America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

Ike returns to West Point for address

He graduated there 30 years ago

Europe’s leaders hail Ike as bulwark of future peace

Removal of Germany as a menace described as task for which he is ably suited
By Virgil M. Pinkley

Go West… in reverse –
White-faced steers roam miniature plains in East

Food shortage makes Long Island, New England cattle country; none in apartments

Truman speech awaited –
Simms: Parley completes security charter

No further crises expected at Frisco
By William Philip Simms, Scripps-Howard foreign editor

Food distributors predict 5-day week will cause scarcity

Says growers will have more spoilage; union leaders deny move will hurt anyone
By Robert Taylor, Press Washington correspondent

Truman rests after flight to Olympia

Word from ‘Frisco conference awaited

Beginning of end for Franco hinted

‘Frisco conference ‘boycotts’ Spain

Italy lists 7 generals as collaborationists

ROME, Italy (UP) – Marshal Rodolfo Graziani, former Italian chief of staff and six other Italian generals were indicted today on collaboration charges.

Alessandro Casati, war minister in the former Bonomi cabinet, made the charges. He asked that the seven generals be tried before a military tribunal.

Graziani was charged specifically with treason in collaborating with the Nazis. Another defendant is Gen. Gastone Gambara, chief of the Italian expeditionary forces in Spain during the civil war.

Graziani, Gambara and two others are still in Allied hands. Italian authorities asked that they be turned over to the Italian government for trial.

Jackson in London

LONDON, England – Supreme Court Justice Robert H. Jackson, chief American prosecutor of war criminals, arrived in London today for conferences with the United Nations War Crimes Commission.

Closed shop bill for ex-G.I.’s tabled

‘Why?’ of sugar scarcity asked

Sinatra in Italy

CASSERTA, Italy (UP) – Frank Sinatra’s plane swooned to a graceful landing before a crowd of G.I.’s at the Casserta Airdrome today, delivering “The Voice” from Casablanca to Italy for a series of USO camp shows. Sinatra will go to Rome tomorrow.

2 more war chiefs die in Pacific

Gen. Easley killed; Adm. Royal succumbs

Marshall Atoll hit first time in 1945

American diet will contain fewer calories

Potato famine also threatens

Nationwide strike wave cuts war work

Truckers, rubber workers still out
By the United Press

In Washington –
Congress divided on Truman plan to change presidential succession

Proposal gets general House approval but Senate reaction is mixed; delay expected

Hitler’s secret: Sketches of dresses

Film stars fight hotel’s ‘invasion’

5,000 from Okinawa

GUAM – Brig. Gen. Thomas O. Hardin, commanding the Air Transport Command, Pacific Wing announced today that the 5,000th casualty to be flown from Okinawa by Army transports had arrived.

Court upholds U.S. seizure of plant

Food cargoes moving from Gulf to Europe

Flowers and frills hit at show for G.I.’s

Now it can be told –
23 of 34 ships in convoy lost in 1942 battle on Murmansk run

German surface fleet driven off, but U-boat pack closed in for the kill in Arctic

Editorial: For industrial peace

Editorial: Line on succession

Editorial: The crime of war

Editorial: Russia’s ‘free press’