America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

Navy asks plane plant to boost bomber output

Prince Amir Mohammed Ibn, etc. denies he ever met the girl

But that’s not what secretary says

In New York strike –
Hearings close in drivers’ case

WLB to rule on part of issues tomorrow

Tale of two companies –
Perkins: One plant asks U.S. seizure; other fights

Signs indicate neither will win requests
By Fred W. Perkins, Scripps-Howard staff writer

Comedian blasts USO methods

Cheap shoes will be sold ration-free

Grades costing up to $3.50 included

Big reduction in U.S. control urged by Taft

GOP group outlines job for Congress

Score hunted in ration thefts

Inquiry follows ‘triangle’ slaying

Truman bars ‘surplus’ gift

School in Italy honors Roosevelt

Road back

Cleanup time in Southwest Pacific

Horror camp block leader heads Frankfurt paper

He designated inmates who were to die; Jewish newsman says he had no choice
By Robert Musel, United Press staff writer

2 Jap columns in China blaze path of ruins

Fighting rages in Kiangsi rice region

Income tax base ended by death

Nazi records reveal list of Gestapo spies

Banks raided, show financial deals

First Lady going back to capital

Yanks checking German clerics

Stimson asked to reconsider size of Army

Be ‘brutally frank,’ senator demands

Merchant Marine plans small liners

Why U.S. pays to return civilians from Philippines

Cpl. Jim to be buried with military rites