Mayor’s air-chauffeur wounded in Jap raid
Washington (UP) –
President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Peter Fraser of New Zealand, who arrived in Washington today, will begin their war discussions at dinner tonight shortly after Fraser is received at the White House.
Fraser arrived at the national airport this morning and was received by Secretary of State Hull. Fraser will spend the night at the White House.
Seize vital suburbs of town, potential base to bomb Tokyo
Many thought real thing was here as planes droned over darkened city
Brooklyn Eagle (August 27, 1942)
Capital confident Navy is scoring a smashing victory
Full-fledged members of party arrested in wide 5th column drive
Dreadnought probably will see action in grand Allied offensive, says Knox aide
Taft plans to link levy with Ruml idea for ‘pay-as-you-go’
Buffalo, New York (UP) –
The wife of Herbert Karl Friedrich Bahr, former Buffalo resident who was convicted Monday of conspiracy to commit espionage, announced today that she intends to divorce him.
Declaring that she must have been hysterical when she said in Newark, New Jersey, during his trial that her love for him had returned. Mrs. Ruth Bahr said:
…as soon as I get the money, I’m going to get a divorce.
Destroyer also damaged in attack on foe landing at tip of New Guinea