America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

Stokes: Promoting trouble

By Thomas L. Stokes

Othman: Sights to be seein’

By Fred Othman

Maj. Williams: Transportation row

By Maj. Al Williams

Inside the Axis gang: The diary of Count Ciano –
Disaster in North Africa, Greece; a subdued Duce asks Hitler for help

Heat of fires hurls bombs back into B-29

Gracie Allen Reporting

By Gracie Allen

HOLLYWOOD – Our nice President Truman only recently returned from a vacation, and now Prime Minister Churchill has gone on his. I think it’s kind of cute to see how vacation habits differ between these leaders of two great nations.

Churchill took his paint box with him. George says an American President wouldn’t dare do that, because his political opponents would criticize his paintings. Our Presidents always play safe and go fishing. Goodness knows, it’s hard to criticize a fish, especially these days, with food so hard to get.

Also I notice Mr. Churchill took his butter along with him to France. He probably wanted to finish it before his meeting with Truman and Stalin in Potsdam. The whole world may be divided up at that meeting and Churchill apparently didn’t want to take any chances with his Butter.

Only glory at stake –
ODT insists on one-city ‘series’

Browns blank Cards, using pitcher-an-inning device

Allowance problem assistance offered

Hypnotism is not for radio

Sleep is risky, says hobbyist
By Si Steinhauser

Youngstown Vindicator (July 11, 1945)

Love cites strikes’ drag on victory

Says Akron setup follows union plan for U.S. takeover
By John W. Love

Non-fraternization and G.I. Joe

By Dorothy Thompson

Lawrence: Grew’s report clears the air

Japan learns she cannot escape defeat through any compromise
By David Lawrence

The Syonan Shimbun (July 12, 1945)

Fierce Balikpapan battle raging; fight said mounting in intensity

15 foe warplanes downed, damaged over Balikpapan

Patrol boat downs bomber in thrilling fight

U.S. Army surgeon sounds grim warning

Bitter fight ahead in Pacific, British warned

Editorial: Foe’s nightmare

Salzburger Nachrichten (July 12, 1945)

Panslawistischer Pakt in Aussicht

Russische Truppen räumen tschechoslowakisches Gebiet

Einheitliche Verwaltung für Berlin