America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

Love: Standing room

By Gilbert Love

Musel: Forgotten heroes

By Robert Musel

Fearless Freddy tackles big Jap warships

By Robert J. Casey

Poll: Public thinks labor gained from war

Beliefs on financial benefits surveyed
By George Gallup, Director, American Institute of Public Opinion

Major convicted on bribe charge

Survey shows veterans not civilian misfits

Youngstown Vindicator (June 30, 1945)

Germans used radar towers

Huge Hamburg structures used to plot and blast Allied raiders
By Lyle C. Wilson, United Press staff writer

Lippmann: New jobs for old officials proposed as sensible policy

By Walter Lippmann

Lawrence: Japs jittery over invasion

Foe tries hard to learn when and where Allies will land troops
By David Lawrence

Eliot: Only the unpredictable Japs can answer on length of war

By Maj. George Fielding Eliot

L’Aube (July 1, 1945)

Les quatre armées alliées rejoignent en Allemagne leurs zones définitives

Des troupes françaises à Berlin

Le Japon fait face au danger d’invasion

Churchill rencontrerait Truman en France avant la conférence des rois

James Byrnes succède à Stettinius

On annonce de Washington que M. James Byrnes a été nommé secrétaire d’État aux Affaires étrangères en remplacement de M. Stettinius.

On sait que M. Byrnes a occupé de hautes fonctions dans l’administration de guerre des États-Unis et qu’il est, en outre, un ami personnel du président.

The Pittsburgh Press (July 1, 1945)

Fleet above Okinawa, Japs say

U.S. planes blast 16 more Jap ships, rip 2 suicide bases

Nazi werewolves harassing troops

Operating in U.S. and British zones

Offers post-war plan –
Vinson calls for high wage, lower taxes

Plans made for early and late V-J Day

It’s official! Byrnes to be State chief

Truman to make nomination Monday

Charter hearing scheduled July 9

No recess planned until work is done

House signs FEPC death warrant

Southern Democrats block action on bill