America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

Non-fraternization and G.I. Joe

By Dorothy Thompson

Lawrence: Grew’s report clears the air

Japan learns she cannot escape defeat through any compromise
By David Lawrence

The Syonan Shimbun (July 12, 1945)

Fierce Balikpapan battle raging; fight said mounting in intensity

15 foe warplanes downed, damaged over Balikpapan

Patrol boat downs bomber in thrilling fight

U.S. Army surgeon sounds grim warning

Bitter fight ahead in Pacific, British warned

Editorial: Foe’s nightmare

Salzburger Nachrichten (July 12, 1945)

Panslawistischer Pakt in Aussicht

Russische Truppen räumen tschechoslowakisches Gebiet

Einheitliche Verwaltung für Berlin

Invasionsschatten über Japan

L’Aube (July 12, 1945)

La puissante offensive aérienne contre le Japon continue

« La marine nippone est virtuellement liquidée » déclare le secrétaire à la Marine des États-Unis

Vers l’unification du régime d’occupation en Allemagne

Les Russes favorisent le centralisme berlinois, les Alliés les particularismes. Un compromis doit être trouvé

Staline demanderait à Potsdam la liquidation du fascisme espagnol

The Pittsburgh Press (July 12, 1945)

Japan alerts coastal defenses

Tokyo Bay oil plants also blasted; 3rd Fleet lurking off shore

Allied landing called near in Indian Ocean

Sabang under attack, Japs declare

Navy fliers wreck 17,000 Jap planes

U.S. carrier forces command the air

Polish Army told to defy Warsaw

Anders orders men to resist new rule

Judge’s deals off the bench told at probe

‘Broker’ details payoffs, splits
By Robert Taylor, Press Washington correspondent

Two newspaper strikers stabbed

Publishers ‘take steps’ to break walkout

‘Bombshell’ free on $15,000 bond

Slayer of sailor leaves with husband