America at war! (1941--) -- Part 2

Gower Gulch hits screen

Famed filmland boulevard contributes comedy to new movie

Westerns are here to stay

Cowboy films mean steady income for studios

Girl trumpeter says she likes being lone female in orchestra

Woody Herman’s now-famous femme has been tooting her own horn since she wore pigtails
By Billie Rogers

Völkischer Beobachter (August 30, 1943)

In Roosevelts Labyrinth

Von Dr. Th. Böttiger

Das Algier-Komitee von den Bolschewisten anerkannt –
England und USA. im Kielwasser Moskaus

The Pittsburgh Press (August 30, 1943)

Coupon value boost, if any, is up to Ickes

Increase in station quotas will terminate gas-famine here

WAC corporal slain in hotel

‘Dark-haired woman’ reported sought

Fortresses blast rail center above Rome

Other Allied bombers hit Bay of Naples area, ‘toe’ of Italy
By Reynolds Packard, United Press staff writer

Yanks closing on Japs’ base

Seize island within gun range of Vila Airfield
By Brydon Taves, United Press staff writer

Hull declares columnist lies

Answers Pearson’s charge that he’s anti-Russian

Destroyer launched

Kearny, New Jersey –
The destroyer Marshall was launched yesterday at the Federal Drydock & Shipbuilding Co.

Roosevelt sees aides –
Axis will get final warning

Churchill may make new surrender demand

Men of good will

By Florence Fisher Parry

Pearson backs out of race with Ford

First Lady ‘kids’ Marines in hospital ‘down under’

Mrs. Roosevelt peers into pots, pans, and food; handshake embarrasses kitchen worker

Strikes closes gun part plant

Walkout first one called under new law

Rent control held illegal

Specific law is needed, U.S. judge says

Buy Christmas gifts now, Walker advises

Princess’ jewels found after third man’s arrest

$50,000 worth of $92,000 collection discovered in cache in Texas junkyard

GOP post-war group meets in San Francisco

Navy launches second Hornet; Japan warned

Foe in Pacific has had only a sample, Knox asserts

Veteran air hero of Poles to join fight against Japs

Urbanowicz flew over Poland and also with RAF, and now he’s going to help Chennault
By Blair Bolles, North American Newspaper Alliance