America at war! (1941–) – Part 4


Arkansans accept ‘responsibility’ –
‘1000 Club’ link to Roosevelt denied by party leaders

Democratic chiefs say instigators of plan to raise money have already been rebuked

New York (UP) –
Democratic leaders said today that President Roosevelt had no connection with the “1000 Club” which Governor Thomas E. Dewey said had been promised special privileges for $1,000 campaign contributions. They also denied that it was authorized by the Democratic National Committee and said its instigators had already been criticized by party officials.

DNC Chairman Robert E. Hannegan said the club was never discussed with President Roosevelt, and “any quotation contained in the letter read by Governor Dewey attributed to the President is wholly without substance.”

Two accept ‘responsibility’

Mr. Hannegan said:

There is nothing mysterious about the “Thousand Club.” It is entirely independent of the Democratic National Committee and the statement attributed to the President, I repeat, is wholly without foundation and unauthorized.

H. L. McAlister and Samuel J. Watkins, Arkansas Democratic finance directors, whom Governor Dewey said signed the letter from which he quoted, issued a statement at Little Rock in which they assumed full responsibility for the letter and said it had been misinterpreted by the GOP presidential candidate.

Statement quoted

Their statement said:

We assume personal responsibility for the “Thousand Club” letter. The interpretation Mr. Dewey placed on the sentence “members of this organization undoubtedly will be granted special privileges and prestige by party leaders” is entirely foreign to ours.

The words “prestige and special privilege” do not mean to us what has been inferred by him.

Arkansas citizens have received many benefits, directly and indirectly from the present Democratic administration. We know what to expect from a Republican administration. We have tried both. Our thinking on the matter of contributions to the party is definitely expressed by this sentence which was placed in practically all of the letters going out from this headquarters – the amount of your contribution should be measured by your ability to pay, by your party spirit and by your desire to see the present Democratic administration continued.

‘In trouble before’

The men revealed that they had been in trouble before with the national party for their efforts to build a fire under hesitant campaign contributors and on one occasion Wilburn Maycock, National Committee counsel, wrote them that one of their letters “does not reflect the policy or ethics of the Democratic administration and it is to be repudiated as such…”

Mr. Hannegan seized the opportunity to criticize GOP campaign contributions.

He said:

The Democratic National Committee does not have “angels” of the type of Joe Pew of Pennsylvania who has contributed $13 million to the Republican Party.

Because of this fact, the project to interest liberal and progressive business and professional people who are able to make a contribution of $1,000 was developed to assist in financing the campaign.

‘Investment in democracy’

Mr. Hannegan said he had not seen the letter to which Governor Dewey referred but had been advised of the “Thousand Club” by Edwin W. Pauley, treasurer of the National Committee.

“Those who subscribed $1,000 are making an investment in democracy and this project has my approval,” he said.

Five Hodcarrier officials indicted

$250,000 reported to have disappeared


Despite Lewis –
Fayette miners still favor fourth term

But GOP leaders hope for inroads
By Robert Taylor, Pittsburgh Press staff writer

Uniontown, Pennsylvania –
Fayette County has the largest group of soft coal miners in Pennsylvania – 20,000 of them – and they are defying the wishes of John L. Lewis, the United Mine Workers chieftain, to support President Roosevelt for the fourth time.

Not only do rank and file miners attend Democratic rallies, but local unions in the coal fields have formally endorsed Mr. Roosevelt.

In the face of these indications of the sentiment of the miners, the UMW district officials – all appointees of Mr. Lewis, as District 4 has no autonomy – have formally adopted an attitude of neutrality.

Officials keep silent

District President William Hines and other officials have taken the position that, since the recent UMW convention, at which Mr. Lewis denounced the Roosevelt administration, endorsed no candidates, they will follow the lead and refuse to endorse a candidate.

In other coal districts, UMW officials attend Republican rallies and give other evidence of supporting Mr. Lewis’ opposition to the New Deal, but here none of the District officials speak for candidates. The officials concede that some of their locals have declared for the President and maintain they are keeping hands off the campaign.

Republicans, facing a Democratic registration majority in the county of 15,248, and a two-year record of Democratic vote majorities which included victories in local, state and national elections, are hoping for at least a share of the miner vote.

Figures quoted

To the extent that they are able to get miner votes – the dominant factor in Fayette County elections – the Republicans can cut down the expected Democratic majority, estimated now at from 7,000 to 10,000 as compared with a 1940 majority of 18,052.

At the depth of the depression, half the population of the county was on relief and no group of voters in Pennsylvania has given more unswerving loyalty to Mr. Roosevelt than this county’s miners.

In 1932, he got a majority of 11,759 here, and in 1933, the miners struck for what they contended was support of the NRA which featured Mr. Roosevelt’s first term. In 1936, he got a majority of 26.307. In 1934, Governor George H. Earle got a majority of 12,127, in 1938, Democrats got a 7,328 majority for Governor and, in 1942, Fayette was one of 11 counties that went Democratic, by 2,092.

Congressional race

The most promising candidate for the Republicans is Carl H. Hoffman, Somerset businessman running against Democrat Rep. J. Buell Snyder for the Congressional seat in the Somerset-Fayette District.

Two years ago, the Congressional district consisted of Somerset, Fayette and Democratic Greene County, and Mr. Snyder, running for his sixth term, nosed out Mr. Hoffman by 1,466 votes in 65,494. With the last reapportionment, the district now consists only of Republican Somerset and Democratic Fayette, and Mr. Hoffman’s chances are rated as better.

The 1942 vote, however, was lighter than usual and the Nov. 7 vote is expected to be heavy. Accordingly, Mr. Snyder is given the advantage because of Fayette’s larger voter population. Four Democrats are favored for election to the State Legislature in Fayette.


Magazine survey gives Roosevelt slight edge

New York (UP) –
Fortune Magazine reported today that its latest election survey conducted in the week ending Oct. 20 showed a 53.5 percent preference for President Roosevelt against a 46.5 percent vote for Republican presidential nominee Thomas E. Dewey.

While the Roosevelt lead represented a slight gain over the survey of the previous week, the magazine said three factors make the margin unstable and offer possibilities of an upset.

The soldier vote, which cannot be “sampled” under present law, was cited as the most important of these factors. Wartime migration, with its accompanying effect on registration, and the possible occurrence of events from day to day which will shift opinion were listed as other major influences.


‘Overtaxing’ hit by Governor Bricker

Business profits termed necessary

Shawnee, Oklahoma (UP) –
Business profits were called “necessary insurance” against industrial risks today by Ohio Governor John W. Bricker as he charged the New Deal with overtaxing business and setting employer and employee against one another.

The GOP vice-presidential nominee brought his campaign into this border state with a bitter denunciation of the Roosevelt administration’s attitude toward business and labor.

Employers ‘scourged’

He said:

Business success is the sign “to attack” with the New Dealers.

While the employer was being scourged, the employe has been encouraged to believe that his best interests will be protected by the bureaucrats – that conflict, not accord, is the road to progress – and that industrial strife is essential to better working conditions and better living standards.

As a result, he charged, the New Deal “destroyed fair collective bargaining,” and substituted “political bargaining” to the detriment of both employer and employee.

Tax system scored

The New Deal tax system, he charged, actually “discourages” profits.

The Republican Party, he promised, will substitute a tax program that will make it possible for industry to set aside adequate funds for depreciation, renewals, repairs and future reverses.

Last night, Governor Bricker called President Roosevelt the “political prisoner” and “front” of the Hillman-Browder Communists who, he said, will “call the tune” if the President is reelected.

He charged that Mr. Roosevelt has “alienated” so many voters that he was now in “desperate need of any kind of support.” The President has not “repudiated” Communistic support, Governor Bricker said, “because he, himself, is their political prisoner.”


Lyons: Ignoring Communism as campaign issue is dangerous policy

Subversive groups aided by tendency to underestimate totalitarian conspiracies
By Eugene Lyons, written for the Scripps-Howard newspapers

EDITOR’S NOTE: Eugene Lyons, until recently editor of the American Mercury, is best known for the autobiography of his disillusionment with Soviet Russia, Assignment in Utopia, which he wrote after serving for six years as United Press correspondent to Moscow. Born in Russia, he came to America as a child, later wrote for various newspapers. After serving as an Army private in 1918, Mr. Lyons subsequently edited Soviet Russia Pictorial and was assistant director of TASS, the official Soviet newswire service, from 1923 to 1927. At present, he is editor of a new magazine, Pageant, the first issue of which will be published next month.

New York –
No intelligent voters can overlook the fact that Communist influence in the government, in labor and in American life is generally an important issue in this campaign.

Whether it is an issue important enough to outweigh other vital considerations in voting is for the individual citizen to determine.

But to pretend that the Communist issue is minor, or that it is a “red herring” dragged into the fight by Republicans, is just dangerous nonsense. The tendency to shrug off and underestimate the force of totalitarian conspiracies, whether Fascist or Communist, is one of the strongest advantages enjoyed by anti-democratic groups in democratic countries.

France, Germany good examples

Not until France collapsed did the world see how the Communist-inspired Popular Front government had undermined the stamina of that nation. Not until the Nazis came to power did the democratic elements in Germany realize their tragic blunder in discounting Nazism in the years when it seemed a minor crackpot affair.

The same kind of self-delusion is evident in our country today in relation to the rapidly-growing Communist penetration of American life. It is apparent in the silly optimism with which so many Americans assert that the Communists after all are just a handful; that they have dropped their Communist ideas anyhow; that their influence is exaggerated.

To begin with, the Communist issue in this campaign was not injected by the Republicans. It was injected by the Communists and their fellow travelers themselves – not in words, of course, but in actions.

Led 4th-term movement

Long before Democratic strategists had come out frankly for the fourth term, demands that President Roosevelt be drafted were being shouted by every Communist publication and every Communist-controlled organization in the land.

The united front of the Browder groups and the Communist wing of the CIO which blossomed into the Political Action Committee under Sidney Hillman did more to put the Communist issue in the forefront than any move by Republicans.

Most important, there is the notorious fact that the New Deal administration has been honeycombed with open and disguised Communists through most of its career.

Issue not invented

The issue thus did not have to be invented or inflated. It has been there, large as life, all the time. Indeed, the Republicans have played down the issue rather than exaggerated it – when one contemplates the ammunition that they have somehow ignored.

I suspect that some Republicans are as complacent as the Democrats about the whole matter, and for the same reason: Ignorance of the real magnitude of the Communist movement and how far it has already affected our political life, our schools, our literature, our labor unions, our entertainment and even our churches. At bottom, I suspect, the Republicans share the widespread illusion that because the Communist underground is numerically small it is not a real challenge.

For nearly a decade we have had, in effect, a Popular Front government. It has functioned through what might be described as interlocking directorates – through thousands of big and little officials serving in the government and at the same time supporting an array of Communist-front organizations.

Two groups interwoven

Look at the activities of any of these organizations – the League for Peace and Democracy, the American Peace Mobilization (which pushed isolationist propaganda until June 1941), the Workers Alliance, the National Maritime Union, the American Youth Congress, the Lawyers Guild, the Daughters of the American Depression, the American Negro Congress, the American Writers Congress, the so-called Friends of Spanish Democracy, etc.

Not one of these pulled a mass meeting or manifesto or picket line without the public blessings of some New Dealers.

In writing a history of the Communist movement in our country, in 1941, I found that after 1935, the record became in large part a history of the New Deal. So much of the personnel and the ideologies had merged that it was not easy to tell precisely where one left off and the other took over.

GOP ignoring real facts

The Republicans have failed dismally to bring this picture into such clear focus that the Americans could see and comprehend. They have contented themselves with slogans about “clearing everything with Sidney” when a mountain of concrete facts about a concrete situation covering nearly a decade was at their disposal.

But the Republican failure does not cancel the reality. Communism is not an issue “dragged in” by the Republicans. It’s an issue they found waiting and failed to exploit because they, too, tend to underestimate it.

War needs urged as key to newsprint control


Editorial: Fourth Term, Inc.

In each of Mr. Roosevelt’s campaigns for the Presidency, there has been at least one cute little trick for raising money.

One time it was the Democratic convention book, in which corporations doing business with the government purchased high-priced advertising, and the books themselves were sold for $100 apiece with the President’s autograph.

Another time WPA workers were shaken down for contributions – the New Deal political machine was never one to turn down a widow’s mite. A crowd which espouses the doctrine of “spend and spend, elect and elect” is not likely to be touchy about where it gets its money.

In this campaign there are a couple of innovations, patterned somewhat after the financing of corporate holding companies in the balmy days. First, there is the CIO Political Action Committee, that “educational organization,” whose slush fund was raised by labor-union officers dipping into union tills. and its subsidiary, the National Citizens Political Action Committee, also run by Sidney Hillman, which gets its gravy by asking union members for a dollar a head.

These dollar contributors perhaps could be called the common stockholders in a subsidiary corporation. Certainly, their dividend claims will be very common and secondary, in light of what Governor Dewey gave publicity to last night – the 1000 Club, whose members kick in $1,000 apiece, on the promise that they “will be granted special privilege and prestige by party leaders” and “will be called into conference from time to time to discuss matters of national importance and to assist in the formulation of administration policies.” Certainly, they are entitled to be called the preferred stockholders in Fourth Term, Inc. A thousand members at $1,000 each is a neat way to raise a million bucks for the campaign kitty.

All this, in what the President once called the “new moral climate.”

Since to err is human, we should not want to attribute either to Mr. Dewey or to Mr. Roosevelt a monopoly on morals.

But we are glad to see Mr. Dewey step out and challenge that kind of claim on that kind of cartel – a claim of special virtue which has threaded through the whole 12 years of that “new moral climate.”

It has been a constant wonder to us how the New Deal has been able to get away with it – how this sanctimony has been able to survive when so conspicuously abetted by the Hagues and the Kellys and the Flynns, not to mention the innumerable other and kindred deacons.

As to what has been going on in the political choir loft during this too-long era of self-asserted righteousness, Mr. Dewey last night had some things to say.

He read the record, showing that the New Deal has been something less than 99 44/100ths percent pure—

The cynical scheme to pack the Supreme Court; the false claim that insurance of bank deposits was a New Deal accomplishment, though its origin was Republican and the President actually opposed it; the wholesale hiring of WPA workers before elections, and their firing after the votes were counted; the man who got on WPA because there were nine votes in his family.

Mr. Dewey, the prosecuting attorney, is by way of being a capable trust-buster too, when it comes to New Deal claims of monopoly on morality. We have a hunch that those on high in Washington will sing low on morals, for a few days at least.

Editorial: Well done, Navy


Editorial: Playing with a buzzsaw


Edson: ‘Non-political’ Texas paper puzzles probe

By Peter Edson

Ferguson: Comfortable houses

By Mrs. Walter Ferguson

Ex-oomph girl back in films

Estelle returns in siren role
By Erskine Johnson

Bob Hope sets fan mail record

‘Battle of Bennetts’ flares over invitation to funeral

Barbara claims sisters snubbed her and they reply with deep regret

Millett: Keep advice private

Youth resents mob psychology
By Ruth Millett


Stokes: Situation in Ohio

By Thomas L. Stokes

Columbus, Ohio –
A visiting Democratic county chairman had a tale of woe.

He wanted some pictures of President Roosevelt to display around his bailiwick. He had written to Democratic National Headquarters in New York to supply them.

“They told me I could have ‘em if I would pay for ‘em. Why should I pay for ‘em?”

He didn’t. Consequently, there are no pictures of the President tacked on fences and telephone posts and barns around that county.

There are. however, plenty of pictures of Mayor Frank Lausche of Cleveland, Democratic candidate for governor, who is opposing Mayor James Garfield Stewart of Cincinnati, the Republican candidate.

This little incident symbolizes a situation in this campaign and offers a partial explanation of why Governor Dewey seems to have an edge in this state today. For there is obviously a strong Republican trend running here. President Roosevelt might check it by a personal visit and save its 25 electoral votes, and again he might not.

Organization is weak

Democrats are weak in organization and the helpful things that flow therefrom, nationally and in a number of states, including this one.

The Democratic organization in Ohio has little money and apparently few smart political brains.

The Democratic state organization has never fully recovered from the reckless and smelly era of Governor Martin L. Davey, the tree surgeon, who was swept out of office in a public uprising centered about Governor John W. “Honest John” Bricker, who is now the GOP vice-presidential nominee.

Mayor Lausche recognizes this by running his campaign for governor independently of the organization.

Republicans have a smoothly working organization which has plenty of money at its disposal, which it is spending.

An explanation of why Ohio is heading back to Republicanism was given by a practical Republican politician. It’s an accumulation of grievances.

The Communism charge

He said:

There’s a strong undercurrent running today that indicates a sweep for Governor Dewey and the ticket. I’ll tell you what it is – it’s the 20 percent withholding tax; it’s rationing.

I interrupted to say I thought people were no longer so sore over rationing, that they were accepting it.

He continued:

No, they’re still mad. And it’s parents who want their boys home. And it’s the Communism charge. We get more requests for a four-page pamphlet on Communism than anything else. I’m not saying I think any of these things are justified. But that’s the way things are. That’s what affects votes. It’s a dirty campaign. And it’s dirty on both sides, mind you, Democrats are pulling some dirty stuff, too.

Love: The War Fund

By Gilbert Love

Competition makes it click –
College grid attracts bigger crowds in third year of wartime sport

G.I. Joe is healthier than dad in 1918

‘Never heard of you’ French kids tell Bing

Same goes for our Frankie
By Si Steinhauser

GMC to build series of new assembly units

Better distribution of cars planned