America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

Shangri-La people mistake Yank airmen for women

Females in New Guinea valley wear trousers; mix-up results with Americans
By Frank Bartholomew, United Press staff writer

Haw-Haw pleads innocent; he’s an American, ha, ha!

Joyce produces certificate showing birth in Brooklyn, son of naturalized Irishman

Civilians will get more food soon

OPA’s life extended, authority curtailed

AFL truck drivers return in Chicago

8,800 more Yanks arrive in New York

Storm threatens Carolina coast

To whom it may concern

By Florence Fisher Parry

More ‘hot cargo’?
Teamsters face probe in drive on food trucks

Farm groups fight campaign to compel drivers to join union; House hearings due
By Robert Taylor, Press Washington correspondent

U.S. deserters hunted as holdup suspects

In Washington –
Congressmen face grueling ‘stretch drive’

Must act on $43 billion in bills this week

Senate hearings indicate OWI may be bargaining

Davis gives breakdowns on 3 budget figures but none for amount up for debate today
By Daniel M. Kidney, Scripps-Howard staff writer

U.S. food raiders annoy Canadians

May force dominion to resume rationing
By Karl A. Bickel, Scripps-Howard staff writer

Amputee publicity may boomerang

Army pictures, pep talks too glowing
By Douglas Smith, Scripps-Howard staff writer

Stars and Stripes tells where the G.I.’s are

43 divisions hold occupation areas

Food transport eased in Germany

Russia, Allies to permit exchange

Now it can be revealed –
Axis attempt to get Spain in war failed

Franco wanted to, couldn’t, Nazis said
By Jack Fleischer, United Press staff writer

Everything but cocktail bar – that’s Duisburg bathroom

By Robert Musel, United Press staff writer

Had planned second honeymoon –
Soldier returns to find – wife mysteriously killed

Gen. Arnold: Island bases vital for U.S.

Air Force chief hits ‘passive defense’

Normal life returning fast in Netherlands

But stricken nation still has far to go
By Walter Cronkite, United Press staff writer

Filmland party guests rubbed, then robbed

Major’s wife held in sailor’s death

Inventor of sub, Simon Lake, dies

Monahan: Allen’s acid humor sparks ‘in the bag’

Harris feature a hodgepodge of gags strung on a haywire plot
By Kaspar Monahan

Ladies will wear bustles after war, says Travis

Girls weary of skimpy clothes and will welcome more materials

Perkins: Steelworkers to organize ‘straw bosses’

Decision based on NLRB ruling
By Fred W. Perkins, Pittsburgh Press staff writer

Air liaison officer tackles tough problem of DPs

Major’s little staff transfers 80,000 displaced persons and war prisoners
By Jack Bell