America at war! (1941–) – Part 4

Monahan: New year ushers in a new play, Bonanza – and wotta play!

By Kaspar Monahan

Penn film stars Van Johnson

He portrays one of Tokyo raiders
By Kaspar Monahan

Nazis to fight ‘to victory,’ Hitler warns

Fuehrer ends his long silence

Stokes: Isolationist move

By Thomas L. Stokes

Othman: Brynes’ eyebrows

By Frederick C. Othman

Love: Good resolutions

By Gilbert Love

MacArthur’s guerrillas –
Filipinos swoop down from hills to fight Japs with makeshift guns

Unique islanders were only Pacific natives who stood by white forces against invaders
By Brig. Gen. Carlos P. Romulo

Conscription bills await Congress

May’s measure for universal military training likely to be first considered
By Daniel M. Kidney, Scripps-Howard staff writer

Gracie Allen Reporting

By Gracie Allen

Well, I don’t know about your house, but at our house the holiday spirit is as cold as Congressman Ham Fish’s seat in the House of Representatives. Today, George is starting on his income tax statement. I like the way George is taking the whole thing. Mr. Morgenthau is the first person with whom George has ever seemed willing to share my salary.

One thing I must say, I enjoy reading the income tax laws. It’s just like a wonderful mystery story. You figured out one year, then Congress comes back after the holidays, all rested and full of turkey, and zing! The suspense goes on for another year.

The government might make a little extra money by publishing the tax rules as a mystery novel titled possibly, The Case of the Missing Fiduciary, or Who’s Withholding Who?

Public payroll keeps 1 in 20

Millett: War worker is respected

But it depends on herself
By Ruth Millett

Sugar, shrine tilts top bowl thrills

West scores 13 points in last period to win

Steelmakers books crowded with orders

Price rise seen if pay increase is granted

Stock values rise $9 billion for 1944

Allied big guns signal new year

Reports on casualties are hard to obtain

Vandercook: ‘Nazis will lose but not surrender in 1945’

Sees Soviet slap at Japanese
By Si Steinhauser

Ruth Hanna Simms dies in Chicago

Nurse returns to Philippines

Völkischer Beobachter (January 3, 1945)

Die neue höchste Tapferkeitsauszeichnung –
Das Goldene Eichenlaub für Oberst Rudel

Verlegenheit in London und Washington

Von unserem Berichterstatter in Schweden