America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

Madrid affirme –
Hitler n’est pas en Espagne

Londres, 11 juin – En réponse aux déclarations du général Berzarine, gouverneur de Berlin, le ministère des Affaires étrangères espagnol dément officiellement que Hitler se trouve en Espagne. Cet organisme assure que si Hitler s’était trouve en Espagne, les Alliés en auraient été immédiatement avisés.

M. Harry Hopkins présentera aujourd’hui son rapport au président Truman

M. Ross secrétaire du président Truman, a annonce hier, au cours de sa conférence de presse, que M. Harry Hopkins rentrera à Washington aujourd’hui et qu’il présentera son rapport au président Truman ce jour même, dans l’après-midi ou dans la soirée.

Letter from President Truman to the President of the Senate and to the Speaker of the House of Representatives on the Salaries of Members of Congress
June 12, 1945

The salaries of the Members of the House of Representatives and of the Senate should be commensurate with the nature and volume of their work and with their responsibilities. Equality between their pay and their job may never be achieved, but certainly there should be less inequity than at present. Under any measuring rod, the members of the federal legislature are underpaid.

The members of Congress are called upon to exercise seasoned judgment in every field of national interest. They must establish the policies that will advance the welfare of our people. They must draft and weigh the statutes to carry out these policies. They must review the administration of the law in order to determine whether the policies and the statutes should be changed. Day in and day out this work must be done in countless fields. Proposals now before Congress exemplify the broad scope of work. Among pending proposals are the international monetary structure, foreign trade policy, economic stabilization, appropriations for war, tax policy, unemployment compensation and full employment.

No business concern or private organization would even attempt to hire top-flight executives or advisors at the level of salaries which presently prevails in the American Congress.

Therefore, the salaries of members of Congress should be increased to a level more in line with the job they are called upon to do. It will not be possible or wise to do this all at once. The adjustment of Congressional salaries at present should be in the full amount consistent with the Little Steel formula and other stabilization criteria by which the government controls salaries and wages in private industry. When these wage and salary controls are lifted, Congressional salaries should be increased to at least $15,000.

Sincerely yours,

Youngstown Vindicator (June 12, 1945)

Nips report surprise in new attack

Doomed enemy spurns offer of surrender and Yanks smash ahead – 15,000 still alive

Two destroyers lost by U.S. off Okinawa – 314 ships sunk

Enemy shore guns get ‘tin can’ stranded on reef off Naha

MacArthur declines to duck Jap snipers

One charges physical violence – others find conditions good

Northport, N.Y., hit – VFW, Legion and disabled veterans report to House committee

B-29s mine waters near Jap islands

102 square miles of six Jap cities in ruins – Liberators join raids

150 Superfortresses from India join LeMay’s forces

Aussies near oil fields in drive across Borneo

Japs fleeing well ahead of invaders – U.S. 7th Fleet plays major role in landings

Supreme Court acquits 24 Bund chiefs

5-4 verdict returned – evidence insufficient – Kunze in group

Eisenhower made freeman of London

Pope sought peace to Duce

Expect to kill cost-plus plan on farm goods

‘Secret weapon’ which killed Udet was service revolver

Clandestine Nazi radio predicting return of Hitler

Truman to talk on U.S.-Soviet relations

Truman: Boost Congress pay

Jap homeland army to use bamboo spears

Houdini’s brother dies without revealing secrets

Allied air raid stopped Kluge surrender try

Bombing blocked meeting which might have ended war in August
By Jack Fleischer, United Press staff correspondent

Union licenses ruled illegal

After two tries, Gabreski marries girl who prayed

4 ships return 14,968 Yanks

Sequel to Lassie story comes Wednesday to Warner

Need for victory gardens is now greater than ever

By Henry L. Pree

Editorial: The Canadian election