America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

U.S. State Department (August 4, 1945)

Log of the President’s Trip to the Berlin Conference

Saturday, August 4:

The President was up at 0500 this morning and spent some time strolling about decks. He appeared completely rested from the strain of the long and tiring conference discussions. He had breakfast early and spent most of the forenoon studying conference reports and working on the address he planned to deliver on his return to the United States.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The President spent the afternoon working on his mail and his forthcoming speech and studying conference reports.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Office of the Operations Officer
APO 247, c/o Postmaster
San Francisco, California

5 August 1945

Date of Mission: 6 August 1945

Briefings: See below

Weather Ships at 0200 (Approx)
Strike Ships at 0300 (Approx)

Out of Sacks:
Weather at 2230
Strike at 2330

Mess: 2315 to 0115

39 at 2330
52 at 0030

3 at 0015
4 at 0115

Weather mission:
298 83 Taylor
303 71 Wilson
301 85 Eatherly
302 72 Alternate A/C
Combat Strike:
292 82 Tibbets As Briefed
353 89 Sweeney
291 91 Marquardt
354 90 McKnight
304 88 Alternate for Marquardt

#82 – 7000 gals.
All others – 7400 gals.

AMMUNITION: 1000 rds/gun in all A/C

BOMBS: Special.

CAMERAS: K18 in #82 and #90. Other installations per verbal orders.

Catholic at 2200
Protestant at 2230


Weather Ships
General Briefing in Combat Crew Lounge at 2300.
Special Briefings at 2330 as follows:

  • AC and Pilots in Combat Crew Lounge
  • Nav-Radar Operators in Library
  • Radio Operators in Communications
  • Flight Engineers in Operations

Mess at 2330
Trucks at 0015

Strike Mission:
General Briefing in Combat Crew Lounge at 2400.
Special Briefings at 0030 as follows:

  • AC and Pilots in Combat Crew Lounge
  • Nav and Radar Operators in Library
  • Radio Operators at Communications
  • Flight Engineers at Operations

Mess at 0030
Trucks at 0115

NOTE: Lt McKnight’s crew need not attend briefings.

Major, Air Corps,
Operations Officer

Neues Österreich (August 5, 1945)

Keine Geheimabkommen in Potsdam

London, 4. August – Präsident Truman erklärte an Bord der Augusta, mit der er nach den USA zurückkehrt, Pressevertretern, dass er in Potsdam keine Geheimabkommen abgeschlossen habe.

Der Vorsitzende des amerikanischen Senats für auswärtige Angelegenheiten erklärte, dass er die Verhandlungen in Potsdam im Ganzen billige. Seiner Meinung nach sei es am praktischsten, die endgültigen Grenzberichtigungen bis zur Friedenskonferenz zu vertagen.

Der außenpolitische Mitarbeiter der Londoner Times schreibt: Die Potsdamer Erklärung wurde in allen alliierten Staaten allgemein begrüßt als das, was sie ist, eine notwendigerweise komplizierte, aber sachliche Darstellung über die vereinbarte Politik, über die Kontrolle Deutschlands, über die Wiedergutmachung von Deutschland und über Arbeiten, die vom Rat der fünf Außenminister zu leisten sind.

2.000 Kriegsschiffe gegen Japan

L’Aube (August 5, 1945)

Pour l’assaut contre le Japon

Une puissante force d‘invasion est massée dans les Riou-Kiou

La France recevra chaque mois 200.000 tonnes de charbon américain

Le monde applaudit discrètement aux décisions des « Trois »

Les silences e Potsdam laissent, en effet, sans solution un certain nombre de questions litigieuses

The Pittsburgh Press (August 5, 1945)

Flee or die, Japs warned in 12 more cities by B-29s

Enemy’s ‘Pittsburgh’ now on doomed list; fleet still on prowl
By William F. Tyree, United Press staff writer

Fliers pound Java city in 2,000-mile trip

First heavy attack made on Soerabaja

Five U.S. armies to strike Japan

MacArthur takes over Okinawa bases

Bare shelves to be filled –
Radios to be available by Christmas time, WPB official says

Most civilian supply problems expected to be ironed out by next March

Laval: Petain ordered army to aid Allies in Africa

Vichy premier claims secret agreements with British for scuttling of French fleet

Franco defies Potsdam edict

Says Spain won’t beg world parley seat

Col. Jimmy Roosevelt ‘bumped’ off plane

Vets’ seniority taken to court

10 lashes given youths for theft

WILMINGTON, Delaware (UP, Aug. 4) – Three youths sentenced to the Newcastle County Workhouse for robbery, today were given 10 lashes each at the whipping post by Warden Elwood H. Wilson.

The whippings were a part of the original court sentence and are permissible under Delaware law.

U.S. submarine lost in Far East

Many tasks still faced by Big Three

Rhineland problem among those cited

Jap hospital ship violates law

Carries machine guns and ammunition

Wounded vet, 14, home from war

Brings his girl perfume from Paris

200,451 to return from Europe in August