America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

U.S. troops may move into Berlin tomorrow

LONDON, England (UP) – American and British occupation forces may move into Berlin tomorrow, a London Daily Express dispatch from Brunswick said today.

Reconnaissance groups from the two armies have already entered the former German capital seeking accommodations for the main forces, the dispatch said.

Earthquake recorded

NEW YORK (SHS) – A fairly severe earthquake, centered some 2,100 miles southwest of New York, was recorded at Fordham University early this morning.

In Washington –
16 agencies to be fresh out of money

Filibuster delays voting of their funds

Four take oath in big shakeup of Cabinet

Reorganization of agencies due

70,000 still idle in strike wave

New York papers face drivers walkout

Truman wants bipartisan foreign policy

Long-range program revealed as desire

Filipino opposes full independence

MANILA, Philippines (UP) – Jose C. Zulueta, speaker of the Philippine House of Representatives, said today that the island commonwealth should be an American protectorate instead of being completely independent.

The war has changed the nature of the Philippines’ independence question, Zulueta said.

“Actually we should be a protectorate of the United States with American naval and aerial bases in the islands and with relations between the two countries closer than ever before,” he said.

Names of G.I.’s cover walls of Hitler’s mountain home

Americans ride elevator to Eagle’s Nest, view panorama from window on summit
By Gault MacGowan, North American Newspaper Alliance

Love theft suit dismissal denied

Oil City residents principals in case

WAC, two G.I.’s rescued from Shangri-La

Call natives of valley happy people

Editorial: The psychoneurosis fad

Edson: Employees give Fanny Perkins farewell party

By Peter Edson

Ferguson: Wives should grow up

By Mrs. Walter Ferguson

Background of news –
Reception of the Charter

By Bertram Benedict

Council backs United Nations peace charter

Prompt ratification by U.S. advocated

American rabbis favor just peace for Germany

‘Seek regeneration and not vengeance’

Judy Garland, Walker starred in the The Clock

Story concerns love on a 48-hour pass; Gleason, Wynn supply comedy
By Dick Fortune

Blue Dahlia tour the night spots

Millett: Boys home from Pacific think our weather’s nice

Civilians will have to look about for some new subject for complaint
By Ruth Millett

Giants begin climb after hitting bottom

By the United Press

Bell: Knaves ride high

By Jack Bell

Stokes: Reconversion

By Thomas L. Stokes