America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

Combat casualties close to million

New figure is 13,560 over previous week

‘Where is my air force?’ Hitler asked after D-Day

Fuehrer’s stenographers say Nazi leader then began to spurn Luftwaffe’s Goering
By Jack Fleischer, United Press staff writer

Patterson doubts Japs seek peace

Woman killed by 7 bulldogs – owner arrested

The Glass Menagerie

By Florence Fisher Parry

Truck drivers strike in Chicago

Yanks nearing Mindanao airfield

Fleet shells Japs in Davao Gulf

Britain to grant Burma self-rule

French zone in Germany still in doubt

Allied nation may take over Ruhr

Bremen given to Americans

Port to be used to supply U.S. troops

Conciliatory moves ease tense Trieste situation

Tito withdraws troops from part of disputed territory in northern Italy

Japan to disband Fascist party

By the United Press

U.S.-trained army moves into China

Denmark approves treaty with U.S.

Lawyer keeps mine strikers on legal path

Violations avoided in hard coal row

Perkins: Soviet paper raps AFL as ‘dictatorial’

Charges reprinted in embassy bulletin
By Fred W. Perkins, Pittsburgh Press staff writer

Penalties eased on reporters

Editorial: A pillar of good sense

Editorial: Allied muddling in Germany

In San Francisco –
Edson: Let’s hope they keep out those foggy sentences

By Peter Edson

Ferguson: Memorial for Ernie Pyle

By Mrs. Walter Ferguson