America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

Five fleets blasting Japs

Pre-invasion attack on Ryukyu Islands in 8th day, Tokyo says

Secret Yalta deal stirs fight among big, small nations

Extra votes are given U.S. and Russia in deal engineered by Stalin

Record raid hits Nazi naval bases

2,300 U.S. planes pound three ports

Coal hearing ordered by WLB

Union and operators told to appear

Film director accused

HOLLYWOOD – Film director Leo McCarey, who won two Academy Awards for a single 1944 motion picture, Going My Way, was charged with drunken driving today.


By Florence Fisher Parry

J.S. ‘go’ sign?
Rail trust suit ruling hailed as ‘vindication’

Prosecutor cites freight rate case
By Marshal McNeil, Scripps-Howard staff writer

In Washington –
Senate chiefs pessimistic over manpower bill’s fate

Leaders confer with Roosevelt but doubt he will renew his plea for measure

Guards placed on Germans aiding Allies

Action follows killing of Aachen’s mayor
By C. R. Cunningham, United Press staff writer

French attack in northern Italy

Fifth and Eighth Army fronts quiet

Belleau Wood casualty ratio tops Iwo total

Losses in 1918 battle were 52 percent

Nazis attempting to perpetuate doctrines

Allies must smash Nazis’ pride, too

Hitler’s illusion to be destroyed
By L. S. B. Shapiro, North American Newspaper Alliance

Nazi government moves to Alps

Transfer reported by Vatican paper

Yanks abandon China air base

Japs start party for ‘sure victory’

Admit homeland already battleground
By the United Press

Superfortresses blast Singapore again

1,500 soldiers observe Passover in Germany

Yanks invade 2 more islands in Philippines

Secure approaches to Cebu harbor

Washington observers say –
Nazi collapse not imminent but anything might happen

Hard fighting may last several months before organized resistance ceases

New York plans V-E celebration

Massachusetts seizes black market chickens

Nazi general ends life in U.S. prison hospital

Poll: Public wants 18-year-olds trained 1 year

Majority opposes early use in combat
By George Gallup, Director, American Institute of Public Opinion