America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

Paper drivers ignore WLB ultimatum

Strikers face loss of their closed shop

Americans double war bond goal

Sales total hits $26 billion

2 more Jap cities half destroyed

In Washington –
Anti-closed shop bill appears sidetracked as committee balks

Majority files ‘minority’ report, says Rankin steamrollered earlier action

Mother of missing hero disclaims ‘grandson’

Allied plan for control of Japan urged

Advisory council on Pacific proposed

Fast transport sunk off Okinawa

51 in crew lost in Jap bombing

Navy enlistment fee on Guam: One dead Jap

Red mistreatment of G.I.’s charged

Clothing confiscated, congressman alleges

Argentina clears U-boat in sinking

Nazi sub’s course being traced

OWI apologizes for ‘ignorance’

Davis ‘explains’ article on Midwest

Forrestal: U.S. Navy controls sea

Jackson in London

LONDON, England - Justice Robert H. Jackson, American prosecutor of war criminals returned today from a week’s factfinding mission on the continent. Mr. Jackson went directly to a meeting of the Allied War Crimes Commission.

Japs fleeing from bulge in South China

Allies take another former U.S. field

Yanks sweep enemy from skies of China

Enemy shifts planes to Manchuria

New food accord reached in Berlin

Each ally to supply own zone in city
By Jack Fleischer, United Press staff writer

Yanks sentenced in Chinese slaying

Drinking spree, ride on Buffalo involved

General works at Ernie Pyle Club

Poll: Nations look to U.S. for leadership

Russia second, Britain third
By George Gallup, Director, American Institute of Public Opinion

Perkins: WLB stands firm against defiant unions

Removes privileges to bring them in line
By Fred W. Perkins, Pittsburgh Press staff writer

War fatigue of people best hope for peace

Europeans have little faith in democracy
By Henry J. Taylor, Scripps-Howard special writer

Editorial: Is Germany defeated?

Editorial: Allied appreciation

Editorial: A real anti-labor bill

Editorial: Two-term amendment