America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

Pirates prove meal-ticket for ‘Bum’

Dodgers whip Bucs, 6-3 – win tenth straight
By Chester L. Smith, sports editor

Military dead to stay overseas ‘til war ends

‘Boogie-woogie’ music bad for morale

Soothing tunes aid war work
By Si Steinhauser

France needs both spiritual, moral rebirth

Nation may end up as Red or British puppet
By Henry J. Taylor, Scripps-Howard special writer

Steel business is 50% below 1945 average

Order cancelations gain, Iron Age says

Hope, nothing happens between the two that becomes a contentious debate over the years as to who contributed more.

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What planet has this guy being living on? French as British puppet? The entire population of France would commit Seppaku.

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Phew… Hope nothing else happens to him.

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Kärntner Nachrichten (May 17, 1945)

Die Arbeiten der Wieder-gutmachugskommission

Ernennung der amerikanischen Vertreter

Neues Österreich (May 17, 1945)

Das Vernichtungslager von Majdanek

Himmler im Gebiet bei Flensburg?

London, 16. Mai – Reuters meldet aus dem Hauptquartier der 21. Armeegruppe, im Gegensatz zu einer am Sonntag verbreiteten Meldung, wonach Himmler in den Salzburger Bergen gefangengenommen werden sei, dass dieser sich noch immer im Gebiet von Flensburg an der deutsch-dänischen Grenze aufhalten solle.

Generalfeldmarschall Milch und General von Manteuffel befinden sich in einem Kriegsgefangenenlager in Lüneburg.

L’Aube (May 17, 1945)

A San Francisco –
Georges Bidault avant son départ définit l’apport français à la Conférence

De retour des États-Unis –
M. Pleven Fait l’éloge de la démocratie américaine dans l’effort de guerre

Eisenhower discute à Londres du statut de l’Allemagne

Au tour du Japon !
Nouvelles victoires des Allies en Extrême-Orient

La moitie de l’ile de Mindanao aux mains des Alliés

U.S. Navy Department (May 17, 1945)

CINCPOA Communiqué No. 365

On the evening of May 16 (East Longitude Date), a small group of enemy aircraft attempted to attack our forces on and around Okinawa but failed to cause any damage. One enemy plane was destroyed.

Elements of the 6th Marine Division crossed the Asato River and gained a small bridgehead in Naha, capital of Okinawa on May 17. During the late afternoon the Marines, after heavy fighting, also captured “Sugar Loaf Hill” several hundred yards northeast of Takimotoji. On the III Amphibious Corps left flank, troops of the 1st Marine Division reached Wana Town during the day. Without advance artillery preparation, infantrymen of the 77th Infantry Division made a surprise night attack against enemy positions on the high ground in the vicinity of Ishimmi Town and reached the outskirts of the town by noon of May 17. In the 96th Infantry Division zone of action, enemy resistance was heavy in the hill masses east of Ishimmi and in the ridges running south of Conical Hill. Some progress was being made in destruction of enemy strongpoints.

The attacking infantry was supported by artillery, Naval gunfire and heavy strikes of planes of the escort carriers and the 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing. Through May 15, guns of the U.S. Pacific Fleet had delivered 25,000 tons ammunition of five-inch caliber or larger in support of the troops on Okinawa.

Carrier aircraft of the British Pacific Fleet heavily bombed towns and airfields in the Sakishima group on May 16 and 17, damaging three planes on the ground and strafing four others with unobserved results. In these attacks two small craft were destroyed, a small coastal cargo ship and a lugger were left in sinking condition and two small cargo ships, two luggers and six barges were damaged. A large explosion was observed during an attack on Ohama Town and an oil dump set afire. Motor vehicles loaded with troops were severely strafed.

Army Mustangs of the VII Fighter Command swept Atsugi airfield in the vicinity of Tokyo with low-level attacks on May 17 destroying seven enemy aircraft on the ground, probably destroying two more and damaging 33 others. One of our aircraft was shot down by intense anti-aircraft fire over the target.

On May 16, Liberators of the 11th Army Air Force sank a small cargo ship or escort vessel in the waters between Paramushiru and Shumushu in the northern Kurils and damaged two enemy fighters which attacked.

Aircraft of the 4th MarAirWing struck targets in the Marshalls on May 16 and in the Palaus on the following day.

The Pittsburgh Press (May 17, 1945)

Okinawa knockout near – Yanks kill 46,000 Japs

Half of Nagoya burned by B-29s – 575,000 more bombs sear city

War probers move for trial of von Papen

Eden favors quick justice for Goering

Hitler attempt to escape to Japan hinted

Nazi sub captured en route to Pacific

Since V-E Day –
Orders worth $200 million ‘cutback’ here

U.S. moves to help plants reconvert