Private gets 10 years for 6 arson attempts
OPA may cut rent offices
80% reduction of control staff contemplated
80% reduction of control staff contemplated
Opinion upholds authority to grant union security in Wisconsin case
Labor and management are both to blame, Taylor says
So Army’s 52-page book of tips on what to do and what not to do is a bestseller
By Morley Cassidy, North American Newspaper Alliance
Fitting large federally-owned capacity into peace production is knotty industrial problem
By Robert Taylor, Press Washington correspondent
79% of men and women in survey believe government should induct civilians for war work
By George Gallup, Director, American Institute of Public Opinion
Probably or no other major issue of the war has Congress or the government lagged so far behind public opinion as on the issue of a manpower draft for war industries.
As early as March 1942 – only three months after Pearl Harbor – Institute surveys found a substantial majority of American voters in favor of a national manpower registration and a program for drafting civilians into war work.
When Congress reconvenes next month, it will again find the issue of manpower waiting on its doorstep, more persistent than ever, in the shape of the Austin-Wadsworth National Service Bill.
In every test of public opinion on the issue in the last year and a half, the Institute has found a majority in favor of manpower draft.
Some are doubtful
There are many persons, it is true, who believe that no serious manpower shortage exists or that even if it does exist, the situation does not call for so drastic a measure as a draft.
But even taking this group into account, the latest Institute survey completed this week shows that people from coast to coast who have given enough thought to this issue to have an opinion favor a manpower draft by a great majority.
Perhaps the most significant fact revealed in the latest survey, and one of special interest to Paul V. McNutt, Manpower Commissioner, is that some 15 million men and women in the United States believe that they might be called for national service if a draft comes.
Labor pool huge
These 15 million, who apparently consider their present work less essential than war work and who favor the idea of a nationwide draft by a huge majority, form a labor pool far in excess of the maximum increase demanded to date by the War Manpower Commission.
The question will arise as to why these 15 million people, if they feel they are not contributing directly to the war production effort, do not volunteer for war jobs.
Undoubtedly the same reason applies in the case of a manpower draft as applies in the case of a military draft. Military authorities agree, on the basis of experience in the last war, that it is impossible to raise a large-scale army by volunteer methods alone.
Shows increase
The reaction of the public toward a manpower draft was sounded on the following issue in the Institute’s survey:
If there is a shortage of men and women workers for war industries this fall, should the government draft persons to fill these jobs?
Yes | 79% |
No | 14% |
Undecided | 7% |
In a poll in March 1942 on a similar issue, the vote was 61% in favor of the draft.
In a second part of today’s survey, each person interviewed was asked whether he thought he might be drafted into a war job if a manpower conscription act were passed.
91% approve
A total of 15 million, as indicated above, said they thought they might be drafted for such service.
When these people were also asked whether they approve or disapprove of the idea of a draft law, the vote was 91% approval, or considerably higher than the national vote of 79%.
This labor pool of 15 million consists of men and women in roughly equal numbers, with the men slightly outnumbering the women. Most of the total is found in the age brackets from 21 to 50 years.
Industry warned that a change of heart is due in putting rehabilitated soldiers back on their feet
By Frank Sinclair
Aerial gunner is credited with downing 7 enemy planes in one day
Monopolistic groups oppose Renegotiation Act, Fulmer asserts
Roosevelt and Churchill to resume conferences in Washington
Last of enemy flee from New Georgia; Americans seize 6 small islands
By Don Caswell, United Press staff correspondent
Domestic users limited to half of 1942 requirements
First torpedo of vessel built in Midwest strikes target
By Charles P. Arnot, United Press staff writer
New York station master who called Coolidge ‘Cal’ suffering from pneumonia
Allies’ spirit and strength misjudged
By Thomas M. Johnson, NEA military writer