Election 1944: ‘Overtaxing’ hit by Governor Bricker (10-26-44)

The Pittsburgh Press (October 26, 1944)


‘Overtaxing’ hit by Governor Bricker

Business profits termed necessary

Shawnee, Oklahoma (UP) –
Business profits were called “necessary insurance” against industrial risks today by Ohio Governor John W. Bricker as he charged the New Deal with overtaxing business and setting employer and employee against one another.

The GOP vice-presidential nominee brought his campaign into this border state with a bitter denunciation of the Roosevelt administration’s attitude toward business and labor.

Employers ‘scourged’

He said:

Business success is the sign “to attack” with the New Dealers.

While the employer was being scourged, the employe has been encouraged to believe that his best interests will be protected by the bureaucrats – that conflict, not accord, is the road to progress – and that industrial strife is essential to better working conditions and better living standards.

As a result, he charged, the New Deal “destroyed fair collective bargaining,” and substituted “political bargaining” to the detriment of both employer and employee.

Tax system scored

The New Deal tax system, he charged, actually “discourages” profits.

The Republican Party, he promised, will substitute a tax program that will make it possible for industry to set aside adequate funds for depreciation, renewals, repairs and future reverses.

Last night, Governor Bricker called President Roosevelt the “political prisoner” and “front” of the Hillman-Browder Communists who, he said, will “call the tune” if the President is reelected.

He charged that Mr. Roosevelt has “alienated” so many voters that he was now in “desperate need of any kind of support.” The President has not “repudiated” Communistic support, Governor Bricker said, “because he, himself, is their political prisoner.”