America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

La délimitation des zones françaises d’occupation

M. Eden s’est entretenu avec M. Massigli

Dönitz a 150.000 hommes armes sous ses ordres

écrit la « News Chronicle »

Le Reich devant sa défaite

Rosenberg, doctrinaire raciste est arrêté

Le théoricien nazi Alfred Rosenberg, auteur du Mythe du XXe siècle, depuis 1942 ministre pour les régions occupées à l’Est, a été arrêté à Flensburg.

Il est arrivé dans la soirée à Bratislava.

Des prisonniers allemands reconstruiront la France

Sept cent cinquante mille soldats allemands seront envoyés en France, en Belgique et en Hollande pour travailler à la reconstruction des villes et villages détruits.

Le chirurgien Sauerbruch devient maire de Berlin

Le professeur Sauerbruch, chirurgien célèbre dans le monde, a été chargé par les autorités soviétiques de constituer le conseil municipal de Berlin.

La guerre en Extrême-Orient

Fou-Tcheou change deux fois de mains pour rester aux Chinois

Le communiqué officiel chinois annonce que les troupes chinoises ont repris Fou-Tcheou, dont ils avaient été chassés par les Japonais. En Chine centrale, les forces chinoises ont atteint l’importante ville de Pao-Chi.

Dans l’ile d’Okinawa se poursuivent de durs combats. C’est une des batailles les plus meurtrières de cette guerre.

U.S. Navy Department (May 20, 1945)

CINCPOA Communiqué No. 368

The Tenth Army in Southern Okinawa gained ground slowly against the heaviest kind of resistance in the central and western sectors as it enveloped the enemy citadel of Shuri on May 20 (East Longitude Date). The 1st Marine Division established its forward elements at a point about 800 yards south of Dakeshi Town and the 77th Infantry Division, after repulsing three enemy counterattacks, captured a strongpoint 900 yards northeast of Shuri. In the Sixth Marine Division zone on the west coast, local progress was made east of Takamotoji. Moving against intense fire the 96th Infantry Division reached an elevation about 1,600 yards east of Ishimmi Town. Throughout the day our troops in all sectors met strong resistance from caves, pillboxes and intense small arms fire. Ships’ gunfire and aircraft continued to support the troops.

A few enemy planes were over the area of Okinawa early on May 20, but no activity was reported during daylight hours when adverse weather prevailed.

On the night of May 18-19, Thunderbolts of the 318th Army Fighters Group struck targets among the Amami Islands. Thunderbolts of the same force strafed air installations in the Northern Ryukyus and joined a Navy search Privateer to sink a picket craft west of Kyushu on May 20.

Search Privateers of Fleet Air Wing One sank a medium freighter, probably sank two small freighters and damaged a number of landing craft in the waters around Korea on May 20.

Thunderbolt fighters of the 7th Army Air Force strafed sir installations and barges at Truk on May 20. On the same date, 7th AAF Liberators bombed Marcus Island.

Mopping-up operations continued on Iwo Island, the Islands of the Marianas and the Palau Islands during the week May 6 through 12. In this period, 141 of the enemy were killed and 167 were captured.

Search aircraft of FlAirWing Four struck installations at Kokutan on Shumushu in the Northern Kurils with bombs and rockets on May 18. On the same date, 11th AAF Liberators bombed Kataoka Naval Base on the same island.

Brooklyn Eagle (May 20, 1945)

Okinawa defenses begin to crack as fierce battle rages

Jap killed reach 48,103 – Yank dead total 8,310
By William F. Tyree

4th Nazi sub to quit shrouded in secrecy

Heavy baggage, mystery passengers back report she started for Japan with war data

Polish rift seen widened by Stalin

His statement offers no basis for ending dispute, London holds
By Phil Ault

Reds accept U.S. plan on zone security

Agree in principle but request changes in draft’s language

U.S. in new attempt to settle Tito claims

Under ocean stations gave Nazis weather data

Owner of killer dogs to be arraigned on manslaughter charge

Sees Pacific victory before next winter

After lesson of Germany, it is incredible Japs will persist in committing race suicide
By Robert M. Grannis

Skipper, visitor and 29 killed on USS New Mexico

Mindanao Yanks chasing last Japs into hills

Reports of Jap peace overtures denied in capital

Guadal to Naha: 14 Japs killed to each Yank slain

72,000 hard coal miners going back to work tomorrow

U.S. treatment of captives helped to speed V-E Day

An ace is the flier with big pain in neck

Pacific Marine relives his ‘big brother’ days

By Peggy O’Reilly

Atlantic City to be scene of headliners’ frolic

Pretty girls sing lullaby in dark – tired G.I.’s hear concert from cots

By Mary Egan Winter

Editorial: Japan must be made helpless if peace is to prevail in East