America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

Accent on youth delivered by Emily Wilkens’ designs

Creations given ‘personality plus’
By Lenore Brundige, Pittsburgh Press staff writer

In Washington –
Senate opens Charter debate tomorrow

House recesses until October

Amphibious man Uncle Dan to put ‘em ashore in Japan

Barbey led every MacArthur invasion
By Royal Arch Gunnison, North American Newspaper Alliance

Morgenthau pays U.S. $500 to move

Softening up Japan

Simms: Early peace-bid by Japan wouldn’t surprise Allies

Enemy, knowing she is beaten, may attempt to save something out of wreckage
By William Philip Simms, Scripps-Howard foreign editor

Bell: The wounded you don’t see

Down to hell and back, they’re home now… America’s problem
By Jack Bell

Secret weapon on Luzon: Oversized kitchen spoons

By Gerald R. Thorp

Early V-J Day would find U.S. far off balance

Prospect of Japan’s collapse heightens
By Owen L. Scott, North American Newspaper Alliance

Sending of Japs to Bedford hit

GOP congressmen criticizes plans

Gen. Patton urged as War Secretary

Editorial: America speaks

Editorial: Rush job for veterans

Editorial: Will the melody linger on?

Perkins: What the radio missed

By Fred W. Perkins, Press Washington correspondent

Pen name on bestseller mystifies book world

Townsman well-mannered romance about life on old Western frontier
By Harry Hansen

The ‘stork’ gets into movies

Billingsly throws party for $3,000
By Mary Harrington

Cass Daley gets G.I. vote

Superfort named after film comic

Phil imitates five singers

Performance to be repeated on air

Novels can’t become movies unless there is a Cinderella

Cinema writers know what public wants, and that’s box office
By Florence Fisher Parry

Hopper: Same old Clark, but duty to the boys comes first

Mr. Gable is gay and on the job, other Hollywood items of interest
By Hedda Hopper

Persecuted pinup