America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

Russians’ removal home is halted

Sailor’s killer denies guilt, faces long summer in jail

Slayer of boyfriend of lover’s maid is girlishly demure at arraignment

Limit on rail reservations to hit U.S. vacationists

Long delays in getting home threaten under new 5-day advance sale order

U.S. submarine lost on patrol

WASHINGTON (UP, June 30) – The Navy today announced the 1,525-ton submarine USS Kete is overdue from patrol and presumed lost.

The skipper of the submarine was Lt. Cmdr. Edward Ackerman of Cincinnati, Ohio. He was listed as missing in action along with the rest of the crew. The vessel had a wartime complement of from 80 to 85 men.

Loss of this craft, which was presumably operating in Far Eastern waters, brought to 44 the number of submarines lost from all causes in this war. It was the 320th naval vessel to be lost.

Pay raise bill signed by Truman

Federal employees will benefit

Poll: Truman doing a fine job

Popularity compares with Roosevelt’s
By George Gallup, Director, American Institute of Public Opinion

Tire strikers face speedy draft calls

Ohio moves quickly in Goodyear walkout

New York papers halted by strike

Proposed labor act gives employers same protection as labor

Bill, providing peaceful settlements of disputes, protects welfare of wage earners
By Donald R. Richberg

For Pacific war –
Planes, bullets rank highest on needed list

Rockets and radar still essential, too

U.S. Army robbed –
Fabric worth $500,000 is hijacked

Suspects seized in New York

In Washington –
Four take oath in Truman’s Cabinet shifts

Miss Perkins sees successor sworn in

Black, cold winter faces beaten Germany and most of Europe

Political and economic crisis looms; coal, food supplies fast dwindling
By Lyle C. Wilson, United Press staff writer

Allies to keep joint control over Italy

Few U.S. troops to stay in country

Rescued from Shangri-La, trio gets wish – showers

Glider takes WAC and 2 Army fliers from valley where their plane crashed

Yanks to enter Berlin this week

Agreement reached on occupation zones

Truman: U.S. to provide aid to Europe

Must keep faith with dead, he says

Army post seized in Indochina

Balikpapan raided for fifth day

Landing imminent, Japs declare

DE shoots down 3 suicide planes

Another hits ship, killing 21 men

Discrimination ban in effect in New York

Employment bill put into force

Millett: Chivalry returns

Veteran G.I.’s fight for women
By Ruth Millett