America at war! (1941–) – Part 4

Memorandum by the USCS

Quebec, 13 September 1944
Top secret
CCS 677/1

Future operations in the Mediterranean

Reference: CCS 172nd Meeting, Item 5c.

The United States Chiefs of Staff have considered the draft message to General Wilson proposed by the British Chiefs of Staff (Enclosure “A”) in connection with item 5c, CCS 172nd Meeting, and recommend that the Combined Chiefs of Staff dispatch the message attached as Enclosure “B” to SACMed in lieu of Enclosure “A.”

Enclosure “A”

Draft telegram to General Wilson proposed by the British CS pursuant to Item 5c, CCS 172nd Meeting

The Combined Chiefs of Staff took note of your Naf 774 this morning.

The following decisions are sent for your information and guidance in future planning:
a) There will be no withdrawals from the Fifth U.S. Army, at any rate until the success of General Alexander’s operations is ensured.

b) For the capture of the Istrian Peninsula you may count on having the amphibious lift now in the Mediterranean. You should prepare plans for carrying out this operation as soon as possible. You should submit this plan to Combined Chiefs of Staff at the earliest date, and, in any event, not later than 15 October.

Enclosure “B”

Draft telegram to General Wilson proposed by the USCS in connection with Item 5c, CCS 172nd Meeting

The Combined Chiefs of Staff took note of your Naf 774 this morning.

The following decisions are sent for your information and guidance in future planning:
(a) There will be no withdrawals of major units from the Fifth U.S. Army until the outcome of the present Italian offensive is known.

(b) For planning the capture of the Istrian Peninsula, you may count on having the amphibious lift now in the Mediterranean. You should submit this plan to Combined Chiefs of Staff at the earliest date, and, in any event, not later than 10 October.

Note by the Secretaries of CCS

Quebec, 12 September 1944
Top secret
CCS 654/8

Basic policies for the OCTAGON Conference

The Combined Chiefs of Staff have agreed on all the basic policies for inclusion in the final OCTAGON report to the President and the Prime Minister, with one exception.

This exception is as follows:
a. The British Chiefs of Staff have proposed the following as paragraph 6(i) of CCS 654:

Reorient forces from the European Theater to the Pacific and Far East as a matter of highest priority, having regard to other inescapable commitments, as soon as the German situation allows.

b. The United States Chiefs of Staff have proposed that this paragraph should read as follows:

Reorient forces from the European Theater to the Pacific and Far East, as a matter of highest priority, having regard to other agreed commitments, as soon as the German situation allows.

The decision of the Combined Chiefs of Staff on this wording is requested.

Combined Secretariat

Memorandum by the British CS

Quebec, 12 September 1944
Top secret
CCS 675

Priorities for personnel shipping subsequent to termination of hostilities in Europe

It is clear that the global personnel movement problems which will arise immediately before and following on the termination of hostilities in Europe will be of considerable magnitude and complexity, and that decisions will be necessary as to the priorities to be afforded to the various movements involved.

In order that consideration may be given to this matter, it is recommended that the Combined Chiefs of Staff instruct the representatives of the United States Service Departments and the British Service Departments to undertake immediately, in conjunction with the appropriate shipping authorities, an examination of the scope of the movement problems involved and of the availability of shipping resources with which to meet the requirements.

Memorandum by the USCS

Quebec, 12 September 1944
Top secret
CCS 676

General progress report on recent operations in the Pacific

The enclosure, compiled from reports of the area commanders in the Pacific, is presented for the information of the Combined Chiefs of Staff.

Top secret

Progress of Pacific and Southwest Pacific operations, 15 November 1943-15 September 1944

North Pacific
Operations in the North Pacific have been limited to periodic air raids and surface ship bombardment of Paramushiru and Shimushu and other islands in the northern Kuriles. Concurrently the establishment of bases to support future operations in the North Pacific is being carried to completion.

Central Pacific
In furtherance of the approved strategic concept of the war against Japan, the amphibious forces of the Pacific Ocean Areas, supported tactically and strategically by combatant units of the U.S. Pacific Fleet, have successively occupied principal objectives in the Gilbert, Marshall and Marianas Islands.

The Gilbert Islands operations were initiated on 17 November 1943, and resulted in the occupation of Tarawa, Makin, and Apamama. Tarawa was well defended. In particular the beach defenses were extensive and difficult to overcome.

The Marshall Islands operations were initiated the 31st of January and resulted in the occupation of Kwajalein and Majuro Atolls. This was followed by the occupation in mid-February of Eniwetok.

Operations for the seizure of Saipan were initiated on the 15th of June. This was followed by the occupation of Tinian and Guam in late July.

The next operation scheduled in this area is the occupation of the Palaus. The target date is 15 September 1944.

From bases established in the Marshalls and Gilberts continuous air raids have been conducted against isolated Japanese held islands. Particular attention has been given to neutralization of Truk. These operations have been coordinated with similar operations conducted from bases in the Southwest Pacific.

During the operations for the occupation of the Marianas strong units of the Japanese Fleet were engaged by air action from our carriers in the Philippine Seas. Severe damage was inflicted on the Japanese in this engagement.

The submarine campaign in the Western Pacific has been prosecuted with vigor and the results attained have been most gratifying. Heavy toll has been taken of Japanese shipping as well as of escorting forces.

The occupation of the Marianas has presented the opportunity for development of bases for VLR bombers for operations against Japan proper. Preparations for conducting these operations are underway with all speed.

South Pacific
Operations in the South Pacific have been principally harassing operations against the isolated Japanese garrisons by air forces. The Royal New Zealand Air Force participated in combat missions with U.S. Army and Navy air units from bases in the South Pacific. The South Pacific area is being progressively “rolled-up.” Bases developed in that area are currently being used for rehabilitation of troops for further operations in the Western Pacific. The naval base at Espiritu Santo has proved very useful in repairing battle damage. Repairs have been successfully accomplished on all classes of ships.

On 15 February, the 3rd New Zealand Division (less one brigade) seized Green Island.

Southwest Pacific
A U.S. task force landed in the Arawe area of New Britain on 15 December 1943 and terminated organized enemy resistance on 16 January 1944.

One U.S. marine division, supported by Allied air and naval forces, landed in the Gloucester area on 26 December 1943 and succeeded in capturing the airfields by 30 December. Japanese killed were 3,686 as against our losses of 326. As a result of the Arawe and Cape Gloucester operations, western New Britain was secured by the middle of March.

Preceded by heavy naval and air bombardment, a successful, unopposed landing was made near Saidor on 2 January 1944. The airstrip was captured and ready for landing of transport aircraft by 7 January. Commencing 16 January, the remainder of the U.S. division employed reinforced the original landing. In expanding the beachhead, only weak resistance was encountered.

One U.S. cavalry division, supported by naval and air force units, made initial landings in the Admiralty Islands on 29 February 1944. The landing was made in Hayne Harbor, Los Negros Island, against little resistance and Momote airdrome was seized on D-Day. Several enemy counterattacks were repulsed resulting in large Japanese casualties and by 23 March enemy forces on Los Negros were completely surrounded. Adjacent islands in the group were reduced and occupied and by the middle of April complete control of the Admiralty Islands had been obtained.

Two independent task forces, under the command of the Sixth Army, made simultaneous landings at Aitape and Hollandia on 22 April 1944. Landings were preceded by heavy naval bombardment and air strafing attacks.

a. The Hollandia Task Force made landings in the Humboldt Bay and Tanahmerah Bay areas respectively and formed a pincers movement in attacking the three airstrips. Only slight enemy resistance was encountered and by 1 May control of the area had been definitely established.

b. The Aitape Task Force established landings against practically no opposition and the airdrome was reported operational by 25 April.

c. The element of surprise played an important part in the success of both operations resulting in an estimated 54,000 troops to the eastward being cut off.

A U.S. task force, supported by air and naval forces, made unopposed landings on Wakde Island and near Arara on 17 May 1944. All enemy resistance on Wakde was overcome by 18 May. The Arara perimeter was extended between the Tementoe River and the Tor River on 17 May with increasing enemy resistance west of the Tor River. Strong enemy attacks failed to penetrate the perimeter and were repulsed. The task force perimeter was extended and by 3 July included the Maffin airdrome. Casualties suffered by the Japanese are 3,650 killed and 70 prisoners. Active patrolling is continuing.

On 27 May 1944 one U.S. infantry division, with the support of air and naval forces, made landings in the Biak Island areas and encountered little opposition initially. Enemy strength developed on 5 June and the Mokmer airstrip was crossed on 7 June under artillery, mortar and machine gun fire. Artillery fire prevented work on the Mokmer airdrome until 11 June and the enemy launched several unsuccessful counterattacks in an effort to regain the field. Boroke, Sorido and Mokmer dromes were entirely cleared of enemy artillery and small arms fire by 22 June. General patrolling and mopping up operations continue.

One U.S. regimental combat team, closely supported by air and naval forces, landed unopposed near the Kamiri drome on Noemfoor Island on 2 July 1944. On 3 July and 4 July three U.S. parachute battalions were dropped on the Kamiri strip, assisting the infantry. By 6 July enemy resistance had been overcome and the Kamiri, Koransoren and Namber dromes were firmly held.

A U.S. infantry task force made an unopposed landing near Cape Opmarai in the Cape Sansapor area on 30 July 1944. No opposition other than patrol skirmishes has been encountered and active patrolling continues. Japanese dead for the period 30 July to 10 August numbered 92.

Air operations conducted in the Southwest Pacific Area have been especially effective in neutralizing Japanese forces and enabling the Allies to conduct further offensive actions aimed at gaining complete control. In all advances, their mission in each case called for securing airfields and other bases from which to conduct further operations. Air supremacy has been achieved to such an extent that only in isolated instances are the Japanese offering any determined air resistance.

Australian land force activity in the Southwest Pacific Area consisted primarily of participation in the Finschhafen and Kaiapit-Dumpu operations and the occupation of the Madang-Sepik River coast line. The 9th Australian Division captured Finschhafen on 2 October 1943 and drove the remaining Jap troops to Satelberg. Satelberg fell on 29 November. Elements of the 9th Australian Division, utilizing armor to great advantage, then advanced up Huon Peninsula coast line to contact U.S. Saidor Task Force at Yaut River, southeast of Saidor, to complete occupation of Huon Peninsula on 10 February.

Simultaneously, the 7th Australian Division was deployed into the Ramu Valley to reinforce independent Australian units and to stop the threatened Jap drive overland through the Ramu-Markham Valley from Madang. The 11th Australian Division relieved the 7th Australian Division 8 January and continued the Australian advance to a final juncture with U.S. troops near Yalua on 13 April. Subsequently, U.S. troops were withdrawn and the Australian units continued pressure on the Jap forces which withdrew up the New Guinea coast toward Wewak. By 6 June Australian troops had reached Hansa Bay and are now in contact along the Sepik River.

During this period, the RAAF carried on continued attacks from the Darwin area. Australian fighter units attached to U.S. task forces were used in each of the landings along the New Guinea coast as the initial occupation forces with their light P-40s.

They operated in the advance airdromes before the airdromes were suitable for the operation of U.S. units equipped with heavier aircraft.

The Netherlands East Indies Air Forces operating in the Southwest Pacific Area consist of the 18th Medium Bomber Squadron and the 120th Fighter Squadron. Elements of these forces participated in daily bombing and strafing strikes against enemy shipping and installations in the Aroe-Tanimbar-Kai and Timor areas.

Future operations in this area will advance our forces into the southern and central Philippines via Morotai, Talaud, Sarangani and the Leyte-Samar area, with a target date of 20 December for Leyte-Samar.

Tripartite luncheon meeting, 1:00 p.m.

United States United Kingdom Canada
President Roosevelt The Earl of Athlone Prime Minister Mackenzie King
Mrs. Roosevelt Princess Alice, Countess of Athlone
Prime Minister Churchill
Mrs. Churchill

According to Mackenzie King’s notes, the topics of discussion included the Soviet position vis-à-vis Japan after the end of the war in Europe, conditions in India, Japan, the instability of French governments, the United States Constitution, the negro problem in the Union of South Africa, entry of troops into Berlin and Vienna, de Gaulle, the possibility of civil war in France, and China.

The Log states that the party assembled after luncheon in the conference room at the Citadel, where Churchill demonstrated some models of ships and equipment used to form artificial harbors for the invasion of France.

The Secretary of State to the President

Washington, September 12, 1944

Memorandum for the President


It is no exaggeration to say that effective implementation of our Argentine policy depends on British cooperation in economic matters. Up to the present we have received only tentative and highly qualified promises from London to investigate the possibility of such cooperation.

As you know, we have considered that it is of the greatest importance that if the British ultimately find it necessary to sign a meat contract rather than to purchase on a month-to-month or spot basis, such contract should be for the shortest possible term. However, the rumor has persisted that the British intend to sign a four-year contract and Mr. Eden has now written to Ambassador Winant stating among other things that:

We have no desire to conclude a contract running for a longer period than is strictly necessary. … But our paramount duty both to our people and to [certain of] our Allies is to ensure that, during the acutely difficult post-war years, they shall be adequately fed; and the case made out by our Ministry of Food that only a longer-term contract will ensure this as regards meat is entirely convincing.

In view of the situation developing on food surpluses as pointed out in Judge Byrnes’ report to you of September 7, it would appear that longer term commitments with the Argentine could be avoided. As Judge Byrnes has indicated, “Production in the areas under Allied control with the exception of Russia is approximately one third above normal production. War reserves have been established. When peace comes the reserves in the military theatres will become surplus.”

With respect to meat specifically, which the Combined Food Board may consider in relatively short supply, although it has not as yet analyzed or allocated the supply for the period November [1944] to November 1945, it appears that with the overall ample food situation, that some provision could be made for supplying additional meat to the United Kingdom from the United States, Canada, Australia and South American countries other than Argentina. I understand that there is a surplus of utility beef in the United States and with the current prospects of slaughter this fall that the surplus undoubtedly will be increased. It is also my understanding that there may be some surplus of commercial grades of beef. It may be possible for us to arrange to increase lend-lease of certain quantities of utility and commercial grades of beef to the United Kingdom provided a similar reduction of British purchases of beef in the Argentine is obtained.

I therefore suggest that you urge upon the Prime Minister that:

  1. British purchases of meat in the Argentine be continued on a spot basis and that no agreement for a period of four, or even two, years be concluded.

  2. The British Ministry of Food reduce its meat purchases in Argentina by resorting to the above-mentioned possible alternative sources of supply and by giving due weight to the promising food supply situation in Europe and elsewhere. I have been informed that our Army has terminated all purchases of Argentine canned beef through the British Ministry of Food, which, as you know, purchases meat in Latin America for us under an arrangement of the Combined Food Board.


865.48/9-1244: Telegram

The Representative on the Advisory Council for Italy to the Secretary of State

Caserta, September 12, 1944

General Wilson has received word from London that the War-Cabinet has requested British Service of Supplies to submit data on existing arrangements for administration of relief in Italy, expenditures thereon up to present time and has inquired as to what steps are being taken to get agricultural and industrial production restarted in Italy. This message adds that General O’Dwyer has apparently taken a full report to Washington which will undoubtedly become available to British in due course but that the War Office would be grateful if General Wilson in the meantime could transmit a copy of this report with his comments urgently so that it might be available to the War Cabinet. War Office also requested any additional pertinent information on this subject.


The President’s Special Assistant to the President

Washington, September 12, 1944

Mr. President: I think this is O.K. – it gives the final decision to you and in the present situation, that I think is essential.

If you will initial this, the matter will be handled that way.


Meeting of the Combined Chiefs of Staff, 2:30 p.m.

United States United Kingdom
Admiral Leahy Field Marshal Brooke
General Marshall Marshal of the Royal Air Force Portal
Admiral King Admiral of the Fleet Cunningham
General Arnold Field Marshal Dill
Lieutenant General Somervell General Ismay
Vice Admiral Willson Admiral Noble
Rear Admiral Cooke Lieutenant General Macready
Rear Admiral McCormick Air Marshal Welsh
Major General Handy Major General Laycock
Major General Fairchild
Major General Kuter
Brigadier General McFarland Major General Hollis
Captain Graves Brigadier Cornwall-Jones
Commander Coleridge

Combined Chiefs of Staff minutes

September 12, 1944, 2:30 p.m.
Top secret

Machinery for coordination of United States-Soviet-British military effort (CCS 618/3)

Sir Alan Brooke explained that the proposals for improvement of liaison with the Soviets originated from a suggestion put to Mr. Harriman by Marshal Stalin some two months ago.

Admiral King said that the U.S. Planners had examined the previous British proposal (CCS 618/2) and were of the opinion that while there were advantages in the establishment of a combined committee at Moscow, this would not expedite rapid coordination of operations in the field which would require separate liaison arrangements.

Admiral Leahy stressed the value of improved liaison with the Russians.

Sir Alan Brooke said he felt Marshal Stalin’s offer should be dropped. In Moscow there were already United States and British missions and all that was required was that the Russians should appoint a suitable high-ranking officer.

Sir Charles Portal said that he felt the proposal to exchange missions between field commanders would not work. It would not be right for the Russian High Command to be represented at a field headquarters. All our own plans would flow back to Moscow and we, in turn, would gain nothing. A committee in Moscow would be a better arrangement if, indeed, the Russians could be induced to appoint a really responsible high-ranking officer. Missions in the field, he felt, would be useless and even dangerous.

Admiral King said he felt that liaison between field commanders might follow from the achievement of successful cooperation in Moscow.

After further discussion, the Combined Chiefs of Staff:
a. Approved the recommendations of the British Chiefs of Staff in CCS 618/3.

b. Instructed the Secretaries to draft and circulate for approval a message to the Heads of the United States and British Military Missions in Moscow based on CCS 618/3.

Zones of occupation in Germany

Sir Alan Brooke suggested that the Prime Minister and the President might be invited to give consideration to the outstanding problem of the zones to be occupied by United States and British forces in Germany and to give instructions to the Combined Chiefs of Staff.

Admiral Leahy agreed. He had already mentioned this matter to the President but would do so again. He would take the line that in view of the political aspects of the problem, guidance from the heads of State was necessary.

In reply to a question by Sir John Dill, Admiral Leahy said that from a United States point of view there were, he felt, no military considerations. There was, however, the problem of transportation and supply of United States troops if they went into the southern zone.

Sir Charles Portal said that from the British point of view there were very considerable military implications involved and there were strong reasons why, militarily, the British Chiefs of Staff would want to occupy the northwest zone.

Admiral Leahy explained that the utilization of United States troops for occupation was politically difficult and in fact would be politically impossible with regard to France, Italy, and southern Europe. Whereas the occupation of Germany could be justified, that of France would meet with enormous difficulty.

Sir Charles Portal said there was, of course, no question of occupying France.

Admiral King said that he felt it would be easier for the United States to occupy the southwest zone if it could be arranged that the evacuation of American troops and supplies for the occupational troops could be undertaken through north German ports.

The Combined Chiefs of Staff:
a. Agreed that the question of zones of occupation in Germany had such serious political implications that they were unable to make any recommendation without guidance from their respective governments.

b. Decided to report in this sense to the President and Prime Minister and, in doing so, to invite their attention to the need for an early decision on this matter.

Control of strategic bomber forces in Europe (CCS 520/3)

General Arnold, during consideration of the British memorandum in CCS 520/3, asked why the present method of control was stated to be unsatisfactory as a long-term arrangement.

Sir Charles Portal explained that in the opening stages of OVERLORD the present system of control had been necessary and effective. However, with the move of General Eisenhower and Air Chief Marshal Tedder to France, they were divorced from General Spaatz’ headquarters and from the Air Ministry, and strategic control by General Eisenhower became almost a formality. Air Marshal Tedder had only a small air staff and the large staffs of the Air Ministry, Bomber Command and the U.S. Strategic Air Force in Europe had, of necessity, to exercise control over the actual strategic bombing operations.

General Arnold asked why large staffs were necessary to control strategic bombing.

Sir Charles Portal explained that full knowledge of all available enemy intelligence and adequate and rapid methods of interpreting the results of bombing attacks were essential to the effective control of strategic bombing. In addition, it was essential to keep in close touch with the degree of enemy air opposition to be expected.

General Arnold asked why no mention was made of communications in the priority of targets.

Sir Charles Portal said that communications had largely become targets for medium and fighter bombers rather than strategic forces. The proposed directive on priorities was, of course susceptible to alteration by the Combined Chiefs of Staff or at the request of General Eisenhower. In fact, the priority list set forth was, he understood, that now enforced by General Eisenhower himself.

General Arnold asked what would occur if General Spaatz and the Deputy Chief of the Air Staff should disagree with regard to the control of the strategic bombing forces.

Sir Charles Portal explained that in this unlikely eventuality they would refer respectively to General Arnold and himself who, if they could not give a ruling, would refer the matter to the Combined Chiefs of Staff for decision.

With regard to the declaration of an emergency by a supreme commander, Sir Charles Portal explained that this same procedure had been in force for approximately a year in the Mediterranean where it had worked satisfactorily. An emergency could be declared either for offense or for defense.

General Arnold said he was particularly interested in the full utilization of the strategic bombing force since the United States had in the United Kingdom 2970 heavy bombers and in the Mediterranean 1512 heavy bombers, making a total of 4482. Of these, 2980 were operational and each aircraft had two crews available and therefore could be used every day. Was the proposed chain of command the best setup to obtain the maximum use from this very large force?

Sir Charles Portal said he felt that it was. The Supreme Commander’s role in the chain of command, which had been valuable in the first phases of OVERLORD was, in his opinion, no longer useful and better results would be obtained from the proposed command arrangements.

Admiral Leahy questioned the proposed directive with regard to the right of a commander in the field to get from the strategic air forces the air support which he requested. This, he felt, was essential.

Sir Charles Portal said that the system was exactly the same as had been used in the Mediterranean where the Supreme Commander had declared an emergency on only one occasion. This, as he remembered, was on the fifth day of the battle at Salerno. The declaration of an emergency by a supreme commander was in effect a direct order from the Combined Chiefs of Staff for the use of the strategic air forces as directed by the supreme commander. He said he could guarantee on the British side that the supreme commanders would always get what they needed when they needed it. The use of the emergency procedure should be regarded only as “the big stick” which could be used but probably would never have to be.

General Marshall suggested an alternative arrangement whereby a small assignment of strategic air might be made to supreme commanders, the remainder being controlled as suggested in the British paper.

Sir Charles Portal agreed that this was a possible solution. He felt, however, that in a real emergency the supreme commander must have all the bombers that he needed. Divided control might result in the supreme commander’s allotment not being fully used on all occasions.

The Combined Chiefs of Staff: Agreed to consider this matter further at their meeting the following morning.

Memorandum by the British CS

Quebec, 12 September 1944
Top secret
CCS 618/3

Machinery for coordination of United States-Soviet-British military effort

References: a. CCS 129th Meeting, Item 3
b. CCS 618 Series

The problem
The United States and British Chiefs of Staff agree that it is necessary to create additional machinery through which the military efforts of the United Nations forces on the European fronts may be coordinated. The form of this machinery is considered below.

Facts bearing on the problem
Close liaison is needed between the Combined Chiefs of Staff and the Soviet General Staff on matters of strategy and military policy in Europe. It will, moreover, be highly desirable to open discussions with the USSR on the war against Japan as early as politically practicable.

In June 1944 Marshal Stalin raised the question of improving the machinery for coordinating the military efforts of the Allies, and in July, Marshal Vassilievsky informed General Deane that the Soviet General Staff were interested in the matter and would like to know the proposals of the Chiefs of Staff in this respect.

As agreed at SEXTANT, the creation of any form of United Chiefs of Staff Committee would be unacceptable.

We consider the necessary liaison between the Combined Chiefs of Staff and the Soviet General Staff would be achieved by the creation of a Combined British, United States and Soviet Committee in Moscow, provided that it is clearly understood that this Committee:
(a) Is purely consultative and advisory and has no power to make decisions without reference to the Combined Chiefs of Staff or the Russian General Staff respectively.

(b) Deals solely with strategic and operational matters and does not impinge upon the work that is at present being done by the European Advisory Commission, such as civil affairs, etc.

On the Russian side there has been reluctance in the past to discuss matters of any importance with the British and United States Missions, owing to the fact that the latter have usually to deal with officials of no authoritative standing. This difficulty should be overcome in the future provided that the Russian representative on the Committee is a senior member of the Russian General Staff. The Heads of the United States and British Missions already represent their own Chiefs of Staff and so might well serve as members of the Committee. Their rank should be similar to that of the Russian Member.

We conclude:
(a) That it would be to the advantage of the United Nations war effort to set up a Combined Military Committee in Moscow as a consultative and advisory body dealing only with strategic and operational matters.

(b) That the Committee should consist of senior representatives of the Russian General Staff and the British and United States Chiefs of Staff.

We recommend that the Heads of the British and American Missions in Moscow be instructed to approach the Soviet General Staff with the proposal to establish a Combined Committee in Moscow.

Note by the Secretaries of CCS

Quebec, 12 September 1944
Top secret
CCS 618/4

Machinery for coordination of United States-Soviet-British military effort

In accordance with the instructions of the Combined Chiefs of Staff in the CCS 172nd Meeting, the Secretaries propose that the British Chiefs of Staff and the United States Chiefs of Staff send the messages attached hereto as Enclosures “A” and “B” to Generals Burrows and Deane respectively.

Combined Secretariat

Enclosure “A”
Top secret

Message from the British CS to General Burrows

The text of this message was the same, mutatis mutandis, as that of the message proposed to be sent to Deane in enclosure “B,” below.

Enclosure “B”
Top secret

Message from the USCS to General Deane

It is desired that you propose to the Soviet General Staff that a tripartite Military Committee be set up in Moscow consisting of senior representatives of the Russian General Staff, of the United States Chiefs of Staff, and of the British Chiefs of Staff. The idea of the United States Chiefs of Staff is that this Committee would deal with strategical and operational matters, but you should make it clear:

a. That it will be purely consultative and advisory and will have no power to make decisions without reference to the respective Chiefs of Staff and the Russian General Staff.

b. It must not impinge upon the work that is at present being done by the European Advisory Commission, such as civil affairs, etc.

The United States Chiefs of Staff consider that formation of this Committee should assist in eliminating the delays now existent in dealings between the Russians and the U.S. and British Military Missions. A cardinal point in the proposal, however, is that the Russian representative on the Committee should be a senior member of the Russian General Staff. On the U.S. and British sides, the Heads of the present Missions would represent the United States and British Chiefs of Staff respectively, each being responsible to his own Chiefs of Staff.

In view of the approach of the Russian, U.S. and British forces toward each other, you should initiate action at once with the Soviet General Staff in order that the Committee may begin to function in the near future.

The Pittsburgh Press (September 12, 1944)

Belgian ‘mystery fort’ falls

Battle of Siegfried Line launched; British take key port of Le Havre
By Virgil Pinkley, United Press staff writer

Drive into Germany by the Americans found the Reich invaded for the first time in more than a century. The invasion was in the Trier area (3), which was bypassed. To the north, U.S. troops were closing on Aachen, Germany, from the Liège area of Belgium, while British forces struck into southeastern Holland (2). On the southern section of the line, U.S. 3rd Army troops battled hard in the Metz–Nancy area (4) and made a juncture at Sombernon with 7th Army troops moving up from southern France. Seventh Army forces also drove closer to the Belfort Gap into southern Germany (5). On the Channel coast (1), capture of Le Havre by British troops was reported.

First story from Germany since U.S. started war

By Henry T. Gorrell, United Press staff writer

The following dispatch is the first story datelined from Germany since Dec. 7, 1941, the day the Jap attack on Pearl Harbor plunged the United States into war.

With U.S. armored forces in Germany – (1:00 p.m. CET)
American tanks advanced on German soil today in a series of strong exploratory thrusts capitalizing the first U.S. combat invasion of Germany in history.

The initial penetration of Germany is in strength today. It falls on the 26th anniversary of the great American offensive at Saint-Mihiel in 1918.

Forward elements of our armor crossed the German frontier at 6:11 p.m. yesterday. The crossing was made by a U.S. armored division which swept across Belgium in a swift 10-day march, and now has crossed the last frontier of the campaign.

Like all our blows coming up from the Seine, today’s were audacious and skillfully organized.

The orders for this historic crossing into enemy country were issued from a bare, bleak barracks building which only a few hours earlier had housed German troops.

SHAEF, London, England –
The first phase of the battle of the Siegfried Line opened today when U.S. troops outflanked its outpost of Trier in a drive more than six miles into Germany and captured the “mystery fort” Ében-Émael on its northern approaches.

U.S. Marauder and Havoc bombers heavily plastered a long stretch of the Siegfried Line between Aachen and Saarbrücken while U.S. 1st Army guns pumped shells into Germany from newly-won positions just west of the frontier.

Far to the west, the great French port of Le Havre was reported to have surrendered about noon to British troops of the1st Canadian Army, giving the Allies control of one of the most valuable gateways to France.

United Press writer Henry T. Gorrell reported in a dispatch from Germany that a U.S. armored division was stabbing ever deeper into the Reich after establishing itself on German soil in force.

Supreme Allied Headquarters lacked further information on the penetration of Germany, which was reported to have flanked the ancient city of Trier and won a springboard for a full-scale push toward the Rhineland.

While the advanced 1st Army spearhead was probing the fortifications before the Siegfried Line, other elements of Lt. Gen. Courtney H. Hodges’ army to the north were fanning out from Liège. They seized a number of points almost on the German frontier, and smashed to within one mile of the Dutch border near the great fortress city of Maastricht.

It was in the extreme east tip of Belgium below Maastricht that the Americans seized Fort Ében-Émael. There, the Nazis unveiled their “blitzkrieg in the west” in 1940 and swamped the fort in a mysterious manner never fully explained.

With Ében-Émael and its adjacent fortifications overrun, and with Maastricht set up for frontal assault, the barriers before the German frontier in the Aachen area were crumbling.

The Nazis offered comparatively light resistance at Ében-Émael, which was held strongly by the Belgians in the first phase of the war but nevertheless toppled immediately under the German onslaught, touching off rumors of “secret weapons” of dread potency.

Marauders and Havocs of the U.S. 9th Air Force dropped bombs on German soil for the first time today. They hammered concrete pillboxes, anti-tank emplacements, and troop shelters in the Siegfried Line and the transport lines immediately behind the fortified belt in the Saarbrücken area.

Marauder mediums dropped 200 tons of bombs on the Siegfried Line at Scheid, 32 miles south of Aachen. Two forces of Havoc light bombers attacked railyards at Sankt Wendel, 17 miles north of Saarbrücken. Thousand-pounders crashed on pillboxes in the loop of the river Our near Echternach on the Luxembourg-German border.

First Army troops striking in the direction of Cologne and Koblenz captured Eupen, in the Liège area six miles short of the German border, and Malmedy, nine miles west of the border. Its advances brought the vanguard almost to the border along a 20-mile front in that area.

In the Eupen sector, U.S. troops moved up heavy artillery to pour salvo after salvo into the German city of Aachen.

The Americans almost completed the occupation of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, from which the first penetration of Germany was made.

A dispatch from Lt. Gen. Omar N. Bradley’s 12th Army Group headquarters said it was apparent that the American vanguard had not yet reached the Siegfried Line proper, which in the Trier area lies some 10 to 12 miles beyond the frontier.

A Nazi-controlled dispatch to Stockholm reported “heartrending scenes” during the evacuation of the German-Belgian border districts, when “crying women were separated from their husbands and families were split up. The stream of refugees is crowding the roads…”

Moving under a blistering artillery bombardment that ripped into the Nazis’ vaunted Siegfried Line, Gen. Hodges’ 1st Army rolled across the German border yesterday afternoon and early today was reported advancing steadily into the great forest belt of the Rhineland.

The terror of invasion that Hitler’s armies carried into more than a dozen European states in the first flush of Nazi power was visited upon the German homeland for the first time in more than a century, and preliminary reports from the front said the Germans were offering only the feeblest resistance.

Trier, birthplace of Karl Marx and probably the oldest city in Germany, was bypassed as U.S. tank and infantry columns fanned out through the densely-wooded hills to the east probing at what appeared to be a soft spot in the Nazi West Wall defenses.

Simultaneously, the Allies established a continuous battlefront across eastern France and the Low Countries from the Mediterranean to the North Sea, with a juncture of U.S. troops from the 3rd and 7th Armies at Sombernon, 104 miles southwest of the Belfort Gap.

British 2nd Army forces at the northern end of the Allied battle line and Lt. Gen. George S. Patton’s U.S. 3rd Army on the southern flank ground forward slowly toward the frontier in the face of stiff resistance.

First accounts of the 1st Army strike into Germany emphasized the relative “softness” of the opposition, in contract to the bitter fighting retreat staged by the Nazis on both flanks, and suggested that Gen. Hodges might have uncovered a weak spot in the enemy’s thinly-held line.

Forests lie ahead

The Germans failed to offer more than sporadic rearguard resistance in the early hours of the invasion, but headquarters spokesmen cautioned that ahead of the Americans lie the forests of Osburg, Hermeskeil and Birkenfeld, which would provide strong defensive positions if the Nazis elect to stand and fight.

The Americans threatened almost momentarily, however, to shake their armored spearheads loose on the great military highway running 55 miles northwest from Trier to Koblenz and the Rhine which Hitler’s engineers built for the invasion of France.

The official Allied communiqué gave only the sketchiest details of the 1st Army advance, but headquarters sources permitted the disclosure that they were operating east of Trier.

In their race to beat the winter weather into Germany, the Allies were well ahead of schedule, at least in comparison to 1918. The invasion of the Reich on Sept. 11 was 15 days earlier than the comparable opening of the Meuse-Argonne offensive on Sept. 26, 1918, which forced the Kaiser’s armies to surrender six weeks later.

With the officially-announced juncture of the U.S. 3rd Army and the 7th Army – an almost all-American outfit – at Sombernon, 15 miles west of Dijon, Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower had three magnificently-equipped U.S. armies to hurl into western Germany, plus the British 2nd and 1st Canadian Armies to throw against the enemy’s northern flank.

The Allied headquarters’ communiqué gave no new details on the bloody battle of the Moselle River, where Gen. Patton’s 3rd Army troops were meeting their bitterest opposition since the start of their “end run” around Paris.

Front dispatches received last night said the Americans lost some ground in the Corny area 5½ miles southwest of Metz, but established new bridgeheads across the Moselle and hooked deep into the outer defenses of Nancy, capturing Fort de Villey-le-Sec, 8½ miles west-southwest of that fortress.

Seize Maginot forts

Gen. Patton’s men also seized a large portion of the old Maginot Line forts around Trieux, 18 miles northwest of Metz, and Aumetz, seven miles farther north, where they found the fortifications intact and ready to be used against the Germans if necessary.

At the opposite end of the Allied assault front, British 2nd Army troopers fought into Holland after forcing a bridge across the Escaut Canal from Belgium in the Groote-Barrier area, nine miles north of Bourg-Léopold.

Other British units pushed out from their bridgeheads across the Albert Canal farther south meeting fanatical resistance.

On the British right flank, elements of Gen. Hodges’ U.S. 1st Army thrust 10 to 20 miles east of Liège along the two main roads to Aachen. One force occupied Hevre, 10 miles east of Liège and 15 miles southwest of Aachen, while the second moved along the south road to Eupen, five miles west of the Nazi border and nine miles almost due south of Aachen.

U.S. 75mm cannon poured a drumfire barrage into the enemy positions across the German border, while mobile field guns pounded a bypassed garrison pocketed in the Limbourg area, four miles west of Eupen.

Other columns fanned out southeast of Liège to captured Spa and cut the Liège–Arlon road south of Aywaille, while another force hammered out a gain of about 15 miles through the Ardennes Forest from Saint-Hubert to Bastogne, four miles from the Luxembourg border and 17 miles west of Germany.

Air-sea attack on Philippines rips 91 ships

Yanks blast 68 Jap planes at Mindanao
By Frank Tremaine, United Press staff writer

Madame hates the Nazis for what they did to world

She’s legless and one arm’s crippled, but the Germans seared her soul
By Robert J. Casey


1943 strike recalled –
Lewis: Roosevelt ‘kicks’ UMW

Cincinnati, Ohio (UP) –
United Mine Workers President John L. Lewis, charging that President Roosevelt once had “publicly kicked every miner in the face,” today called for the President’s defeat in the November elections.

Speaking before delegates at the opening of the UMW’s 10-day biennial convention, Mr. Lewis said that if the miners vote for Mr. Roosevelt in November they will receive “the same kind of treatment” in their contract negotiations as they received in 1943 and 1944.

Mr. Lewis traced last year’s contract negotiations with mine operators and the strike throughout the nation’s coal fields.

‘Kicked in face’

He said Mr. Roosevelt “publicly had kicked every miner in the face by asking us to call off the strike… after… the Policy Committee had called off the stoppage.”

“How did you like that?” he shouted to the 2,700 delegates.

Mr. Lewis added:

Well, vote him into office next November and I think you will have some more of it in April.

The present contract between the miners and operators expires April 1, 1945.

Insurgents attacked

In an attack upon an insurgent group of delegates seeking autonomy for 21 of the 31 UMW districts, Mr. Lewis charged that “Roosevelt, [Earl] Browder and [Sidney] Hillman had hired themselves a man to dethrone the ‘old man.’”

Mr. Lewis said:

Yes, they furnished him with some money to publish some smear literature and get some interviews in the press. Well, while all that’s going on, just what in the hell am I supposed to be doing?

The attack was aimed at Ray Edmundson of Springfield, Illinois, a candidate for international president opposing Mr. Lewis.

Meeting broken up

A meeting held by a group of atonomists led by Mr. Edmundson was broken up yesterday by a number of Lewis supporters.

Mr. Lewis reviewed the accomplishments of the UMW in the last year and said the union was never in “better financial condition” to negotiate a new contract next year, but added that he did not know with whom the union would negotiate. He referred to the action of the government in seizing coal mines in Pennsylvania and West Virginia where supervisors had voted to call a strike.

Mr. Lewis said:

Under the infamous Smith-Connally Harness Slave Act, they have a right to strike after they vote affirmatively on the question.

Some back fourth term

Although Mr. Lewis’ attack on Mr. Roosevelt was anticipated by some leaders at the convention, a number of resolutions endorsing the President for a fourth term were submitted yesterday to the Resolutions Committee.

Mr. Lewis made no reference to whether he would actively support Governor Thomas E. Dewey but he intimated he would back the GOP when he referred to Cincinnati Mayor James Garfield Stewart, Republican gubernatorial nominee, as “Governor Stewart.”

Mr. Lewis expressed the hope that the next time the UMW meets in Columbus, “you [Stewart] will greet us from your executive offices.”

Mr. Lewis said that despite “shabby treatment handed out by the President and his advisers,” 1944 production of anthracite and bituminous coal will be about 700 million tons, 45 million “more than in the war year 1918.”

This, too, will happen

By Florence Fisher Parry

Supreme Court faces bar attack

‘Finishing school failure’ blamed by jewel thief

Bishop’s socialite daughter says she was unprepared to face world without money


New Hoover era forecast by Hillman if Dewey wins

PAC chairman, here to address union group, also warns of loss of U.S. world prestige

Election of New York Governor Thomas E. Dewey to the Presidency would be “a reckless act inspiring lack of confidence among other nations and another Hoover era on the home front,” CIO Political Action Committee chairman Sidney Hillman declared here today.

Mr. Hillman asserted:

Mr. Dewey has been on all sides of foreign policy. In 1940, he favored breaking relations with Russia, and was against Lend-Lease for Britain. Now he apparently favors an alliance with Britain, and cohesion with Russia, whatever that means.

Defends role in politics

The PAC chairman, in Pittsburgh today to address the annual convention of the CIO Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers, was sharp in his defense of labor’s right to play a part in a political campaign.

The issue of “Communism” in the PAC drew a particularly quick retort.

He said:

When the Republicans label PAC Communistic, they know they are repeating a lie. They dare not face a discussion of the real issues. Why, in Philadelphia, Mr. Dewey started to discuss issues and got so mixed up he forgot that the depression started in the Hoover era.

That is because they can offer us no constructive opposition ever since they eliminated Wendell Willkie.

‘Few’ Communists admitted

But is it not true that there are Communists in the PAC? Mr. Hillman was blunt in his reply.

He answered:

Certainly, there are, just as there are in any labor or political movement. But as the percentage of Communists in PAC is just about the same as the percentage in the country, possibly a little higher. To say that PAC is dominated by them is a lie.

Proud of own record

As for the Republican billboards and advertising slogan “Don’t let Sidney Hillman run your country,” it drew a shrug of the shoulders and this answer:

They can’t find anything else to talk about. My record is in the open. I am proud of it. Just another falsehood, that charge.

But what about the statements that the PAC is trying to take over, or has taken over, the Democratic Party?

Mr. Hillman snapped:

The record shows that we have already supported a half dozen Republicans. We are supporting President Roosevelt, of course, and we will back any liberal and progressive candidate.

It all amounts to this, the CIO official asserted:

One would think it almost a crime for labor to enter politics. There would be more clamor raised over a single dollar paid to the CIO under pressure than about a great donation made by an industrial to the Republicans.

‘Pressure’ for funds

On the matter of “pressure” for contributions, he broke in quickly:

I challenge anyone to produce a single case where pressure has been applied against any person for a contribution to PAC. That is an open challenge.

Mr. Hillman ticked off Governor Dewey’s record as New York’s governor with a brief resume of the “record of omission” which he said had been compiled, and asked:

Can you imagine turning over the destiny of the country to such an ineffective and incompetent person?

Links Bricker to Smith

Of Ohio Governor Bricker, Mr. Dewey’s running mate, he said:

I do not need to read his speeches. I merely recall those of Gerald L. K. Smith, with whom he parted company only recently, and not on major issues.

In his address to the Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers, Mr. Hillman said:

We cannot demobilize our minds after victory is won. We must be convinced that we can beat unemployment as we were convinced that we could beat the enemy.

He assailed the Republican administration after the last war, and urged reelection of President Roosevelt because:

We need an administration in Washington which wants to recreate full employment and is willing to use the resources and machinery of the government to create it.

Other speakers heard

Earlier speakers at the convention, held in the Fort Pitt Hotel, had assailed Governor Dewey as representing “a return to the Hoover normalcy days.” Senator Harley Kilgore (D-WV) said:

It took 50 years of struggle, climaxed by President Roosevelt’s election 1932, to give labor legislative protection of its right to organize. A reactionary president and Congress could pass a bill repealing that legislation in five days.

Allan Haywood, CIO organization director, referred to Governor Dewey as “Hoover’s dole.”

Others to speak were: Reid Robinson (president of the union), Nicholas Evans (president of the Universal Cement Workers, No. 309, Universal), Gen. Jerry V. Matejka (U.S. Army Signal Corps) and Martin Wagner (head of the CIO United Gas Coke, and Chemical Workers).

U.S. sub Gudgeon, 66 men lost

Québec maps direct attack against Japs

Roosevelt, Churchill hold formal session

Québec, Canada (UP) –
President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Winston Churchill held their first formal business session today on new plans for the final destruction of the Axis.

The basic subject was the Pacific War. Plans are expected to be made for a direct assault on the Jap homeland.

White House Secretary Stephen T. Early said that although the conferences were pointed primarily at the Pacific, he did not know whether Chinese representation here had been sought. He added, however, that the Chinese government would be kept informed of the proceedings.

General plan worked out

The President, the Prime Minister, Canadian Prime Minister W. L. Mackenzie King and their parties had dinner last night with the Canadian Governor-General, the Earl of Athlone.

Today in a face-to-face session, Mr. Roosevelt and Mr. Churchill worked out a general plan for the discussions with their military, naval and air experts.

The new unified command for the Jap assault, to be headed by an American, raised many questions.

The proportions of U.S. and British forces to be transferred from Europe to the Fat East as soon as Germany’s defeat is complete must also be determined.

Many subjects faced

Mr. Roosevelt’s and Mr. Churchill’s talks were expected to cover a wide field, including many problems in Europe. But it was officially emphasized that the Pacific War was the No. 1 topic, and the absence of Soviet Premier Joseph Stalin fits in with that program.

Converging drives on the Japs from the Central Pacific and the Southwest Pacific are forging ahead on schedule, but the enemy has recently made fresh progress in China. Those drives must be extended before a direct assault on Japan itself can be started.

But they are going so fast that now the top planners – who must work months in advance of the action – must begin to lay out the strategy of the final assaults.

Four commands active

There are now four commands fighting the Japs:

  • The U.S. Pacific forces under Adm. Chester W. Nimitz have struck swiftly across the Central Pacific and have penetrated Japan’s inner defense circle.

  • Gen. Douglas MacArthur’s forces have swept up from the south to place themselves in a position to invade the southern Philippines.

  • Forces in Lord Louis Mountbatten’s Southeast Asia Command – comprising Burma, Indochina, Malaya and Sumatra – succeeded in driving the Japs out of northern Burma. This will permit early reestablishment of a land supply route from India to China.

  • In China, Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek’s troops have been waging a desperate but so far losing battle to prevent the Japs from cutting the country in half.

Coordination lacking

These commands have been operating under broad plans developed at the Roosevelt-Churchill-Chiang conference in Cairo. But they have not had the benefit of the coordination such as Gen. Dwight Eisenhower’s campaign in Western Europe.

Already delicate questions have arisen involving the overlapping of some command areas. Unless a new command setup is achieved, these would multiply as the offensives progress.

Gen. MacArthur’s forces and the southern wing of Adm. Nimitz’s are both striking toward the Philippines. Gen. MacArthur’s and Lord Mountbatten’s sphere overlap in the Indies. Lord Mountbatten’s command was established at the first Québec Conference – in August 1943 – but results have not fulfilled expectations.


Stokes: Farmers, sore at New Deal, hope Dewey will ‘free’ them

GOP candidate doesn’t have to sell them; they’re fed up with Washington policies
By Thomas L. Stokes, Scripps-Howard staff writer

With Governor Dewey’s party –
Governor Dewey today took his presidential campaign cavalcade into Nebraska on what amounted to a carrying-coals-to-Newcastle expedition.

Both Iowa and Nebraska are staunchly Republican. There’s no doubt about that. The people decided some time ago.

Out here, Governor Dewey met an intriguing political paradox, best illustrated by the contrast between today and 1932.

Then there were poverty on the farms and hardship in the towns here. Angry farmers armed themselves with pitchforks to keep the sheriff from foreclosing their acres. The desperate farmers swept up behind Franklin D. Roosevelt as their deliverer, and admittedly his New Deal program helped put them back on their feet.

Farmers ‘rich and sore’

Today, the farmers are prosperous. The war is making many of them rich. They are paying off their mortgages. They are, in the local idiom, “rich and sore.” The majority has deserted President Roosevelt.

What has happened is that the farmer, an individualist by nature – except when he is desperate, as in the depression years – again has become a capitalist in psychology, now that he is again a capitalist in fact. He swings naturally back to political and economic conservatism.

The farmers wrap up all the evils, of which they see themselves victims, in OPA, although this is really just a general term for virtually every agency in Washington which issues regulations for them.

Hot about labor policies

They complain about price restrictions, although prices are good and they are making plenty of money. They have a problem in the shortage of labor, for which they blame the wages for labor at war plants and the draft. They resent gasoline rationing.

Most of all, perhaps, they resent New Deal labor policies, complaining that the New Deal has been weighted heavily for labor and against the farmers. Today, the divisions between farmers and labor in this country is wide and deep and any attack on Sidney Hillman’s CIO and its Political Action Committee is relished.

So, Governor Dewey didn’t have to sell anything here. It was already sold.

But Governor Dewey kept busy consulting with representatives of farmers, business and labor, and politicians. He is making valuable political contacts in this section, not so necessary now, but which will be helpful if he is elected, and, perhaps, even if he is not. For there are some who think the young man, if he fails this time, will try to get control of the party organizations for four years hence.

Nobody has done that successfully in recent years, but he did it in New York, being the only defeated candidate for governor in our time who was renominated.