America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

Violents combats à la frontière sino-indochinoise

Le président Truman en route pour Berlin

The Pittsburgh Press (July 10, 1945)

Japs trying to split Allies, Grew insists

‘Feelers’ admitted by Acting Secretary

1,800 planes batter Japan

Task Force 38 joins in B-29 blow; enemy defenses smothered

New landings hit Japs on Borneo

Dutch go ashore on Balikpapan Bay

Jap officials’ optimism scored by Tokyo writer

Big Three may map Italy’s future

Full-fledged nation envisioned

Woman, tending baby she says is her own, quizzed in kidnapping

Both Marion matron, infant to be examined at hospital in Creviston case probe

Senators warn of Reich comeback

Report Germany’s down, but not out
By Marshall McNeil, Scripps-Howard staff writer

First in American history –
U.S. hangs 5 Nazi POWs who executed ‘traitor’

Afrika Korps men go to death on gallows set up in elevator shaft at Leavenworth

Home front G.I.’s must go overseas

Gen. Ike ‘reports’ to fallen leader

HYDE PARK, New York (UP) – Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower reported at last today to his fallen commander-in-chief.

Under gray skies, the nation’s No. 1 soldier came to the quiet garden where Franklin Delano Roosevelt lies. He offered a wreath of flowers in lieu of the report on V-E Day – “half the victory is ours.”

Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt – calm and reverent – stood bareheaded beside Gen. Eisenhower.

Return of the native

By Florence Fisher Parry

Paper strike drivers face ultimatum

Jobs to be thrown open tomorrow

Slaughtering quotas may be removed

Anderson seeks better U.S. meat supply

11,000 veterans arriving today

U-boat surrenders

BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (UP) – A 700-ton German submarine entered Mar del Plata at 7:30 a.m. today and surrendered to Argentine authorities. Capt. Otto Wermuth and crew of 54 were detained.

Russia’s aims main worry of Britain

Food supply, exports also figure heavily
By Henry J. Taylor, Scripps-Howard special writer

Increase in crime reported by FBI

‘Veto’ for Congress on charter rulings discussed at hearing

Democrats and Republicans alike agree move would violate spirit of pact

‘Gift’ of home to judge hinted

$6,000 residence for $250 charged