British say Russians get good care
Deny Soviet criticisms and make countercharges
By George R. Reiss
By Gracie Allen
Our troops in Europe are scooping up all those people who betrayed their own countries to broadcast for the Axis. The latest is “Sally,” whose glamorous voice had our boys listening as faithfully as American housewives listen to a soap opera.
But Sally in the flesh turned out to be not so glamorous as Sally on the radio. The boys had her pictured as a hep chick in her teens sitting at the microphone with her legs crossed. But when they captured her, they found a sad sack in her thirties with nothing crossed but her eyes.
Well, television will do away with this type of deceit. Incidentally, George and I are getting ready for television. I’ve bought a complete set of beauty aids – chin strap, tissue cream, wrinkle remover, etc., and by the time television gets here, George should look wonderful.
By L. S. B. Shapiro, North American Newspaper Alliance