Italy costs U.S. 109,000 casualties (5-3-45)

The Pittsburgh Press (May 3, 1945)

Total now 950,472 –
Italy costs U.S. 109,000 casualties

WASHINGTON (UP) – The conquest of Italy cost the United States more than 109,000 combat casualties, Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson disclosed today.

Mr. Stimson said the U.S. Fifth Army had suffered 109,163 casualties from the start of the Italian campaign to April 28, when the Germans were sent into the rout which culminated in their surrender yesterday.

Of the Fifth Army’s losses, 21,577 were killed, 77,248 wounded and 10,338 missing.

Meanwhile, total U.S. combat casualties in all theaters officially reported reached 950,472.

This represented a jump of 21,099 from the total of a week ago.

The casualty table:

Army Navy TOTAL
Killed 170,407 40,271 210,678
Wounded 520,208 47,739 567,947
Missing 80,364 10,123 90.487
Prisoners 77,110 4,250 81,360
TOTALS 848,089 102,383 950,472

Of soldiers taken prisoner, 9,974 have been exchanged or returned to U.S. military control.