America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

Inside the Axis gang: The diary of Count Ciano –
Despite Hitler opposition, Mussolini attacks France

OWI’s ‘genius for ignorance’ irks Kansans

Article on prairie wastelands assailed

Kirkpatrick: French election set for October 14

By Helen Kirkpatrick

Gracie Allen Reporting

By Gracie Allen

HOLLYWOOD – Well, Chicago has always been a glamorous city to people of all ages, but right now it has an attraction that makes it practically irresistible to small boys. It seems that in Chicago there’s a shortage of soap.

Goodness, I hope that with all the other transportation problems we won’t have the roads clogged with hitchhiking little boys carrying signs like “On to Chicago – Where You Don’t Have to Wash Behind Your Ears.”

It’s too bad this had to happen to Chicago this summer instead of last. Because when I was there then covering the national political conventions, they were certainly handing out enough soft soap to go around.

No changes planned –
Benswanger divulges inside story of quick trip to club in Boston

By Chester L. Smith, sports editor

Surplus goods disposal seen as headache

Some items left over from other wars
By Roger W. Stuart, Scripps-Howard staff writer

Civil Service lists Baltimore positions

Film star fears air mikes

Joan Crawford ‘studies’ radio
By Si Steinhauser

Perkins: Union leaders shun debate on labor bill

Richberg challenge falls on deaf ears
By Fred W. Perkins, Pittsburgh Press staff wrtier

Youngstown Vindicator (July 10, 1945)

Kentucky combat vet loses both arms, legs on Okinawa

By Kathryn Umphrey, Associated Press writer

Storm kills 6; 4 of victims die in slide

Journalism fellowships now available to women

Goering establishes excuses for opening war on Poland

Tito desires Greeks’ land

Charges of shells hitting Yugoslavia excuse to grab Macedonia
By Leigh White

Lippmann: Delegate to United Nations to have no power of his own

By Walter Lippmann

Lawrence: Warning for Japan

Broadcast notifies enemy that surrender is sole chance for survival
By David Lawrence

The Syonan Shimbun (July 11, 1945)

46 enemy B-29s downed, damaged over Nippon yesterday morning

Final checkup should disclose higher toll

U.S. official changes significant

By a Domei diplomatic correspondent

Nippon Balikpapan garrison holds firm

Nippon forces in Burma take the offensive