America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

Stokes: Bright prospects

By Thomas L. Stokes

Othman: A new Ruml plan

By Fred Othman

Maj. Williams: Political airports

By Maj. Al Williams

OWI funds restored by Senate group

Wins 7-6 decision, but fight isn’t over
By Daniel M. Kidney, Scripps-Howard staff writer

Post-war navy to be big; will fluctuate in strength

Will be increased or decreased as world’s ‘blood pressure’ goes up or down
By Marshall McNeil, Scripps-Howard staff writer

Gracie Allen Reporting

By Gracie Allen

Well, I see that a department store has announced that pretty soon it will carry airplanes in stock. Isn’t that wonderful, girls? When we go shopping for an airplane and a spool of thread, we won’t have to worry about delivery, we can take the spool of thread right along with us in the airplane.

But I don’t think I’d like to be a saleslady in the airplane department. Imagine having to trot out all the planes in stock for one of those choosy customers.

George says he wouldn’t want to work in the complaint department, either, not when some woman comes in and says, “I thought you told me I was getting an exclusive model, and yesterday I saw Mrs. Jones flying around in one exactly like it.”

Millett: Our girls want chance

Let foreign ‘affairs’ wait
By Ruth Millett

Bucs, Cubs open two-game series

Max Butcher picked to hurl against Bruins
By Chester L. Smith, sports editor

‘Ike’ is main event as Braves extend Giants’ jitters slump

By the United Press

Chandler undecided –
Time of job change vague

Trieste ‘incident’ settled peacefully

Women war workers learn about war

Gen. LeMay: B-29s running out of Jap targets

Marine Corps plans no mass discharges

Theater Guild plays are scheduled for radio

Will be heard Sunday nights
By Si Steinhauser

The Syonan Shimbun (June 21, 1945)

Nippon units recapture strategic height in southern Okinawa sector

Fighting said developing into melee

Foe strongholds in Chungking China smashed

Wide authority for Nippon superintendents-general

Wartime housing measures in Nippon outlined

Nippon units still active on Saipan

Lisbon (Domei, June 20) – Scattered Japanese resistance groups on Saipan Island in the Marianas are still continuing to offer resistance after nearly one year of the American occupation, American Feet Admiral Chester Nimitz’s Headquarters disclosed today in a dispatch from Guam.

The dispatch said that American troops on Saipan have been engaging the Japanese in night operations since May 27.

Editorial: White Paper a snare

Nippon Army feared

Lisbon (Domei, June 20) – “Other armies say that they will fight to the last man but it is only the Japanese Army that does it,” General Sir William Slim, Commander of the 14th Army in Burma, declared at a press conference in London yesterday, according to a Reuters dispatch.

Truman on west coast

Lisbon (Domei, June 20) – American President Harry Truman yesterday arrived in Olympia, Washington, by plane from the American capital for a brief visit after which he will go to San Francisco to address the closing session of the San Francisco Conference, according to an American dispatch.