America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

POWs’ ‘fiancées’ face charges

Army cancels all B-17 orders

Ultimate atrocity –
Nazis manufactured soap from bodies of humans

Correspondents see tanks filled with corpses at Danzig experimental laboratory
By M. S. Handler, United Press staff writer

U.S. fliers hit enemy with 2 millionth ton

One B-29 lost, crew saved in latest raid

U.S. traitor’s wife worried; Reds have Fred Kaltenbach

German woman pleads with Americans to help find husband who broadcast Nazi prison
By Jack Fleischer, United Press staff writer

Accord reached on rule of Berlin

Yanks, Reds, British to govern jointly

Pope lauds generosity of American people

Adm. Barbey: Japs to lose in year

Amphibious force leader lands in U.S.

Playful Reds loose rabbits, ruin Nazi super-race research

Scientist doesn’t know dads of new babies
By Thomas R. Henry, North American Newspaper Alliance

ODT may add 50 miles to Pullman ban

Donley predicts radius extension

Editorial: Three to a seat, 5½ days

Editorial: Allied disputes in Berlin

Edson: Stettinius headed for big job after ‘kick upstairs’

By Peter Edson

Ferguson: The customer pays

By Mrs. Walter Ferguson

Background of news –
The Cabinet

By Bertram Benedict

In Washington –
Democrats shy away from plan to limit terms of President

Proposal arouses spark of interest in House Judiciary Committee; hearing likely
By Lyle C. Wilson, United Press staff writer

Improved Corsair hits Japs harder

Ship speedier, flies higher
By Max B. Cook, Scripps-Howard aviation editor

Monahan: Boston Strong Boy heading this way

Bowen (Sonny) Tufts III to lend Eclat to refined clambake here
By Kaspar Monahan

Gloria Swanson sues 5th husband

Bell: Price too high

By Jack Bell

Stokes: Public opinion

By Thomas L. Stokes

Othman: ‘M’ trouble

By Fred Othman