America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

Notes of Hitler’s ‘last addresses’ reveal he started war deliberately

By Pierre J. Huss

Gale lashes Chicago

CHICAGO, Illinois (INS) – A 60-mile-an-hour gale which lashed Chicago for a half hour at noon yesterday did several thousand dollars’ worth of damage.

The storm uprooted trees, toppling signboards and lampposts and smashing store windows. Weather Bureau officials termed the storm a “freak.”

War Department seizes plant at Gastonia

U.S. submarines fought U-boats in Axis waters

Americans withdraw from Trieste area

Rankin group may abandon contempt action

Engel urges release of soldiers with more than three children

By Helen Ashby

Plan for U.S. ‘manager’ arouses Truman’s interest

FBI chief warns against sabotage

Editorial: Out-Rankin’ congressman dies

Childs: Why Bretton Woods is necessary to world peace agreement

By Marquis Childs

Deutsch: On ‘contempt’ citation

By Albert Deutsch

Pearson: Personal pettiness has marred recent relations with Russia

By Drew Pearson

Berlin’s powers will be divided among provinces

Liberated Yanks overflow tent city in France

By Lowell Bennett

Captured prison officer admits Nazi atrocities

By Kenneth L. Dixon

Marlene Dietrich seeking mother

‘Judy’ of radio fame, await ‘break’ in movies

By Virginia MacPherson

Browns smack Yankees twice to rocket into pennant fight

Voiselle gets win No. 8 – White Sox, Cubs cop two – Walters finally wins one
By Joe Reichler

Gothamites set to bet on V-R Day

By Caswell Adams

Mysterious ‘rains’ of fish in Arctic solved

Lilienthal vote delayed again

Hollywood road easier after four years –
Howard Taylor, back for visit, has rosy future at ace movie studio

By Rosemary Carswell

Police still work on mystery angle in dog murder

Seven Floridians to be discharged

USO will help veterans return to private life

By Frances Music