America at war! (1941--) -- Part 2

The Combined Chiefs of Staff to President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill

Québec, 19 August 1943.

Enclosure to CCS 319

Progress Report to the President and Prime Minister

  1. The Combined Chiefs of Staff submit the following report on the progress made so far in the QUADRANT Conference.

  2. We have agreed to accept tentatively Sections I, II and III of the final report made to you at the TRIDENT Conference as a basis for use in this Conference. These sections, covering the Overall Objective, the Overall Strategic Concept for the Prosecution of the War, and the Basic Undertakings in Support of the Overall Strategic Concept, to be reaffirmed at the conclusion of the present Conference.

Strategic concept for the defeat of the Axis in Europe

  1. We have approved the following strategic concept of operations for the defeat of the Axis Powers in Europe, 1943-44.

  2. Operation POINTBLANK
    The progressive destruction and dislocation of the German military, industrial and economic system, the disruption of vital elements of lines of communication, and the material reduction of German air combat strength by the successful prosecution of the Combined Bomber Offensive from all convenient bases is a prerequisite to OVERLORD (barring an independent and complete Russian victory before OVERLORD can be mounted). This operation must therefore continue to have highest strategic priority.

  3. Operation OVERLORD
    [Subparagraphs a, b, and c are identical with the subparagraphs of paragraph 3 of CCS 303/3.]

We have approved the outline plan of General Morgan for Operation OVERLORD and have authorized him to proceed with the detailed planning and with full preparations.

  1. Operations in Italy
    [This paragraph is identical with paragraph 4 of CCS 303/3.]

  2. Operations in Southern France

Offensive operations against Southern France (to include the use of trained and equipped French forces), should be undertaken to establish a lodgement in the Toulon-Marseilles area and exploit northward in order to create a diversion in connection with OVERLORD. Air nourished guerilla operations in the Southern Alps will, if possible, be initiated.

  1. Air Operations
    [This paragraph is identical with paragraph 6 of CCS 303/3, except that the cross-reference in subparagraph d has been changed to read “(see paragraph 10 below).”]

  2. Operations at Sea
    [This paragraph is identical with paragraph 7 of CCS 303/3.]

  3. Operations in the Balkans

Operations in the Balkan area will be limited to supply of Balkan guerillas by air and sea transport, to minor Commando forces, and to the bombing of Ploești and other strategic objectives from Italian bases.

  1. Garrison Requirements and Security of Lines of Communication in the Mediterranean
    [This paragraph is identical with paragraph 9 of CCS 303/3, except that the parenthetical reference to appendix A to CCS 303 is omitted.]

The U-boat war

  1. Progress Report

We have had encouraging reports from the Chiefs of the two Naval Staffs regarding the U-boat war. We have approved recommendations made by the Allied Submarine Board which should result in further strengthening our anti-U-boat operations. The board has been directed to continue and expand its studies in search of further improvements.

Portuguese islands

  1. Facilities in the Azores Islands

On the successful conclusion of the negotiations for the use of the Azores we have taken note of the assurance given by the British Chiefs of Staff that everything will be done by the British as soon as possible after actual entry into the Azores has been gained to make arrangements for their operational and transit use by U.S. aircraft.

The war against Japan

  1. Southeast Asia Command

We have considered the proposals of the British Chiefs of Staff for the setup of the Southeast Asia Command.

On the question of Command relationship, we have agreed:
a. That the Combined Chiefs of Staff will exercise a general jurisdiction over the strategy for the Southeast Asia Theater and the allocation of American and British resources of all kinds between the China Theater and the Southeast Asia Command.

b. That the British Chiefs of Staff will exercise jurisdiction over all matters pertaining to operations, and will be the channel through which all instructions to the Supreme Commander are passed.

We are giving further consideration to:
c. The precise duties of General Stilwell as Deputy Supreme Allied Commander; and
d. Arrangements for the coordination of American agencies such as OSS, OWI, FCB, etc., with comparable British organizations.

  1. Operations in the Pacific and Far East

a. We have given preliminary consideration to a memorandum by the Joint U.S. Chiefs of Staff on specific operations in the Pacific and Far East 1943-44.

b. We have had an account from Brigadier Wingate of the experiences of the long-range penetration groups which were employed in Northern Burma in the early part of this year. We think that there is much to be said for further developing this method of conducting operations on a larger scale against the Japanese, and are working out plans to give effect to this policy.

c. We have not yet considered specific operations in Northern Burma or the Arakan Coast for 1943-44, pending the receipt of further information about the logistic situation which has been created by the disastrous floods in India.

d. Meanwhile the Combined Staff Planners have completed in outline a long-term plan for the defeat of Japan. This has not yet been considered. We propose to review specific operations in the Pacific and Far East for 1943-44 (See a, b and c above) in the light of the conclusions reached on this larger question.

Remainder of the conference

  1. Before we separate, we proposed to discuss the following matters:
    a. Immediate operations in the Mediterranean;
    b. Emergency return to the Continent;
    c. Military considerations in relation to Spain;
    d. Military considerations in relation to Turkey;
    e. Military considerations in relation to Russia;
    f. Equipment of Allies, liberated forces and friendly neutrals;
    g. A number of miscellaneous matters.

Note by the Secretaries of the Combined Chiefs of Staff

Québec, 19 August 1943.


The following summary of recent correspondence with AFHQ North African Theater relating to post-HUSKY operations, has been made for the convenience of the Combined Chiefs of Staff in connection with the discussion on post-HUSKY operations tabled for the 113th Meeting of the Combined Chiefs of Staff, 20 August 1943.


Combined Secretariat


Summary of Messages Exchanged with AFHQ

NAF 250 From General Eisenhower, dated 30 June 1943

This message summarizes the operations following HUSKY that General Eisenhower considers to be possible assuming that seven veteran divisions will be sent to the U.K. In paragraph five he states:

In order to be in a position to take advantage of whichever line of action shows itself more likely to achieve my mission, I have arranged for planning to be undertaken for:

  • a. Operation BUTTRESS and Operation GOBLET.

  • b. Operation BUTTRESS followed by a rapid overland exploitation to the Heel, Naples, and Rome, and a reinforcement by sea of three divisions into Naples.

  • c. Operation BRIMSTONE both on a full and modified scale, the latter being in sufficient strength to overcome German resistance if Italian Army has ceased to fight.

  • d. After Operation BRIMSTONE, it may be possible to carry out Operation FIREBRAND. The French are now actively examining this problem.

FAN 165 From the Combined Chiefs of Staff, dated 16 July 1943

The strategic concept in your NAF 250 accepted for planning purposes. In addition, the Combined Chiefs of Staff wish to express their interest in the possibilities of a direct amphibious landing operation against Naples in lieu of an attack on Sardinia, if the indications regarding Italian resistance should make the risks involved worthwhile.

NAF 265 From General Eisenhower, dated 18 July 1943

The last paragraph is as follows:

In view of these considerations and assuming that substantial German reinforcement in Southern Italy has not taken place, I recommend carrying the war to the mainland of Italy immediately Sicily has been captured, and request very early approval in order that no time be lost in making preparation.

FAN 169 From the Combined Chiefs of Staff to General Eisenhower, dated 20 July 1943

The recommendations contained in the last paragraph of your NAF 265 are approved, you should, however, extend your amphibious operations northward as far as shore-based fighter cover can be made effective.

FAN 175 From the Combined Chiefs of Staff, dated 26 July 1943

With the object of expediting the elimination of Italy from the war, the Combined Chiefs of Staff consider you should plan forthwith AVALANCHE to be mounted at the earliest possible date, using the resources already available to you for PRICELESS. …

NAF 303 From General Eisenhower, dated 28 July 1943

The air problem facing us in AVALANCHE is one of some difficulty, first, because of the distance from possible bases to provide cover for the initial assault and second, because of the increased effort required for neutralization of hostile air and disrupting lines of communications. Another difficulty arises because of the intensive air effort we have been maintaining for some weeks and the additional necessity for continuing this effort in a rapid cleanup of the HUSKY Operation. This cleanup is an essential preliminary to the AVALANCHE Operation in order to get necessary airfields and to have a reasonable bridgehead in the BUTTRESS area in order that German reserves may not be, with immunity, rushed directly to the point of landing.

NAF 307 From General Eisenhower, dated 2 August 1943

This reads in part:

Yesterday I had a meeting with the three commanders in chief. Conclusions reached were in line with those reported following a similar conference of a week ago. We are positive that a lodgment must be made in the BUTTRESS area before any bold stroke should be attempted such as AVALANCHE. On the other hand, our hope is that this lodgment can be made without employing troops otherwise available for AVALANCHE. If ad hoc crossing of Straits proves too difficult, and former landing operations in close support of that effort are forced upon us, then the AVALANCHE project must be delayed materially.…

NAF 318 From General Eisenhower, dated 10 August 1943

This message reads in part:

Meeting of commanders in chief was held today in Tunis. General agreement to effect that every effort must be made to mount AVALANCHE with 10th Corps so equipped with landing craft that it can be used either on that operation or on BUTTRESS if latter proves to be necessary. Every effort must be made to establish a bridgehead on Toe employing only troops and means now in Sicily. Agreed that we should avoid, if humanly possible, penning up sizeable forces in Toe where they could be rather easily contained, particularly since to do so would practically eliminate any chance of AVALANCHE type of operation this year. This is because of necessary use of landing craft in maintaining over beaches the troops we would have in Toe.

From the above, it appears that General Eisenhower has been given definite authority to operate against the mainland of Italy with a very distinct preference expressed by the Combined Chiefs of Staff for Operation AVALANCHE. General Eisenhower, on the other hand, has indicated that to do AVALANCHE, either BUTTRESS or an ad hoc crossing of the Sicily troops to the Toe of Italy must be effected in order to provide shore-based air cover for AVALANCHE. This conception has at least the tacit approval of the Combined Chiefs of Staff.

W6959 From General Bedell Smith to General Whiteley, dated 10 August 1943

This signal gave information regarding AVALANCHE. Timing of all future operations must depend primarily upon date of completion of Sicilian campaign. All commanders were agreed that the establishment of considerable forces in Calabria would almost certainly result in stalemate being reached in Calabria this year, or at best, would permit only slow, laborious advance. Number of landing craft required would prevent any further amphibious operation this year on the scale of AVALANCHE. Two months from now weather conditions would prevent use of strips in Calabria and unless we could obtain all-weather airfields such as exist in Naples area, we should be unable to apply our air strength and would be unable to count upon the degree of air supremacy enjoyed up till now.

Previous conclusions confirmed that prior to AVALANCHE it was essential to obtain small bridgehead in Calabria in order to open Straits, hold German troops in Calabria and prevent them being employed in reinforcement of AVALANCHE area. Ability to do this and at the same time to launch AVALANCHE dependent entirely on serviceability of landing craft. Assessment being made of minimum landing craft requirements to see whether BAYTOWN or AVALANCHE could be mounted at or about the same time. Risks of AVALANCHE fully appreciated, particularly in light of apparent German reinforcement of Italy. Considered, however, that prize to be gained makes considerable risk acceptable. By air action in meantime it might be possible to make Italian people force a policy of non-cooperation with Germany on present Italian Government and so make Avalanche easier. As circumstances at the time might prevent launching of AVALANCHE allocation of landing craft and loading of 10th Corps to proceed so that it could be employed either in BUTTRESS or AVALANCHE. Following decisions therefore made:

  • To proceed with AVALANCHE preparations with target date 7 September.

  • Flexibility of 10th Corps and allocation of landing craft to be such that either BUTTRESS or AVALANCHE could be launched.

  • 8th Army to make every effort to seize bridgehead with resources of craft remaining after allocation to 10th Corps.

  • Actual dates of operations to depend upon date of completion of Sicilian Battle.

  • Operations BARRACUDA and GOBLET cancelled.

  • 5th Corps to be in AFHQ reserve.

  • Air effort against communications in Italy to be maintained at highest possible level consistent with maintenance requirements.

W7323 From General Bedell Smith to General Whiteley, dated 14 August 1943

Gave provisional figures of buildup dependent on:
a. Whether BAYTOWN-AVALANCHE mounted, or BAYTOWN-BUTTRESS mounted.
b. Date of initial assault.
c. Progress made on mainland.

d. State of port of Naples when captured.
If German resistance in Calabria weakens and BAYTOWN can be exploited, intention is for 8th Army to move into Calabria and advance north and east with a view to joining up with AVALANCHE forces and occupying Heel. Maximum number of divisions which can be maintained through Calabria is 6. Forces available for further buildup, if required: one U.S. division, ex Sicily; two French divisions; 5 corps of two or three divisions from Middle East; First and Sixth Armored Divisions; further French divisions. Assuming target date for AVALANCHE 7th September, it appeared that the following forces could be put on the mainland through Naples by 1st December. Either 6 divisions and tactical air force, or 5 divisions plus tactical and strategical air force. In addition 3 divisions through the Toe and possibly up to 3 further divisions by ferry service into Calabria from Sicily. Estimated rate of buildup after 1st December might be one Division per month. LSTs essential for the above buildup until at least 1st December. The above based on no shipping limitations.

W7445 From General Bedell Smith to General Whiteley, Dated 15th August 1943

Results of AVALANCHE and succeeding operations likely to depend upon buildup race between the Germans and ourselves. Once we can get a firm hold on the Naples Area we should be well placed but it is at least probable that thereafter we may have to fight our way slowly and painfully up Italy. The difficulty of amphibious and overland operations against Southern France should not be minimized. Desirable areas in Southern France for amphibious assault cannot be reached by shore-based single-engined fighters operating either from Northern Italy or Corsica. Ability to undertake amphibious operation therefore dependent on German air strength in Europe being so reduced or otherwise committed that assault can take place under cover of carrier-borne or twin-engined fighters. Availability of land forces will depend upon defensive commitments in Northern Italy, which should not exceed a maximum of 10 divisions, and on our ability to equip and transport remainder of divisions then in Mediterranean. Estimate that 24 divisions will be available, of which perhaps not more than 16 will be fit for operations.

NAF 326, 16th August, From General Eisenhower

In spite of every effort, enemy is succeeding in evacuating much personnel and light equipment across the Straits. Crossing the Straits should be attempted by us as quickly as necessary supporting guns and supplies can be accumulated. Present indications as to date between September 1st and 4th, and for AVALANCHE target date September 9th. Since a 10-day interval between the two assaults would greatly alleviate difficulties in landing craft, we are straining every nerve to make the first assault on the earliest possible date.

From General Bedell Smith to General Whiteley, dated 17 August 1943

AVALANCHE will be undertaken before next moonlight period and preceded at maximum interval by BAYTOWN, which hoped to launch before end of August or early September. Target date AVALANCHE may be deferred till September 11th.

Roosevelt-Churchill dinner meeting, 9:30 p.m.

United States United Kingdom
President Roosevelt Prime Minister Churchill
Mr. Hopkins Mrs. Churchill
Subaltern Mary Churchill

Roosevelt dined with the Churchill family and Hopkins, and that Roosevelt and Churchill were closeted for several hours following dinner.

The Pittsburgh Press (August 19, 1943)

Destroyer cuts Lt. Kennedy’s PT boat in two

By Frank Hewlett, United Press staff writer

Lt. Kennedy

Somewhere in New Georgia, Solomon Islands – (Aug. 8, delayed)
The luck of the Irish – and some first-class skill – brought lanky Lt. (jg.) John F. Kennedy, son of former U.S. Ambassador to Britain Joseph Kennedy, and 10 of his torpedo boat mates back from a brush with the Japs and death today.

A week after they had been lost and practically given up, another PT boat went through hostile waters to rescue them in response to an SOS scrawled on a coconut shell and carried through enemy lines by a native.

Three men, including Petty Officer Patrick H. McMahon, 39, of Los Angeles, who has a son in the Navy, credited the 27-year-old Lt. Kennedy with saving their lives.

Their extraordinary adventure began the night of Sunday, Aug. 1, in Blackett Strait just west of Kolombangara Island north of New Georgia Island.

Three torpedo boats from this base were patrolling. A Jap destroyer bore down on the lead boat commanded by Lt. Kennedy and manned by a crew of 12 and cut it in two.

Lt. Kennedy said:

I’m certain that destroyer was going 40 knots. I summoned the crew to general quarters and then tried to get into position for a shot with the torpedoes. But we were too close.

The crewmen were flung into the water. Some were painfully injured.

The gasoline went up in flames. One section didn’t burn.

Petty Officer McMahon, who was badly burned, said Lt. Kennedy, a backstroke swimmer on the Harvard team before he graduated in 1940, towed him three miles.

Lt. Kennedy said:

We clung to that bow of the boat for nearly 12 hours. And we left it only when it was just a foot above water.

They drifted through the night nearer and nearer a Jap island that had a big garrison but a sudden shift in the current saved them and they reached a tiny unoccupied islet. But they were still surrounded by Japs.

After a few days, they sneaked over to another island and found friendly natives. Lt. Kennedy scratched an appeal for aid on a coconut shell. A native carried it through the enemy lines to this base.

Last night, in a PT boat, under one of the original expendables, Lt. Henry J. “Hank” Brantingham of Fayetteville, Arkansas, we went through rough weather into the Jap-controlled waters to pick them up.

Lt. Kennedy rowed out in a native canoe to meet us. He had told us to fire four shots, then he’d answer. We fired four shots. Only three came back through the darkness near the rendezvous point – then silence for a moment. Then came a louder burst. He had only three cartridges in his .45 caliber pistol. The last shot came from a rusty Jap rifle and the recoil nearly capsized the canoe.

Two trips in the canoe were necessary to bring all the men out to the PT boat.

Lt. Kennedy guided us through reefs and coral heads, in constant danger of being seen by enemy planes.

Among the men was Ens. Leonard Thorn of Sandusky, Ohio, a blond giant with a new beard whom the natives had thought a man from another planet. Ens. Thom used to play football at Ohio State. The other officer with Lt. Kennedy was Ens. George Henry Robertson Ross, 25, of Highland Park, Illinois, who went along for the ride because his own boat was temporarily out of whack.

Lt. Kennedy lauded the work of Petty Officers Charles Harris, of Boston, and McMahon. His other men were Seaman Raymond Albert, 20, of Cleveland, Ohio; Radioman John Maguire, 27, of Hastings-on-Hudson, New York; Torpedoman Ray L. Starkey of Garden Grove, California; Petty Officer Gerard Emil Zinser, 25, of Belleville, Illinois; Petty Officer William Johnston of Dorchester, Massachusetts, and Quartermaster Edman Mauer, 28, of St. Louis, Missouri.

Völkischer Beobachter (August 20, 1943)

Versuch mit untauglichen Mitteln –
Ihre letzte Hoffnung: ‚Verstärkter Propagandakrieg‘

Unsere Antwort: Härtester Kampf bis zum Endsieg

383 Panzer, 652 Flugzeuge, 568.850 BRT. vernichtet –
Sizilien kam den Feinden teuer zu stehen

dnb. Aus dem Führer-Hauptquartier, 19. August –
Das Oberkommando der Wehrmacht gibt bekannt:

In der am 16. Juli begonnenen fünften Abwehrschlacht am Kubanbrückenkopf haben die unter Führung des Generalfeldmarschalls von Kleist und des Generals der Pioniere Jänicke stehenden deutschen und rumänischen Truppen bis zum 12. August andauernde Durchbruchsversuche von 17 Schützendivisionen, 2 Panzerbrigaden und 3 Panzerregimentern der Sowjets in harten Kämpfen abgeschlagen und dem Feind sehr hohe blutige Verluste zugefügt. An diesem Abwehrerfolg sind deutsche, unter Führung des Generalleutnants Angerstein stehende Luftwaffenverbände, und rumänische, von General Gheorgiu befehligte Fliegerkräfte beteiligt.

An der Mius front trat der Feind im Raum von Kuibyschewo nach starker Artillerievorbereitung erneut zum Angriff an. Bei Isjum setzte er die Durchbruchsversuche mit starken Kräften fort. In beiden Abschnitten schlugen unsere Truppen im Zusammenwirken mit der Luftwaffe und rumänischen Schlachtfliegern die Angriffswellen des Gegners in zähen Kämpfen blutig ab.

Im Kampfraum von BjeIgorod dauert der harte und für die Sowjets äußerst verlustreiche Abwehrkampf an. über 100 Panzer und Sturmgeschütze der Sowjets wurden hier abgeschossen.

Im mittleren Frontabschnitt griffen die Bolschewisten weiterhin in wechselnder Stärke an. Alle Anstrengungen des Feindes, unsere Stellungen zu durchbrechen, scheiterten. Auch bei Staraja Russa und am Ladogasee brachen alle sowjetischen Angriffe unter schwersten Verlusten zusammen. Deutsche Gebirgsjäger warfen im Louhiabschnitt den auch gestern wieder anstürmenden Feind unter hohen Verlusten zurück. In Luftkämpfen wurden ohne eigene Verluste 21 feindliche Flugzeuge abgeschossen.

Am 18. August verloren die Sowjets 284 Panzer. In den letzten Tagen büßten sie 168 Flugzeuge ein. Sicherungsstreitkräfte der Kriegsmarine versenkten in der Nacht zum 18. August im Asowschen Meer zwei sowjetische Motorkanonenboote. Im Seegebiet der Fischerhalbinsel vernichteten schnelle deutsche Kampfflugzeuge vier mit Nachschub beladene sowjetische Küstenfrachter.

In der Zeit vom 10. Juli bis zur Beendigung der Kämpfe am 17. August fügten die im Raume von Sizilien kämpfenden Verbände aller Wehrmachtteile und Waffengattungen den amerikanisch-britischen Armeen schwere Verluste zu. Neben einer hohen Zahl von Gefangenen verloren sie etwa ein Drittel ihrer eingesetzten Truppen an Toten und Verwundeten. Vernichtet oder erbeutet wurden 383 Panzer und Panzerspähwagen, 63 Geschütze aller Art, 652 Flugzeuge und 11 Lastensegler.

61 meist mit Mannschaften oder Kriegsgerät beladene Transportschiffe mit insgesamt 290.100 BRT., ferner ein Kreuzer, sieben Zerstörer, drei Korvetten sowie zahlreiche Motorkanonenboote und kleinere Kriegsfahrzeuge wurden versenkt. Weitere 59 Fracht- oder Transportschiffe mit 278.750 BRT. wurden im gleichen Zeitraum so schwer beschädigt, daß mit ihrem Verlust gerechnet werden kann.

In den ersten zwei Wochen des August sind von Sizilien aüf das Festland mit Kleinschiffsraum überführt worden rund 17.000 Tonnen Munition, Betriebsstoff und Stückgut, fast 10.000 Kraftfahrzeuge sowie sämtliche deutschen und italienischen Truppen mit allen Waffen und Kriegsgerät. Zurückbefördert wurden schließlich mehr als 4000 Verwundete.

Bei diesen Transporten sind von den Besatzungen der Fähren und Kleinfahrzeuge insgesamt 48 feindliche Flugzeuge abgeschossen worden.

Ein Verband deutscher Kampfflugzeuge erzielte in der gestrigen Nacht bei einem Angriff in den Gewässern um Biserta Bombentreffer auf einem Kriegsschiff, 25 Transportern mit zusammen über 100.000 BRT. und Landungsfahrzeugen. In der Straße von Messina wurden durch Flakartillerie der Luftwaffe 7 feindliche Flugzeuge zum Absturz gebracht.

Im Morgengrauen des heutigen Tages kam es vor der holländischen Küste zu einem Gefecht zwischen den Sicherungsstreitkräften eines eigenen Geleits und britischen Schnellbooten. Der Feind verlor bei seinen erfolglosen Angriffen ein Schnellboot. Drei weitere wurden durch Artillerietreffer beschädigt.

Bei bewaffneter Aufklärung und freier Jagd über dem Atlantik warfen deutsche Kampfflugzeuge ein feindliches Handelsschiff von 5000 BRT. in Brand und schossen vier britisch-nordamerikanische Bomber, darunter zwei große Flugboote, ab.

In der gestrigen Nacht wurde bei Störeinflügen weniger feindlicher Flugzeuge im westdeutschen Grenzgebiet ein Flugzeug abgeschossen.

Verfassungsbruch im Namen des Rechts –
Roosevelt bereitet seine Wiederwahl vor

Von unserer Stockholmer Schriftleitung

The Pittsburgh Press (August 20, 1943)

Italian rail city blasted; islands off Sicily seized

44 Axis planes shot down in one of heaviest air attacks from Africa
By Reynolds Packard, United Press staff writer

Québec hints –
Aerial blitz will precede invasion move

But it doesn’t mean Allies will not attack Europe soon

Québec City, Canada (UP) –
President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Winston Churchill – while aware of Russian demands for a second front – were believed today to have decided to give airpower its chance to crush Germany first and, in any event, to blast such a path of destruction that land armies may invade Europe with the fewest possible casualties.

Accompanying this first crushing phase will be reminders to the German people that they have the alternative of getting out of the war or seeing the Allies “bomb, burn and destroy” everything in their path.

Conference nears close

It was emphasized that this does not mean that the date of an Allied landing has not been fixed nor that it may not come sooner than ordinarily expected. It does mean, however, that the lessons of Pantelleria and Sicily have taught United Nations leaders the value of intensive air preparations in appreciably shortening any campaign.

The President and Prime Minister were drawing near the end of their historic sixth wartime meeting and late today were to be joined by Secretary of State Cordell Hull who, with British Foreign Minister Anthony Eden, will be given a review of decisions as they affect Anglo-American foreign policy.

The four will have dinner at the Citadel tonight.

Meanwhile, it was reported today that Mr. Roosevelt and Mr. Churchill have committed themselves to “bomb, burn and ruthlessly destroy the people responsible for creating the war” and have approved plans to invade Hitler’s Europe.

Japan to be levelled

As for Japan, that country will be “levelled” by the combined military might of Great Britain and the United States, once Hitler is finished.

The determination of the two leaders was made known here by British Information Minister Brendan Bracken, who indicated that the new pledges will be contained in a “Declaration of Québec,” expected to go far beyond the Casablanca “unconditional surrender” statement.

Meanwhile, it was understood here that plans for pounding into the European fortress had reached such an advanced stage that Mr. Roosevelt and Mr. Churchill have agreed on the general who will lead the assault on Western Europe.

Closest military secrecy naturally surrounded both military plans and the name of the military leader, but it became apparent that the welter of speculation produced by the conference is welcomed by the leaders as a convenient smokescreen.

The most touted choice for the Allied command was said to be Gen. Harold Alexander, chief of land operations under Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower in the Mediterranean area. He is reputed to be Mr. Churchill’s choice. Though Gen. Eisenhower is considered a contender, his services probably would be needed in his present post in the event of a simultaneous smash from the south. A third speculation centered on some dark horse, such as Maj. Gen. Alexander Gatehouse, commander of the armored forces at El Alamein.

Warning to Germans

Also, it was understood today, a direct warning to the German people that they must get out of the war or suffer “utter destruction” is being drafted by Messrs. Roosevelt and Churchill and their military and foreign affairs experts.

The appeal will not be made until the Allies are poised for a leap onto the continent of Europe. Then the population of Germany will be told with bombs as well as words that the time has come when they are to be “ruthlessly attacked.”

The public was told by Mr. Bracken yesterday not to expect any “real” news from the conferences. Mr. Bracken meant that it would be foolish to expect the two leaders to give the enemy an accurate idea of what is coming next. Mr. Roosevelt and Mr. Churchill, however, were expected to do their part in the “war of nerves” by concluding their talks here with a press conference that will bristle with predictions of doom for the Axis leaders and their followers responsible for plunging the world into war.

‘Vital’ decisions

Mr. Bracken confirmed that the conferences are producing military decisions of “vital” import. He promised that after the fall of Germany, the British Empire will throw its “full might” against the Japs.

When Mr. Bracken said that while the war was going along “well indeed” for the Allies, the road ahead still remained “long and hard,” the correspondent of the official Russian news agency asked whether he made any distinction between Europe and the Far East.

The bushy-haired minister replied:

It is all one war. Great Britain will not lay down our arms until we have completely conquered and inflicted exemplary punishment on the Japanese.

Bitter against Japs

The plans being drawn were to “bomb and burn and ruthlessly destroy in every way available to us the people responsible for creating this war,” Mr. Bracken said.

Mr. Bracken talked to newsmen after he had conferred with Mr. Churchill.

Mr. Bracken was bitter in his discussion of the Japanese, describing them as seemingly “content to live on blood.”

He seemed particularly anxious to offset any idea that, once Germany is beaten, the British will “pull out” of the war and leave the Japanese to the Americans.

He repeated:

It is all one war.

Warning correspondents to expect no real, factual information from Mr. Roosevelt and Mr. Churchill, Mr. Bracken said:

The time will come when Hitler and Tōjō and their tribe of gangsters will get the news of Québec.

The news will come from the men in the Citadel through their generals, admirals and air marshals leading force fighting forces.

What of the Pacific?

Questions involving the Pacific loomed up with new importance after the Bracken press conference because of one off-trail remark of his. Talking about how Britain will fight to the finish of Japan, he said quietly:

We have very good sailors and bombers, and none of our Allies will be the slightest bit disappointed with our efforts.

Mr. Bracken’s casual remarks about Britain’s “good sailors” fitted in with reports that the naval situation in the Atlantic and the Mediterranean is easing to the point where Great Britain can transfer a large naval force from the Atlantic to the Pacific where, as the Allied timetable unfolds, the pressure on Japan will be increased.

Disposition of British naval strength may have been one of the big questions worked out here.

Pre-invasion bombings –
British hit Berlin 5th time in 8 days

Yanks bomb airfields in continuing drives which experts say have cleared way for Western Europe landings
By Walter Cronkite, United Press staff writer

Allies move up near Salamaua

Japs cleared from ridge near major base
By Brydon Taves, United Press staff writer

Army of idle feared –
Quick action urged on jobs for veterans

12 million may be without work if industry delays its post-war program

Soldier facing attack charge

Accused by Lina Basquette, former film actress

War prisoner packages now due by Aug. 27

The normal way

By Florence Fisher Parry

Crew strips plane as one engine fails

Marauder limps into safe landing at airfield in Greenland
By Nat A. Barrows

3 die, 8 missing as blast razes Jersey factory

FBI and Army inspect ruins of plant used for war work

Farmers’ bloc may join fight on dad draft

Ban on induction would help aid labor problem, leader says

Québec Conference costs $8,000 a day

Québec, Canada (UP) –
It is costing the Canadian government $8,000 a day to play host to the Québec Conference, Dr. E. H. Coleman, Canadian Under Secretary of State, said today.

Dr. Coleman, in charge of arrangements, said this amount is being paid to the Canadian Pacific Railway, owners of the Château Frontenac Hotel, which had been taken over by the government for the conference. He said he considered the rate “most reasonable.”

All the Canadians are on one floor, the British and Americans are distributed in alternate floors.

At the Citadel, Prime Minister Churchill has the ground floor at one end of the building, and President Roosevelt has the upper floor, which opens out on to the terrace.

Non-union men hired; AFL unit calls walkout

Strike hinders flight training at West Point center