America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

Miller: Feeding Manila

By Lee G. Miller

Stokes: In the open

By Thomas L. Stokes

Othman: No monkey business

By Fred Othman

Love: Black market backers

By Gilbert Love

Frontline chaplain –
Services for all faiths held on ships and at battlefronts

By Sally MacDougall, Scripps-Howard staff writer

Gracie Allen Reporting

By Gracie Allen

SAN FRANCISCO – The officials of the World Security Conference thought of everything. When they hear loose talk that this nation or that nation is going to be made the “goat” of the conference, they just smile.

Because the conference is already provided with goats. The Egyptian delegation brought their own, for the milk.

I went to see the goats at the hotel where the Egyptians are staying and found them much more communicative than the diplomats. When I asked them if they thought there would be trouble over the Polish question, the goats said, “Bah!”

Speaking of goats, somebody certainly got the goat of a man with the American delegation. He was told the White House was calling him. He got on the phone, trembling – and found the call came from the “White House,” a local store.

Millett: Home front problems

One is domestic social security
By Ruth Millett

Pirate, Cardinal game postponed

Doubleheader is arranged for tomorrow
By Chester L. Smith, sports editor

Commission offered specialists by Navy

Canes and playing cards needed for G.I. Joe

Radio veteran leads drive
By Si Steinhauser

Monahan: ZaSu Pitts flutters in ‘comtricdrama’

This comtricdrama, otherwise known as Ramshackle Inn, is at the Nixon
By Kaspar Monahan

Frances Langford weary of traveling

She and Jon Hall abandon plans
By Maxine Garrison

Führer HQ (May 1, 1945)


Broadcast audio (RRG):

Unser Führer Adolf Hitler ist heute nachmittags in seinem Befehlsstand in der Reichskanzlei, bis zum letzten Atemzuge gegen den Bolschewismus kämpfend, für Deutschland gefallen.

Am 30. April hat der Führer den Großadmiral Donitz zu seinem Nachfolger ernannt.

Der Großadmiral ist der Nachfolger des Führers.

Address by Reich President Doenitz to the German People
May 1, 1945


Broadcast audio (RRG):

Deutsche Männer und Frauen! Soldaten der deutschen Wehrmacht!

Der Führer Adolf Hitler ist gefallen. In tiefster Trauer und Ehrfurcht verneigt sich das deutsche Volk. Frühzeitig hatte Adolf Hitler die furchtbare Gefahr des Bolschewismus erkannt und diesem Ringen fein Dasein geweiht. Am Ende dieses seines Kampfes und seines unbeirrbar geraden Weges steht sein Heldentod in der Hauptstadt des Deutschen Reiches. Sein Leben war ein einziger Dienst für Deutschland. Sein Einsatz im Kampfe gegen die bolschewistische Sturmflut galt darüber hinaus Europa und der gesamten Kulturwelt.

Der Führer hat mich zu seinem Nachfolger bestimmt. Im Bewutztsein der Verantwortung, übernehme ich die Führung des deutschen Volkes in dieser schicksalsschweren Stunde. Meine erste Aufgabe ist es. deutsche Menschen vor der Vernichtung durch den vordringenden bolschewistischen Feind zu retten. Nur für dieses Ziel Kämpfen wir weiter. Soweit und solange die Erreichung dieses Zieles durch Briten und Amerikaner behindert wird, werden wir uns auch gegen sie weiter verteidigen und weiterkämpfen müssen. Die Anglo-Amerikaner setzen dann diesen Krieg nicht für ihre eigenen Völker, sondern allein für die Ausbreitung des Bolschewismus in Europa fort. Was das deutsche Volk im Ringen dieses Krieges kämpfend vollbracht und in der Heimat erfahren hat, ist geschichtlich einmalig.

In der kommenden Notzeit des Volkes werde ich bestrebt sein, unseren tapferen Frauen. Männern und Kindern, soweit dies in meiner Macht steht, erträgliche Lebensbedingungen zu schassen. Zu alledem brauche ich eure Hilfe. Schenkt mir euer Vertrauen, denn euer Weg ist auch mein Weg! Haltet Ordnung und Disziplin in Stadt und Land aufrecht! Tue jeder an seiner Stelle seine Pflicht! Nur so werden wir die Leiden, die die kommende Zeit jedem einzelnen von uns bringen wird, mildern und den Zusammenbruch verhindern können. Wenn wir tun, was in unseren Kräften steht, wird auch der Herrgott nach so viel Leiden und Opfern uns nicht verlassen.

BBC bulletin:

MBS bulletin:

NBCB bulletin:

The Stars and Stripes (May 2, 1945)

German radio reports:

Wednesday, May 2, 1945

Adolf Hitler at his height

Adolf Hitler, for 12 years the master of Germany and the man who set out to conquer the world, died yesterday afternoon, the German radio at Hamburg announced last night.

Declaring that Grand Adm. Karl Doenitz, commander-in-chief of the German Navy, was Hitler’s successor, the radio states:

It is reported from Der Fuehrer’s headquarters that Der Fuehrer, Adolf Hitler, has fallen this afternoon at his command post in the Reich Chancellery, fighting to the last breath against Bolshevism and for Germany.

Death is not explained

The announcement did not explain how Hitler, who was 56 years old 12 days ago, had “fallen.” Russian forces in recent days have been battling toward the massive Chancellery that Hitler built in the Wilhelmstrasse, in the center of Berlin.

The broadcast reported that on April 13, Hitler named Doenitz as his successor. Then Doenitz came on the program with a fiery promise to keep up what he termed “the struggle against Bolshevism.” He said the German would fight American and British forces to the extent that they hindered his fight against Russia.

There was no indication as to the whereabouts of Heinrich Himmler, Gestapo chief and leader of the German home defense forces, who has been reported offering to surrender. Neither was there any word of Propaganda Minister Paul Joseph Goebbels or other Hitler henchmen.

The announcement of Hitler’s death was preceded by the playing of solemn Wagnerian music, including “Twilight of the Gods.” The southern German radio kept up a program of light music all through the program from the north, indicating that communication is broken down between the two German pockets.

Doenitz came on the air immediately after the brief announcement of Hitler’s death, saying:

German men and women, soldiers of the German Wehrmacht:

Our Fuehrer, Adolf Hitler, has fallen. The German people bow in deepest mourning and veneration.

My first task is to save the German people from destruction by Bolshevism. If only for this task, the struggle will continue.

Adolf Hitler recognized beforehand the terrible danger of Bolshevism and devoted his life to fighting it. At the end of this, his battle, he stands as a hero in the battle of the capital of the Reich.

‘We shall fight’

The Fuehrer has appointed me as his successor. Fully conscious of the responsibility, I take over the leadership of the German people at this fateful hour.

It is my first task to save the German people from destruction by Bolshevists, and it is only to achieve this that the fight continues.

As long as the British and the Americans hamper us from reaching this end, we shall fight to defend ourselves against them as well. The British and Americans are not fighting for their own interests, but for the spreading of Bolshevism.

Doenitz, whose appointment came as a surprise, called on the German people to help him to the utmost and urged them to keep order and discipline. Only by complete fulfillment of every German’s duty, he said, could the country avoid collapse.

Issues order to troops

Doenitz also issued an order of the day to the Reich’s armed forces in which he repeated the same determination to “save” the Germans from Bolshevism. Assuming supreme command of all the armed forces, he said Germany would continue the fight to save “hundreds of thousands of German families from slavery and destruction.”

“The situation,” he added, “demands from you who have already accomplished such momentous deeds – and who are now wishing for the end of the war – unconditional exertions.” The latter was an obvious answer to the Allied demand for unconditional surrender.

He told his decimated Wehrmacht, Luftwaffe and navy:

Only by executing my orders without reserve can chaos and annihilation be avoided. The coward and traitor is he who just now shirks his duty – and who thus brings death or slavery upon German women and children.

The oath of allegiance which you have given the Fuehrer is now for every one of you immediately due to me as the successor whom the Fuehrer appointed.

German soldiers, do your duty! The very lives of our people are at stake!

The 50-year-old Doenitz, regarded as the Nazis’ top man in the navy, has always been held high in Hitler’s esteem and has been classified as a fervent party man from the outset of the Nazi movement. He led the Atlantic submarine wolfpacks before he became navy chief two years ago. He was confined in an insane asylum in Manchester, England, during the First World War.

Innsbrucker Nachrichten (May 2, 1945)

Unser Führer in Berlin gefallen

Aus dem Führerhauptquartier, 1. Mai – Unser Führer Adolf Hitler ist heute nachmittags in seinem Befehlsstand in der Reichskanzlei, bis zum letzten Atemzuge gegen den Bolschewismus kämpfend, für Deutschland gefallen.

Am 30. April hat der Führer den Großadmiral Donitz zu seinem Nachfolger ernannt.

Der Großadmiral ist der Nachfolger des Führers.

Neue Konfliktstoffe unter den Alliierten

In San Franzisko erlitten die Sowjets wieder Niederlagen – Stalin antwortet Truman nicht

Supreme HQ Allied Expeditionary Force (May 2, 1945)


PRD, Communique Section

021100B May


(16) CMHQ (Pass to RCAF & RCN)


Communiqué No. 389

UNCLASSIFIED: Allied forces advanced seven miles beyond Leer to Hesel. We are two miles from the outskirts of Oldenburg.

West of Hamburg we occupied Horneburg and Stade meeting no resistance. The Elbe bridgehead, east of Hamburg, is now 30 miles in length and armor has broken out to the north. We captured Geesthacht and Boizenburg and crossed the Hamburg-Berlin autobahn.

Two airfields in the Lübeck area and road transport around Luebeck and Schwerin were bombed by our medium and fighter-bombers.

Northeast of Grafenau, our forces crossed the Czechoslovakian border at two points.

Farther south, our armor crossed the Austrian border in the vicinity of Oberkappel and entered Oepping northwest of Linz.

We reached the vicinity of Kollersberg, northeast of Passau, and an armored column advanced into Austria to reach a point 23 miles southeast of Passau.

West of Passau we entered Kriestorf and reached the vicinity of Poerndorf south of Deggendorf.

Advancing rapidly against light resistance, our armor reached the Inn River in the vicinity of Braunau. Other armored elements captured Eggenfelden and entered Koesslarn northeast of Braunau.

We captured Oberhoecking, south of Landau, and pushed 12 miles to the southwest.

Our units cleared Landshut and repulsed and enemy counterattack of 200 infantry southwest of the town.

South of Landshut we cleared Hubenstein and reached the vicinity of Dorfen.

The capture of Munich was completed. Southeast of Munich, our units reached the Mangfall River and south of the city we circled around the Starnberger See from north and south and continued five miles east of it.

Our forces crossed the Austrian frontier north of Scharnitz, ten miles northwest of Innsbruck. Garmisch-Partenkirchen, north of the border to the west, was reached.

Near the Plan See in Austria, we took a prison camp and liberated a number of high-ranking French and Belgian civil and military officials including seven French generals.

Gains southward were made generally through difficult Alpine terrain in Austria. South of Fuessen we advanced ten miles along the Lech River to within 35 miles of the Italian border.

West of the Iller River along a 20-mile front from Immenstadt to Bregenz, we gained up to eight miles southward. South of Bregenz we pushed five miles into Austria.

From the Munich area to the Iller Canal, 26,946 prisoners, including five German generals, were taken during the 24 hours ending midnight 30 April.

Enemy resistance on the Oleron Island on the French Atlantic Coast has been eliminated. The enemy was overcome rapidly following the liberation of the capital, St. Pierre d’Oleron. The commandant of the German defenses on the island surrendered and numerous prisoners were taken.

An ammunition plant near Stod, 16 miles southwest of Pilsen was attacked by light bombers.

During the day, 13 enemy aircraft were shot down, five of them in the Elbe bridgehead area. One of our fighters is missing.

Food supplies for the Dutch population were dropped at the Hague and Rotterdam yesterday by approximately 400 heavy bombers.



“P” - Others

PRD, Communique Section

D. R. JORDAN, Lt Col FA4655


U.S. Navy Department (May 2, 1945)

Communiqué No. 594

Far Eastern Waters.
U.S. submarines have reported the sinking of 21 enemy vessels, including two combatant ships – a destroyer and an escort vessel – in operations against the enemy in these waters, as follows:

  • 1 destroyer
  • 1 escort vessel
  • 1 destroyer transport
  • 2 medium cargo transports
  • 2 small cargo vessels
  • 12 medium cargo vessels
  • 1 large tanker
  • 1 medium tanker

These actions have not been announced in any previous Navy Department communiqué.

CINCPOA Communiqué No. 350

The 7th Infantry Division which captured Kuhazu Village during the late afternoon of April 30 continued to advance southward on Okinawa on May 1 (East Longitude Dates). No substantial change was made in other sectors of the lines where our troops were under enemy artillery, mortar and small arms fire. On May 2, ships’ guns destroyed a number of enemy emplacements, strongpoints, and boat pens and carrier and land-based aircraft bombed enemy defenses. The infantry resumed the attack during the hours of darkness on the morning of May 2 and elements of the 7th Division moved 1,400 yards forward to the vicinity of Gaja Hill, approximately one mile north of the town of Yonabaru. Tanks and flamethrowers were being employed to develop this salient. The 77th Infantry Division and the 1st Marine Division launched an attack in the center and on the right flank and were moving forward during the morning of May 2.

Targets on Kume Island, west of Okinawa and in the Sakishima Group in the Southern Ryukyus, were attacked by aircraft of the U.S. Pacific Fleet on May 2.

Search aircraft of Fleet Air Wing One sank a medium transport south of Korea on May 1. On the following day, planes of this Wing sank two small cargo ships off the coast of Central Honshu and one off the coast of Kyushu. Two small cargo ships were damaged near Honshu and a number of fishing and small craft were struck off Kyushu on the same date.

Army Mustangs of the VII Fighter Command bombed and strafed radio installations and other targets in the Bonins on May 2.

Liberators of the 7th Army Air Force bombed Param Airfield at Truk and the airstrip and air facilities at Marcus Island on May 1 and 2.

Corsair and Hellcat fighters and Avenger torpedo planes of the 4th Marine Aircraft Wing bombed targets in the Palaus and on Yap in the Western Carolines on May 2.

Neutralizing attacks were made on enemy bases in the Marshalls by search planes of FlAirWing Two on May 1.