America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

Chinese Army trained by U.S. to hit Japs

Wedemeyer calls troops confident
By George Weller

Discharge plan favors Pacific vets, paper says

Wife asks divorce from bandleader

Third enters New York race

British vote cheers labor in Detroit test

CIO leader seeks mayoral nomination

Army, civilians to share poultry from 12 states

Court sentences cheating wife to give up G.I. pay

Technicalities hold up first war trial date

Japs admit invasion peril

174 Berlin churches, 1 synagogue reopen

Truman signs bill creating World Bank

Other international plans approved

Poll: Britain swings toward left; U.S. other way

Nations divided on government control
By George Gallup, Director, American Institute of Public Opinion

Blond songstress misses G.I. wolf-calls at shows

Doesn’t know how she’s doing now
By Claudia Nettles, United Press staff writer

UP official says –
European editors aim to print truth

Realize they spread Axis propaganda

Captain kills 15 Germans, wins Congressional Medal of Honor

Editorial: Tomorrow’s jobs

Editorial: Size of the Army

Editorial: He loves it

Passing fancies –
Weep no more, my lady, G.I.’s belong to you!

By Jack Caldwell, the Stars and Stripes, London

Perkins: Individual Social Security

By Fred W. Perkins, Press Washington correspondent

Mr. Grew disputed –
Mikado must go if peace is to last, writer says

By Sun Fo

Author seeks to justify moves of Soviet power in Far East

Thinks Russia will attack Japs
By John D. Paulus