außerordentliches zugetraut, im Guten wie im Bösen. Seit das Reich nationalsozialistisch geworden ist, hat sich diese Einschätzung unserer Fähigkeiten so gesteigert, daß selbst die rosigsten Prophezeiungen der Gegenseite stets mit dem warnenden Nachsatz versehen wurden: „Aber hütet euch vor der Illusion, daß die Deutschen bereits am Ende ihres Lateins seien!“ Selbst die unbestreitbaren Erfolge des Sowjetfeindes im Osten und das lange Ausbleiben deutscher Gegenschläge auf den übrigen Fronten, einschließlich des Luftkriegsgebietes, haben Bolschewismus und Plutokratie bis auf den Tag nicht von dem Druck der Angst zu befreien vermocht, so laut aus durchsichtigen taktischen Gründen dann und wann auch die Siegesglocken geläutet wurden. „V1“ ist denn auch prompt und mit sichtlicher Verstörung als der erste neue Prankenschlag des deutschen Löwen gebucht worden.

In seiner inhaltsreichen, von kalt beherrschter Leidenschaft getragenen Rede hat der neue Reichsbevollmächtigte für den totalen Kriegseinsatz uns nüchtern die materielle Voraussetzung für den Sieg geschildert. Er hat den Vorsprung angedeutet, den unsere Waffentechnik durch gänzlich neuartige Gedanken in den letzten beiden Jahren hinter den verschwiegenen Mauern der Laboratorien und Werkstätten erarbeitet hat – in diesen beiden Jahren, in denen das Rüstungsvolumen des Feindes uns mehr und mehr zu erdrücken schien. Dr. Goebbels hat ausdrücklich hinzugefügt, daß nüchterne Tatsachen ihn zu einer solchen Sprache berechtigen.

Der Führer hat uns durch seinen Erlass vom 25. Juli aufgefordert, das Höchstmaß von Kräften für Wehrmacht und Rüstung freizumachen. Er hat uns, in die Sprache des praktischen Alltags übersetzt, aufgefordert, noch mehr zu leisten als bisher. Er hat aufs Neue eine totale Mobilmachung befohlen.

Kann man eine totale Mobilmachung zweimal durchführen? Ist es möglich, das Heldentum der Front, die Leistung des Arbeitenden und die Beharrung der Heimat noch mehr zu steigern? Wir sind uns ganz klar bewusst, lass viele dies im ersten Augenblick verneinen werden. Und doch: jeder, der sich in seinem eigenen Arbeits- und Kameradenkreis aufmerksam umsieht, wird ohne weiteres Punkte finden, an denen personell und materiell noch mehr eingespart werden kann. Jeder, der mit einem Funken Selbstkritik begabt ist, wird bei genauem Zusehen die überraschende Feststellung machen, daß auch er selbst dieses oder jenes noch zusätzlich zu leisten und auf das eine oder andere noch zu verzichten vermag. Opfer und Leistungen sind relative Begriffe: vieles, was uns 1939 als eine außerordentliche Zumutung erschienen wäre, empfanden wir 1942 als etwas beinahe Selbstverständliches, und mancher Verzicht, der uns 1942 noch beinahe das Herz gebrochen hatte, erscheint uns heute nach den Erfahrungen des Bombenterrors als eine durchaus erträgliche Sache. Wenn wir von diesen persönlichen Erfahrungen an uns selbst und unseren Beobachtungen an der eigenen Arbeitsstätte auf das große Gesamtgefüge der kämpfenden Nation schließen, so werden wir die Frage nach der Möglichkeit weiterer Mehrleistung, nach der Durchführbarkeit einer neuen totalen Mobilmachung ohne weiteres, ohne Phrase und Selbsttäuschung bejahen können und müssen.

Wir sprachen unmittelbar nach dem 20. Juli hier von den unerquicklichen Zuständen, die da und dort in den Schreibstuben des Ersatzheeres eingerissen sind. Die Schuld daran trugen in starkem Maße jene Verbrecher an wichtigen Stellen des Ersatzheeres, die nun entlarvt und ausgemerzt worden sind. Aber vergessen wir nicht, daß das Nachlassen der kämpferischen Energie und des Einsatzwillens nicht nur durch Bösartigkeit einiger weniger verursacht wird: Jeder Mensch, von wenigen Ausnahmenaturen abgesehen, läßt mit der Zeit in seiner Leistung nach, wenn er ständig die gleiche Arbeit verrichtet und durch keine neuen Antriebe aufgerüttelt wird. Jedem Sportsmann ist diese Tatsache ebenso bekannt wie jedem Betriebsführer und jedem soldatischen Kommandeur. Der Stoß vom 20. Juli aber hat die ganze Nation erschüttert und jedem einzelnen die Größe der drohenden Gefahren, die er vorher nur halb bewusst um sich herum wachsen sah, enthüllt. Dieses grausame Erwachen hat unser Volk aber nicht gelähmt, sondern seinen beleidigten Stolz aufs Neue geweckt und es seiner Kraft wieder voll bewusstwerden lassen. Es fühlt das eiserne Muß, es erkennt mit festem Blick die großen Möglichkeiten und es antwortet deshalb auf den Anruf seines Führers mit dem Wort: Wir schaffen es!