America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

Poles speed unity setup

Formal action due this week

Glass strikers again defy WLB

Ignore order to return to work

Questions and answers on United Nations charter

New world court aims at justice

Frisco conference drafts setup

Vacation is over –
Truman heads for ‘Frisco

Address scheduled tomorrow evening

9th Air Force leaving Europe

Hero undecided on staying in Army

Editorial: The new Polish regime

Editorial: ‘Why it must succeed’

Edson: Gen. Patton has such a ‘pretty wit’

By Peter Edson

Ferguson: Youth’s problems

By Mrs. Walter Ferguson

Background of news –

By Bertram Benedict

Many of Russians returned by Allies

Millett: Let hubby grow up

After all, some are like children
By Ruth Millett

Simms: Escape clause

By William Philip Simms, Scripps-Howard foreign editor

Stokes: Encouragement

By Thomas L. Stokes

Othman: Desperation

By Fred Othman

Maj. Williams: Frankenstein war

By Maj. Al Williams

War life in Buenos Aires –
The rich go to ‘bowery,’ while laborers go snooty

Writer’s visit to ‘tough district’ fizzles but trip to ‘nice place’ has surprise
By Ernie Hill

Indians confer with Viceroy

Gracie Allen Reporting

By Gracie Allen

Well, every big criminal makes a wrong move sooner or later and that old Hitler has finally made his. Reports are he is running around garbed as a member of the feminine sex.

Girls, he’s on our home ground now! Let’s get him!

After all, with apologies to those good-looking fellows in the FBI, aren’t women the greatest man-hunters in the world?

Next time you see a particularly pushy woman with a peek-a-boo bang showing at a bargain counter clerk to see that it isn’t Adolf. Next time you see a pair of high heels walking down the street make sure that a third heel isn’t wearing them. Or next time you see a woman driving on the right side and making correct hand signals at a corner, something’s fishy.

So Adolf wants to be a pin-up girl, eh? Too bad we don’t wear hatpins anymore and could oblige him.

Pirates lose ground in flag chase

Trip to West brings setback; Bucs split Sunday bill with Reds
By Chester L. Smith, sports editor

Dodgers lose no ground but Braves snap string

By the United Press

Special drive opens for Navy chaplains