America at war! (1941–) – Part 4

Singer’s draft conviction upheld by Supreme Court

Pittsburgh lawyer faces one-year term

Housing projects tax exempt

Land-based planes wreck 2 Jap warships

Luzon attack extended north of Manila
By William Wilson, United Press staff writer

Large balloon found in Oregon

Allied cooperation conference held

Stettinius and Halifax meet in Washington

Official report describes how Nazis massacred Yanks

Simms: British jibes at U.S. peril peace hopes

English criticize U.S. war effort
By William Philip Simms, Scripps-Howard foreign editor

For 11th straight day –
U.S. bombers blast Nazis behind front

Troops, railyards, bridges plastered

‘Monty’ is boomed for ‘Ike’s’ deputy

Man-made quake to hit Japs once considered by U.S.

Idea not cast aside, but just pigeonholed – huge risk involved in plan emphasized

B-29s hit Tokyo in nuisance raids

New Year’s ‘greetings’ given to Japs

Perkins: Byrnes urges laws ‘to treat Petrillos and Averys alike’

War Mobilizer would give WLB power to act against unions and employers in court
By Fred W. Perkins, Pittsburgh Press staff writer

Saving lives of U.S. troops is Byrnes’ aim

Parable explains drive for production
By Charles T. Lucey, Scripps-Howard staff writer

Congress asked to draft 4-Fs for essential jobs

Lawmakers favorably disposed toward program for tighter manpower controls

Keitel reported in Kesselring post

Jury probes seizure of Ward stores

Army replaces some officials

Uninvited guest, too –
Actor accused of biting woman

Editorial: All-out war production

Editorial: Clearer diplomatic skies

Edson: OWI seeks to sell us to the French people

By Peter Edson

Ferguson: Aptitude tests

By Mrs. Walter Ferguson

Background of news –
This New Year’s and last

By Bertram Benedict

Over million get security funds