America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

Supreme HQ Allied Expeditionary Force (May 3, 1945)


PRD, Communique Section

031100B May


(16) CMHQ (Pass to RCAF & RCN)


Communiqué No. 390

UNCLASSIFIED: Allied forces, breaking out of their bridgehead over the Elbe River near Lauenburg, completely overcame enemy resistance and drove to the Baltic Coast and captured Wismar. Between the Elbe and Wismar, we captured and number of towns including Ludwigslust, Hagenow, Schwerin and Moellin.

Farther west we captured Luebeck.

North of Bremen we occupied Bremervoerde. East of Leer we captured Remels and Grossander.

In Holland, we eliminated the pocket near Delfzijl, on the Ems Estuary.

Enemy road movement in the triangular area of Luebeck, Wismar, and Schwerin was repeatedly attacked by fighter-bombers and rocket-firing fighters. More than 1,500 road vehicles were destroyed or damaged.

The communications center of Itzehoe was attacked by medium bombers.

Last night, light bombers attacked objectives at Kiel.

During the day, 32 enemy aircraft were shot down and others were destroyed or damaged on the ground. Four of our fighters are missing.

Our forces effected another juncture with the Russian forces along the Elbe River at a point five miles southeast of Wittenberge.

Farther south our cavalry patrols reached the Czechoslovakian border at several points southeast of Cham.

In Austria, our forces crossed the Inn River in the area west of Braunau.

Our units are clearing the area 12 miles east of Munich along a 20-mile front. Huge quantities of enemy materiel were taken in the Munich area. About 85 planes, including ten jet-propelled aircraft, and more than 137,000 gas and smoke shells were captured. In this area a Hungarian Infantry Division surrendered intact.

South of Munich, armored spearheads advanced rapidly to the east to reach the Inn River at two points south of Rosenheim.

In the Austrian Alps, our forces met increased resistance but advanced to a point eight miles west of Innsbruck and within 25 miles of the Italian border.

Thirty miles to the west we advanced along the Lech River to within 20 miles of Austria’s southern border.

East of the Bodensee, we pushed south from Bregenz to Dornbirn.

Field Marshals von Rundstedt, Freiherr von Weichs and von Sperrle and 18 German generals were captured.

Allied forces in the west captured 93,797 prisoners on 30 April and 1 May.

Approximately 900 heavy bombers dropped food supplies for the Dutch population in enemy-occupied Holland.

In the period 30 March to 30 April, 61,764 long tons of supplies were carried by air supply missions to our battle units. Meanwhile, 64,076 casualties and 104,739 repatriates were evacuated.



“P” - Others

PRD, Communique Section

D. R. JORDAN, Lt Col FA4655


U.S. Navy Department (May 3, 1945)

CINCPOA Communiqué No. 351

The Tenth Army resumed the attack in Southern Okinawa on May 3 (East Longitude Date), meeting artillery, mortar and small arms fire from the enemy’s fortified line. The 1st Marine Division made a limited advance in its zone of action while other sectors remained stable. The attack was supported by ships’ guns and aircraft.

In the early evening hours of May 3, four small groups of enemy aircraft attacked our shipping off the coast of Okinawa inflicting some damage on our forces and sinking two light units. Seventeen enemy aircraft were destroyed.

Planes from escort carriers of the U.S. Pacific Fleet continued neutralizing attacks on airfields and air installations in the Sakishima group on May 2.

As of May 2, according to the most recent reports available, 1,131 officers and men of the U.S. Pacific Fleet had been killed in action in the Okinawa operation and associated operations against Japan. A total of 2,816 were wounded and 1,604 were missing. All figures are preliminary and incomplete.

Search Privateers of Fleet Air Wing One destroyed three twin‑engine planes on the ground, damaged locomotive and set numerous fires in a low-level attack on Kanoya Airfield, Kyushu, during the early evening of May 3. Planes of the same wing probably sank a small cargo ship off the coast of Central Honshu on the same date.

Planes of the 4th Marine Aircraft Wing bombed targets in the Palaus and strafed installations on Sonsoral Island, southwest of the Palaus on May 3. On the same date, dive bombers of this wing struck the airstrip at Yap. Neutralizing attacks were carried out on enemy bases in the Marshalls by Marine aircraft on the previous day.

A search Privateer of FlAirWing Two bombed barracks and shops on Wake Island on May 2.

CINCPOA Press Release No. 89

For Immediate Release
May 3, 1945

Among the ships of the British Pacific Fleet which engaged in operations against the islands of the Sakishima Group during the period March 26 to April 20 were the following fleet aircraft carriers:


The Pittsburgh Press (May 3, 1945)

All Nazi fronts caving in

Churchill in Reich negotiating peace, London speculates


LONDON, England – A Kalundborg, Denmark, radio said today in a broadcast purported to be in the name of the German government that Grand Adm. Karl Doenitz, the new Nazi Fuehrer, will not lay down arms.

A speaker identified as Albert Speer, Nazi minister of arms and munitions, made the Kalundborg broadcast. He said he was speaking in the name of the government.

LONDON, England – A BBC front reporter, broadcasting over the army radio, said today that “a general surrender of the German forces facing Lt. Gen. Sir Miles C. Dempsey’s [British Second] Army may come at any moment.”

With the end in sight, German forces crumbled on all fronts. In the north, British forces occupied Hamburg and linked up with Russian troops along the Baltic coast. In the south, there the Nazi redoubt was smashed with the surrender in Italy and Western Austria. U.S. Third Army troops were near Linz and Berchtesgaden. In Italy, Eighth Army troops occupied Trieste.

LONDON, England (UP) – The unconditional surrender of all German forces in Holland, Denmark, Norway and Czechoslovakia was reported under negotiation today and possibly in some cases already concluded.

Negotiations for the complete capitulation of Germany were believed in some quarters also to be underway.

There was widespread speculation in London that Prime Minister Winston Churchill may have gone to Germany on a mission to negotiate for the end of the war in Europe. The speculation embraced the possibility that Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower might be engaged in a similar task together with British and Russian military and political leaders.

Mr. Churchill was absent from the House of Commons today. Sir John Anderson, speaking for him, told the House that should the war end on Saturday or Sunday there would be a general holiday Monday.

Mr. Churchill’s absence together with continental reports of surrender negotiations created a feeling in diplomatic and political quarters here that the hour of victory probably was near.

Mr. Churchill’s latest public appearance here was Wednesday evening. Then he announced in Commons the fall of Northern Italy. He sent word that he could not attend today’s session, a highly unusual procedure.

The last four major pockets of Nazi resistance outside the Reich were reported near collapse. Some sources believed the capitulation of some or all of them might be announced by nightfall.

Only four other tiny pockets of German troops remain inside the borders of Germany and Austria.

The house of cards that Adolf Hitler built around Germany by seizing his neighboring countries was tumbling down, Already the southern ramparts had crumbled with the surrender of Northern Italy and Western Austria.

Following hard on the Nazi announcement of Adolf Hitler’s death and the fall of Hamburg, the new Fuehrer, Adm. Karl Doenitz, apparently was wandering the northland in search of a new refuge. The Press Association said it was “fairly certain” that he was in Denmark, or perhaps had even gone on to Norway.

Reliable informants said the capitulation of German forces in Denmark was arranged tentatively some time ago. The country was cut off by the British push to the Baltic. Collapsed Nazi censorship indicated that the Danes controlled their own country again.

Reports from the United Press said the Germans isolated in Northwestern Holland were ready to give up. The Allies were already moving foodstuffs into Holland.

The Paris radio said that the foreign minister of Maj. Vidkun Quisling’s puppet government of Norway had arrived in Copenhagen to discuss the surrender of perhaps 250,000 German troops in Norway.

A broadcast by the Hamburg radio in the last hours it was controlled by the Nazis indicated that surrender arrangements for the Czechoslovak redoubt around Prague were in progress.

**A broadcast decree by Hamburg purported to declare Prague a “hospital town” – apparently an open city, not to be defended. It said negotiations for the “reorganization of political conditions in the protectorate” of Bohemia-Moravia had begun.

Only a few days ago, the German radio said the loss of Prague – and now-fallen Berlin – would mean the loss of Europe.

A German diplomat in Zurich told the Exchange Telegraph Agency that Doenitz had dismissed the entire Nazi cabinet which served Adolf Hitler and was appointing as new ministers only those men whom he believed would have the confidence of the Allies.

Only the appointment of Count Ludwig Schwerin von Krosigk as foreign minister to succeed Joachim von Ribbentrop has been announced. The Exchange Telegraph dispatch said the remainder of the list would be published soon.

Another Exchange Telegraph dispatch from Zurich said Doenitz was expected soon to dissolve the Nazi Party organization and had already ordered the arrest of several hundred leaders, including party chief Martin Bormann and Dr. Robert Ley.

The same dispatch, however, said reports were also circulating that Doenitz had arrested the wife and children of Gestapo Chief Heinrich Himmler and threatened to execute them if he tried to contact the Allies.

Where Doenitz has set up his provisional capital was not known. He was believed to have fled Hamburg as British troops approached and the British Press Association said he may be in the German naval base town of Kiel.

Highly reliable sources in London said arrangements had been completed some time ago for the two to five German divisions in Denmark to surrender as soon as Allied troops reach the country.

Near Danish border

British Second Army troops were fast approaching the Danish border today. Supreme Allied Headquarters has prepared a military mission to fly into Denmark and establish contact with King Christian at the earliest possible moment.

The Allies conducted negotiations with Dr. Werner Best, Reich Commissioner for Denmark, through Swedish intermediaries, informants said.

The Stockholm correspondent of the London Daily Mail said Wilhelm Buhl, who will become Danish premier as soon as the German capitulation takes effect, told him by telephone from Copenhagen that Denmark already has a “de facto peace.”

Ready to take over

Buhl said:

The Gestapo is inactive. We merely are awaiting [British Marshal Sir Bernard L.] Montgomery before my new government officials, taken over the administrator. Everything is under control and we are waiting for the German capitulation to become effective.

Word of the approaching capitulation of German forces in Southwest Holland, estimated at 75,000 to 90,000 men, came from authoritative United Nations sources at the World Security Conference in San Francisco.

These sources said German resistance in Holland has ceased and that formal announcement of surrender “may be expected at any time,”

Comment refused

Supreme Allied Headquarters at Paris refused to comment on the report, but dispatches from there hinted that it may be true. It was recalled that Lt. Gen. W. Bedell Smith, chief of staff to Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, conferred with Nazi occupation officials on the shipment of food into the occupied area recently.

Backs peace aim

Schwerin von Krosigk, the new German Foreign Minister, made his initial broadcast to the German people over the North German radio last night.

He endorsed the aim of the World Security Conference at San Francisco “not only to prevent future wars, but in good time to eliminate potential centers of conflagration from which cause for war might arise.”

However, he said, peace only could be brought to the world if “the Bolshevik tide does not flood Europe.”

He said:

The world at the present moment stands before one of the decisions of the greatest importance in the history of mankind. The manner in which this decision is met will result in chaos or order, in war or peace, in death or life.

He said hundreds of thousands of German civilians had been “struck down” by the fury of war, while millions of German troops had fallen on the various fronts.

Nazis surrender in terror, crying ‘here come Russians’

By Richard D. McMillan, United Press staff writer

Half-million captured in a day

British take Hamburg – German remnants flee for Denmark, Norway

White House guards secret of peace steps

Truman plans to put lid on celebrations

Trieste seized as fighting ends in Italy

Few Nazis expected to keep resisting

Spain jails Laval as war criminal

He’ll be turned over to United Nations

Nazi victims burned alive, crematorium slave reveals

Says only about 30 of each 2,000 Jews spared by sadistic mass murderer

Ickes prepared to seize mines

Total now 950,472 –
Italy costs U.S. 109,000 casualties

WASHINGTON (UP) – The conquest of Italy cost the United States more than 109,000 combat casualties, Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson disclosed today.

Mr. Stimson said the U.S. Fifth Army had suffered 109,163 casualties from the start of the Italian campaign to April 28, when the Germans were sent into the rout which culminated in their surrender yesterday.

Of the Fifth Army’s losses, 21,577 were killed, 77,248 wounded and 10,338 missing.

Meanwhile, total U.S. combat casualties in all theaters officially reported reached 950,472.

This represented a jump of 21,099 from the total of a week ago.

The casualty table:

Army Navy TOTAL
Killed 170,407 40,271 210,678
Wounded 520,208 47,739 567,947
Missing 80,364 10,123 90.487
Prisoners 77,110 4,250 81,360
TOTALS 848,089 102,383 950,472

Of soldiers taken prisoner, 9,974 have been exchanged or returned to U.S. military control.

Allied troops enter Rangoon

Dorothy Thompson sick

JERUSALEM – Columnist Dorothy Thompson was a patient in Hadassah Hospital today with an intestinal disorder.


By Florence Fisher Parry

Seventh Army seizes key prisoners

Resistance senseless, Rundstedt declares
By Malcolm Muir Jr., United Press staff writer

Nazis’ food ration tops Americans’

Truman vetoes legislation deferring farm workers

Congressional plan is called injustice to those inducted or about to be drafted

$20 weekly bonus asked for veterans

Nazis warped German mind, cardinal says

Munich prelate sees rebirth long way off
By Jack Fleischer, United Press staff writer

100th awarded Medal of Honor

Truman replaces Pendergast foe

Judgment day near for Nazi war criminals

Justice Jackson named prosecutor