America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

Editorial: Practice what you preach

Editorial: Cutting that questionnaire

Edson: Wallace ready to spark up his new department

By Peter Edson

Ferguson: Post-war homes

By Mrs. Walter Ferguson

Background of news –
Easter in the war

By Bertram Benedict

Senator urges aluminum probe

Millett: Come on girls go to work

Chorus training for defense job
By Ruth Millett

Weirton union got kickback from laundry

20% given in return for clothes contract

Stokes: The conquered

By Thomas L. Stokes

Othman: Post-war wonders

By Frederick Othman

Maj. Williams: Flying with God

By Maj. Al Williams

Troubleshooting is their trade –
Three landing craft built for 80 transport 672 men in emergency

Army engineers ‘on their own’ as sailors while delivering soldiers to front lines
By Lee G. Miller, Scripps-Howard staff writer

‘Boys at the front’ dislike being used by Congressmen

By Daniel M. Kidney, Scripps-Howard staff writer

Gracie Allen Reporting

By Gracie Allen

I think I should take time out today to thank the people who responded so generously to my story on George’s shorts shortage. To date, George has received six or seven pairs of shorts, a bundle of pot holders, and four empty salt bags of really noble proportions. The latter at least should keep him well preserved.

This just shows you that when you make your wants known the warm-hearted American public will do everything it can to supply you. Look at Mr. Roosevelt. Every four years he says he needs votes to renew the lease on his house and the people give them to him.

And I remember reading a few months ago, when Sen. Saltonstall of Massachusetts happened to remark that his wartime garters wouldn’t stay up, he was practically smothered with gift garters.

Well, now that you’ve taken care of Sen. Saltonstall and George – I wear a size 9 nylon.

Reconversion tip expected in Byrnes report

Industrialists worry over lack of plans
By Roger W. Stuart, Scripps-Howard staff writer

Monahan: National Velvet heads Easter parade

Rooney and Elizabeth Taylor top cast in enchanting tale of turf
By Kaspar Monahan

Music for Millions has laughs and sobs

Margaret O’Brien, Durante, Iturbi share top honors in pleasant film
By Dick Fortune

58 wounded fliers rescued from hospital

Pirates complete exhibition card

Ten contests listed – Rain halts workout

Baseball briefs –
Rickey again feuds with Durocher – now it’s Leo’s radio job

Demons vs. Cowboys –
Williams: ‘Goon’ battle sours early as Mikan goes out

By Joe Williams