Election 1944: Gallup Polls

July 15
Democratic vice-presidential candidates

Interviewing Date 7/8-13/44
Survey #322-T
Question #6a

Asked of Democrats: Whom would you like to see the Democratic Party nominate for Vice President?

Wallace 64%
Barkley 14%
Byrd 6%
Others 16%

July 17
Democratic presidential candidates

Interviewing Date 6/22-27/44
Survey #321-K
Question #3a

Asked of Democrats: Whom would you like to see the Democratic Party nominate for President?

Roosevelt 90%
Wallace 3%
Hull 3%
Byrd 2%
Farley 1%
Rayburn 0.5%
McNutt 0.5%

July 21
Party strength

Special Survey

Asked in the South: Do you think the South would be better off, in general, if there were two political parties of about equal strength instead of one strong party as there is at present?

Yes 64%
No 36%
No opinion 20%

July 24
Republican platform

Interviewing Date 7/8-13/44
Survey #322-T
Question #7

Did you happen to read the Republican Party platform drawn up at their convention in Chicago recently?

Yes 36%
No 64%

Farmers only

Yes 8%
No 92%

July 29
Presidential trial heat

Interviewing Date 7/8-13/44
Survey #322-T
Question #11c

If the presidential election were held today, how would you vote – for Franklin Roosevelt or for Thomas Dewey?

Have voted before in present election district

Roosevelt 48%
Dewey 52%

Have not voted before in present election district

Roosevelt 59%
Dewey 41%

July 30
Presidential trial heat

Special Survey

If the presidential election were held today, how would you vote – for Franklin Roosevelt or for Thomas Dewey?

Illinois only

Roosevelt 46%
Dewey 54%

Ohio only

Roosevelt 46%
Dewey 54%

Michigan only

Roosevelt 43%
Dewey 57%

Indiana only

Roosevelt 43%
Dewey 57%

August 1
Presidential trial heat

Special Survey

If the presidential election were held today, how would you vote – for Franklin Roosevelt or for Thomas Dewey?

Deep South only

Roosevelt Dewey
Alabama 80% 20%
Arkansas 78% 22%
Florida 68% 32%
Georgia 84% 16%
Louisiana 76% 24%
Mississippi 84% 16%
South Carolina 89% 11%
Texas 75% 25%

August 3
Presidential trial heat

Special Survey

Asked in Massachusetts: If the presidential election were held today, how would you vote – for Franklin Roosevelt or for Thomas Dewey?

Roosevelt 52%
Dewey 48%

August 6
Presidential trial heat

Special Survey

If the presidential election were held today, how would you vote – for Franklin Roosevelt or for Thomas Dewey?

California only

Roosevelt 53%
Dewey 47%

Washington only

Roosevelt 53%
Dewey 47%

Oregon only

Roosevelt 49%
Dewey 51%

August 8
Presidential trial heat

Special Survey

If the presidential election were held today, how would you vote – for Franklin Roosevelt or for Thomas Dewey?

Iowa only

Roosevelt 44%
Dewey 56%

Minnesota only

Roosevelt 47%
Dewey 53%

Wisconsin only

Roosevelt 44%
Dewey 56%

August 10
Presidential trial heat

Special Survey

If the presidential election were held today, how would you vote – for Franklin Roosevelt or for Thomas Dewey?

North Dakota only

Roosevelt 38%
Dewey 62%

South Dakota only

Roosevelt 37%
Dewey 63%

Kansas only

Roosevelt 34%
Dewey 66%

Nebraska only

Roosevelt 33%
Dewey 67%

August 12
Presidential trial heat

Special Survey

If the presidential election were held today, how would you vote – for Franklin Roosevelt or for Thomas Dewey?

Rocky Mountain states only

Roosevelt Dewey
Colorado 45% 55%
Idaho 47% 53%
Wyoming 45% 55%
Montana 57% 43%
Arizona 58% 42%
Utah 57% 43%
Nevada 56% 44%
New Mexico 56% 44%

August 15
British views on American politics

Special Survey

Asked in Great Britain: Can you tell me the name of the man selected to run on the ticket with President Roosevelt?

Correct (Truman) 64%
Incorrect, no opinion 36%

Asked in Great Britain: Can you tell me the name of Mr. Dewey’s Republican running mate?

Correct (Bricker) 62%
Incorrect, no opinion 38%

August 16
Presidential trial heat

Special Survey

If the presidential election were held today, how would you vote – for Franklin Roosevelt or for Thomas Dewey?

Virginia only

Roosevelt 64%
Dewey 36%

North Carolina only

Roosevelt 67%
Dewey 33%

Tennessee only

Roosevelt 67%
Dewey 33%

August 19
Presidential election

Interview Date 7/20-25/44
Survey #323-K
Question #4

Regardless of how you yourself plan to vote, which presidential candidate do you think will win – Franklin Roosevelt or Thomas Dewey?

Roosevelt 71%
Dewey 17%
Undecided 12%

August 20
Presidential trial heat

Special Survey

If the presidential election were held today, how would you vote – for Franklin Roosevelt or for Thomas Dewey?

Missouri only

Roosevelt 49%
Dewey 51%

Kentucky only

Roosevelt 54%
Dewey 46%

Oklahoma only

Roosevelt 51%
Dewey 49%

West Virginia only

Roosevelt 53%
Dewey 47%

Maryland only

Roosevelt 52%
Dewey 48%

August 23
Presidential trial heat

Special Survey – Summary

If the presidential election were held today, how would you vote – for Franklin Roosevelt or for Thomas Dewey?

Safe for Roosevelt

Roosevelt Dewey
South Carolina 89% 11%
Georgia 84% 16%
Mississippi 84% 16%
Alabama 80% 20%
Arkansas 78% 22%
Louisiana 76% 24%
Texas 75% 25%
Florida 68% 32%
Tennessee 67% 33%
North Carolina 67% 33%
Virginia 64% 36%
Arizona 58% 42%
Montana 57% 43%
Utah 57% 43%
Nevada 56% 44%
New Mexico 56% 44%
Kentucky 54% 46%

157 electoral votes

Leaning toward Roosevelt

Roosevelt Dewey
West Virginia 53% 47%
Washington 53% 47%
California 53% 47%
Maryland 52% 48%
Massachusetts 52% 48%
Pennsylvania 52% 48%
Oklahoma 51% 49%
Rhode Island 51% 49%
New Hampshire 51% 49%
Connecticut 51% 49%
Delaware 51% 49%

129 electoral votes

Safe for Dewey

Nebraska 33% 67%
Kansas 34% 66%
South Dakota 37% 63%
North Dakota 38% 62%
Michigan 43% 57%
Indiana 43% 57%
Iowa 44% 56%
Wisconsin 44% 56%
Wyoming 45% 55%
Colorado 45% 55%
Vermont 46% 54%
Illinois 46% 54%
Ohio 46% 54%

141 electoral votes

Leaning toward Dewey

Idaho 47% 53%
Minnesota 47% 53%
Maine 47% 53%
New York 48% 52%
Oregon 49% 51%
Missouri 49% 51%
New Jersey 49% 51%

104 electoral votes

The soldier vote is not included.

August 25
Presidential trial heat

Special Survey

If the presidential election were held today, how would you vote – for Franklin Roosevelt or for Thomas Dewey?

Businessmen only

Roosevelt 37%
Dewey 63%

Professionals only

Roosevelt 39%
Dewey 61%

August 27
Presidential trial heat

Special Survey

Asked of farmers: If the presidential election were held today, how would you vote – for Franklin Roosevelt or for Thomas Dewey?

Roosevelt 45%
Dewey 55%

Midwestern farmers only

Roosevelt 38%
Dewey 62%

August 30
Franklin Roosevelt’s health

Interviewing Date 7/20-25/44
Survey #323-K
Question #10

Do you think that President Roosevelt’s health will or will not permit him to carry on the responsibility of the Presidency for another four years?

Will permit him 66%
Will not 34%

Roosevelt supporters only

Will permit him 84%
Will not 16%

Dewey supporters only

Will permit him 45%
Will not 55%