America at war! (1941–) – Part 4

Ferguson: Comfortable houses

By Mrs. Walter Ferguson

Ex-oomph girl back in films

Estelle returns in siren role
By Erskine Johnson

Bob Hope sets fan mail record

‘Battle of Bennetts’ flares over invitation to funeral

Barbara claims sisters snubbed her and they reply with deep regret

Millett: Keep advice private

Youth resents mob psychology
By Ruth Millett


Stokes: Situation in Ohio

By Thomas L. Stokes

Columbus, Ohio –
A visiting Democratic county chairman had a tale of woe.

He wanted some pictures of President Roosevelt to display around his bailiwick. He had written to Democratic National Headquarters in New York to supply them.

“They told me I could have ‘em if I would pay for ‘em. Why should I pay for ‘em?”

He didn’t. Consequently, there are no pictures of the President tacked on fences and telephone posts and barns around that county.

There are. however, plenty of pictures of Mayor Frank Lausche of Cleveland, Democratic candidate for governor, who is opposing Mayor James Garfield Stewart of Cincinnati, the Republican candidate.

This little incident symbolizes a situation in this campaign and offers a partial explanation of why Governor Dewey seems to have an edge in this state today. For there is obviously a strong Republican trend running here. President Roosevelt might check it by a personal visit and save its 25 electoral votes, and again he might not.

Organization is weak

Democrats are weak in organization and the helpful things that flow therefrom, nationally and in a number of states, including this one.

The Democratic organization in Ohio has little money and apparently few smart political brains.

The Democratic state organization has never fully recovered from the reckless and smelly era of Governor Martin L. Davey, the tree surgeon, who was swept out of office in a public uprising centered about Governor John W. “Honest John” Bricker, who is now the GOP vice-presidential nominee.

Mayor Lausche recognizes this by running his campaign for governor independently of the organization.

Republicans have a smoothly working organization which has plenty of money at its disposal, which it is spending.

An explanation of why Ohio is heading back to Republicanism was given by a practical Republican politician. It’s an accumulation of grievances.

The Communism charge

He said:

There’s a strong undercurrent running today that indicates a sweep for Governor Dewey and the ticket. I’ll tell you what it is – it’s the 20 percent withholding tax; it’s rationing.

I interrupted to say I thought people were no longer so sore over rationing, that they were accepting it.

He continued:

No, they’re still mad. And it’s parents who want their boys home. And it’s the Communism charge. We get more requests for a four-page pamphlet on Communism than anything else. I’m not saying I think any of these things are justified. But that’s the way things are. That’s what affects votes. It’s a dirty campaign. And it’s dirty on both sides, mind you, Democrats are pulling some dirty stuff, too.

Love: The War Fund

By Gilbert Love

Competition makes it click –
College grid attracts bigger crowds in third year of wartime sport

G.I. Joe is healthier than dad in 1918

‘Never heard of you’ French kids tell Bing

Same goes for our Frankie
By Si Steinhauser

GMC to build series of new assembly units

Better distribution of cars planned

Völkischer Beobachter (October 27, 1944)

Kampf um deutsche Erde

Die Roosevelt-Offensive

Frankreich von drei Seiten terrorisiert –
De Gaulle verkauft französisches Blut

Von unserem Berichterstatter

Der Kampf um Leyte –
Japanische Zwischenbilanz

Führer HQ (Oktober 23, 1944)

Kommuniqué des Oberkommandos der Wehrmacht

Auf Südbeveland wiesen unsere Grenadiere Vorstöße des Feindes aus seinem Brückenkopf heraus ab und zerschlugen erneute Landungsversuche. An der Westerschelde halten südlich Roosendaal die Durchbruchsversuche der Engländer und Kanadier an. Eigene Gegenangriffe sind im Gange. Im Raum von Tilburg gehen die schweren Kämpfe mit dem an einigen Stellen in unsere Front eingedrungenen Feind weiter. Auf dem Westteil von Herzogenbusch liegt feindliches Trommelfeuer. In der Zeit vom 20. bis 26. Oktober wurden in diesen Kampfabschnitten 180 feindliche Panzer vernichtet oder erbeutet.

Vor der niederländischen Küste versenkten Sicherungsfahrzeuge der Kriegsmarine ein britisches Schnellboot.

Nach Zuführung von Verstärkungen setzten die Nordamerikaner in den Vogesen ihre hartnäckigen Angriffe zum Überwinden der Waldhöhen westlich der oberen Meurthe fort. Nach harten Kämpfen liefen sie sich vor unseren Waldstützpunkten fest oder wurden durch unsere Gegenangriffe geworfen. Im Quellgebiet der Mortagne schlugen unsere Truppen stärkere feindliche Angriffe ab und verbesserten ihre Stellungen.

In Mittelitalien ließ die Kampftätigkeit nach. Einzelne feindliche Angriffe nördlich Loiano scheiterten. Im adriatischen Küstenabschnitt wurde nördlich Meldola ein Brückenkopf des Gegners über den Ronco zerschlagen und mehrere hundert Gefangene eingebracht.

Nach fünftägigen harten Abwehrkämpfen verhinderten unsere Divisionen auf dem Balkan die Durchbruchsversuche starker feindlicher Kräfte auf Skopje in Mazedonien und auf Kraljevo Im westlichen Moravatal. Der Feind verlor über 1.000 gezählte Tote und 30 Geschütze.

Der Aufstand in der mittleren Slowakei, von den Sowjets ausgelöst und durch Banditen verschiedener Länder, die aus der Luft abgesetzt wurden, genährt, ist im Zusammenbrechen. Unsere Kampfgruppen drangen in das Zentrum des Aufstandsgebietes im Raum Altsohl–Neusohl ein und eroberten die beiden Städte. 2.000 verschleppte Deutsche wurden befreit, bevor der von den Banditen schon gegebene Befehl, sie zu erschießen, ausgeführt werden konnte.

An der unteren Theiß wehrten deutsche und ungarische Truppen zahlreiche Übersetzversuche des Gegners ab. Bei den an Heftigkeit zunehmenden Kämpfen im Raum von Debrecen und Nyíregyháza fügten die deutschen und ungarischen Verbände den Bolschewisten schwere Verluste zu. Unsere Panzerkräfte säuberten Nyíregyháza vom Feind und befreiten ungarische Gefangene.

Bei Munkacs, das planmäßig geräumt wurde, sind Kämpfe mit dem nachdrängenden Gegner im Gange. Eigene Schlachtfliegerverbände griffen sowjetische Kolonnen erfolgreich an und vernichteten 167 feindliche Fahrzeuge.

Truppen des Heeres und der Waffen-SS wehrten beiderseits des Bug und am Narew heftige, von Schlachtfliegern unterstützte Angriffe der Sowjets ab. Die harten Waldkämpfe mit dem südlich Augustow vorgedrungenen Gegner dauern an.

In der Schlacht im ostpreußischen Grenzgebiet entlasteten unsere Panzerkräfte und die eingreifenden deutschen Schlachtflieger südöstlich Gumbinnen die schwerringenden Grenadiere. Der wieder mit zahlreichen Panzern und Schlachtfliegern angreifende Feind blieb nach geringfügigen Einbrüchen liegen. Der Kommandierende General eines Armeekorps, General der Infanterie Prieß, fand im Brennpunkt der erbitterten Abwehrkämpfe den Heldentod. Ein schneidig geführter Gegenangriff warf den in Schlossberg eingedrungenen Feind wieder zurück.

In Kurland verbesserten Volksgrenadiere gegen zähen Widerstand des Feindes ihre Stellungen. Sowjetische Angriffe im Raum Doblen scheiterten unter hohen Verlusten für den Gegner.

Die Verteidiger der Halbinsel Sworbe zerschlugen Bereitstellungen der Sowjets.

Im hohen Norden vereitelten unsere Truppen in dreiwöchigen ununterbrochenen Kämpfen alle Versuche der Bolschewisten, die an der Eismeerfront stehenden deutschen Kräfte in umfassenden Angriffen zu vernichten. Grenadiere, Gebirgsjäger des Heeres und der Waffen-SS, Verbände der Kriegsmarine sowie Jagd-, Kampf- und Flakverbände der Luftwaffe erwehrten sich in vorbildlicher Waffenbrüderschaft des Ansturms von 12 sowjetischen Schützendivisionen, die mit Unterstützung von Panzern und starken Luftstreitkräften angriffen. Der Feind erlitt hohe blutige Verluste. Petsamo und Kirkenes wurden geräumt.

Die Anglo-Amerikaner führten wiederum Terrorangriffe auf Münster, Hannover, Bielefeld und rheinisches Gebiet.

Budapest war das Ziel eines nächtlichen sowjetischen Luftangriffes.

Supreme HQ Allied Expeditionary Force (October 27, 1944)


PRD, Communique Section

271100A October

(1) AGWAR (Pass to WND)

(5) AEAF
(16) CMHQ (Pass to RCAF & RCN)
(17) COM Z APO 871


Communiqué No. 202

Most of ‘s-Hertogenbosch is in Allied hands and progress has been general in the whole sector from there to the sea. The enemy defenses between ‘s-Hertogenbosch and Tilburg have been deeply penetrated. After hard fighting, our troops are within 4000 yards of Roosendaal and the enemy has been forced to withdraw all along the line from there to Tilburg. Our units are in the eastern and southern outskirts of Tilburg. Further gains have been made in the neck of the Beveland Peninsula. In the Sint-Leenarts Canal area, our troops are fighting in Oostburg. We have bypassed Groede on the north and south.

In the area north of Aachen, our units have made minor gains against stubborn resistance. South of Monschau, patrol activity continues. In the Moselle River Valley, we encountered sporadic enemy artillery fire. Northeast of Lunéville, we cleared the Germans from the Forêt de Moncourt and the high ground north of the forest. Several counterattacks were repulsed in the Lunéville sector. Northeast of Épinal, we made gains against strong resistance. Further slight progress was made in the Vosges sector and counterattacks were repulsed.

Yesterday, more than 1,200 heavy bombers escorted by over 650 fighters, attacked industrial targets at Bielefeld, Münster, Hanover and elsewhere in Germany. Other heavy bombers, also escorted by fighters, attacked the I.G. Farbenindustries chemical works at Leverkusen. Fighter-bombers hit rail targets in the Rhineland and in the Metz area. A rail bridge at Rheinbach, a railway yard at Mönchengladbach, west of Düsseldorf, and a roundhouse and locomotives in the Metz area were attacked. Rail tracks were cut in many places west of the Rhine. Two enemy aircraft were shot down and six of ours are missing.



“P” - Others

PRD, Communique Section

D. R. JORDAN, Lt Col FA Ext. 9


U.S. Navy Department (October 27, 1944)

Communiqué No. 551

According to latest information received, the following U.S. naval vessels, in addition to the USS PRINCETON (CVL-23), have been sunk during the recent operations in the Philippines:

  • 2 escort carriers
  • 2 destroyers
  • 1 destroyer escort

No details have been received.

Next of kin of casualties aboard the above vessels will be notified as soon as possible.


Remarks by President Roosevelt
October 27, 1944

Delivered at Wilmington, Delaware


This is like a homecoming. As a matter of fact, I think I am a little superstitious. Eight years ago, I came here, on the way to Philadelphia, and I said a few words; and four years ago, I came here and said a few words. The results go by threes.

Somebody tells me that we are holding a national election, but remember that we are holding a national election while the nation is at war – and this is the first time that an election has been held under these conditions since 1864 – 80 years ago.

And that recalls to my mind a remark made by Abraham Lincoln – and I think I quoted him here the last time, or the time before – when Lincoln was campaigning against Stephen A. Douglas – a remark that I think is particularly timely and applicable in this campaign.

Lincoln said, about something that Douglas had said, “In every way possible he tried to prove that a horse chestnut is a chestnut horse.”

It seems to me that that applies very neatly to some of the Republican political oratory that has lately been agitating the airwaves.

I do not believe that this oratory is really disturbing the progress of events here in Wilmington, or in the State of Delaware. You have shown the way before, what to believe and what not to believe.

I think you all know the difference between a chestnut horse and a horse chestnut.

You know a great deal about the size and the quality of the effort that has gone into the performance of our great job of production.

The products of Wilmington have made quite a lot of noise around the world.

I myself – being, I might say, “amphibious-minded” – am particularly interested in the landing ships that you have built right here along the Delaware River.

Remember that those landing ships – built in your backyards, so to speak – and all the various types of landing craft, have played a tremendous part in the winning of this war.

In the Pacific and eastern seas, and the European seas, we have had to send our troops thousands of miles, across both oceans, to land on beaches held by the enemy. We had to have entirely new kinds of vessels to do the final and the toughest job of all – Sicily, Salerno, and Normandy, the Marshalls, the Gilberts, the Marianas, and now, thank God, the Philippines – all of those historic operations have been made possible by the brilliant work of our Navy and our Army in developing new methods of amphibious attack.

And the workers – the shipbuilders, the industrial engineers, the chemists – and the plain citizens of this State of Delaware have contributed mightily to the victories that we have won.

And when I mention the word “workers,” I want to make it clear that I include all kinds of work. For example, there are the white-collar workers, who do jobs that are unspectacular but are of vital importance in our war effort and our whole American life.

In this national election, held in wartime, I hope that every citizen of Wilmington and of Delaware – every man and woman who is qualified to vote – will step up to the polls on election day and cast his or her ballot – in this state two ballots. I don’t want to advise you to vote early and often, because I might go to jail.

But a big vote in this state, in this city, and every state in the Union this year will speak powerfully for the cause of democracy all over the world.

The Pittsburgh Press (October 27, 1944)

Jap fleet losses mount; six U.S. warships sunk

Toll of enemy vessels blasted reaches 37 as planes push attack
By Frank Tremaine, United Press staff writer

Allies clearing Germans from Schelde isles

Amphibious thrust may trap 11,000
By J. Edward Murray, United Press staff writer

‘Surprise’ by Jap fleet boomerangs in Philippines

By Ralph Teatsorth, United Press staff writer