America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

Editorial: U.S. should work slowly toward annual wage for all

Editorial: WACs’ third anniversary

News behind the news –
Truman, Churchill see need for Big Three meeting soon

By Ernest Lindley

Memo from Italy to a Boro landlord

By I. Kaufman, Brooklyn Eagler staff correspondent

$60,000 raid shelter built to guard FDR

By Merriman Smith

Yanks’ batting order shaken up by McCarthy

Gettel on mound against Browns in Arclight tussle*

Whether Columbus could sing or not, he does, in new film

By Jane Corby

Japs once jailed director R. Florey

Once? (Extra character because of stupid arbitrary limit)

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Uh… Hate to break it to you, but he is dead.

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Posthumous report, duh.

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Kärntner Nachrichten (May 21, 1945)

US-Besatzungsgebiet festgesetzt

Die erste deutsche Provinzialverwaltung erreichtet

Schwere Kämpfe auf Okinawa

Amerika spart an Lebensmitteln

U.S. Navy Department (May 21, 1945)

CINCPOA Communiqué No. 369

On the night of May 20-21 (East Longitude Dates), the 6th Marine Division in western Okinawa repulsed a substantial counterattack by Japanese troops, some of whom were found to be wearing Marine uniforms and carrying U.S. weapons. An attempt by three groups of the enemy to destroy our tanks in the 1st Marine Division sector by use of suicide demolitions was repulsed.

During the darkness of early morning of May 21, infantrymen of the 77th Army Division struck out in a surprise attack against the enemy lines north of Shuri and captured the town of Taira Machi under intense small arms fire. Fighting heavily all day, troops of the XXIV Army Corps and the Marine III Amphibious Corps made advances on both flanks and in the center of the lines. The 96th Infantry Division pressed southward making gains toward Yonabaru Town on the east coast and was under intense interlocking machine gun fire throughout the day. In the center of the lines, the 77th Division was moving slowly south of Taira Machi after repulsing a strong enemy effort to recapture the town in daylight. The 1st Marine Division was engaged in heavy fighting during the afternoon in the ridges in the Wana area. On the west coast, the 6th Marine Division was attacking on a line south of Sugar Loaf Hill which is now reported secured after its peak had changed hands eleven times in heavy fighting.

The troops were supported by heavy field artillery and Naval gunfire.

During the evening of May 20, about 35 enemy planes made low level attacks on our ships off the coast of Okinawa damaging five light units. Twenty-six of the attacking aircraft were destroyed by our forces.

A search Privateer of Fleet Air Wing One bombed warehouse installations on Yaku Island in the northern Ryukyus on May 20 starting large fires. From the inauguration of searches from Okinawa area bases until May 21, planes of this wing sank 86,880 tons of enemy shipping, damaged 81,500 tons, destroyed 21 enemy aircraft and damaged 15 aircraft.

Corsair and Hellcat fighters of the 4th Marine Aircraft Wing bombed defense positions in the Palaus and on Yap on May 20. Planes of Fleet Air Wing Two and the 4th MarAirWing struck enemy positions in the Marshalls on May 19‑20.

A Mitchell bomber of the 11th Army Air Force was lost to anti-aircraft fire during an attack on Minami Cape on Shumushu in the northern Kurils on May 20. Search planes of FlAirWing Four swept targets in the area of Paramushiru on the same date.

St. Petersburg Times (May 21, 1945)

Japs lose 369,818 in Philippines

Yanks circle strongpoint on Okinawa
By Ray Crohn, Associated Press war editor

Tito orders withdrawal in Austria

Big Five ministers agree on regional security

Metal supply held key to reconversion

Southern G.I. honored –
Truman to present Medal of Honor at ceremony in Congress

Southern leaders jubilant over freight rate victory

More gasoline for civilians seen this week