America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

Nazis’ human ‘guinea pigs’ all gave lives in vain

Probe of horror camp records fails to show medicine or science benefited

Army, ODT seek accord on travel

Further civilian curbs ordered

Million-dollar ice cream barge serves sailors

Wedding plan halted by death of flier

Looting charged to ex-officials

New device permits blind to inspect roller bearings

‘Europe after the war’ –
Allies did a complete job of wrecking big Nazi port

Prototypes of new planes in Hamburg indicate what Germans were planning
By Henry Ward

U.S. loans to Hitler in 1930 revealed

State Department releases document

Popular vote on war urged

British plan to use Nazis in coal mines

Ways considered to ease fuel shortage
By Edward P. Morgan

4 Chinese armies nearing air base

Germans kept from Flanders U.S. cemetery

Ex-Montana janitor barred desecration

British in Burma smash Jap attacks

Sen. Ball says act will promote peace

Reconversion imperiled by disputes
By Sen. Joseph H. Ball, R-Minnesota

Cutbacks boost ranks of jobless

2 million in nation to be idle August 1

New labor chief ‘arming’ to fight expected unrest

Schwellenbach looks to Truman for ‘tools’ to make his department really effective
By James L. Wright, North American Newspaper Alliance

Plant wage rates up 32% since 1941

Pittsburgh shows decrease, however

Diary of Count Ciano –
The Axis story ends: Tottering Mussolini ousts his son-in-law

Beaten and rotten internally, Italy heads for collapse with discontent on rise

‘Ike’ honored by foundation

Postman was wrong male, former Maharanee says

Ex-wife of Indian ruler asks divorce

Winant snubbed by Big Three parley

By William H. Stoneman